View Full Version : 82 250R exhaust questions....

05-19-2005, 06:01 PM
Ok... my 250R is 80 over and when I bought it, it had an "unknown" aftermarket exhaust on it. It also had an airbox that had holes cut in it.

Before I did too much riding, I bought a Keyster carb rebuild kit, another air box, and a stock expansion chamber. I cleaned the carb and installed hte carb rebuild kit, and also bought some different size jets to have on hand. At the same time, I went back to the stock enclosed airbox (Uni AF), and stock expansion chamber. Did a plug test and I was right on the money!

My question now is, the trike had been puffing some smoke out where the expansion chamber ataches to the head. I fixed it was a stock NOS gasket and a flange ring. Now, it's sealed nice around the exhaust, but seems to be "smoking" more than it was.... still runs great, just noticing more smoke in the exhaust gas.

Since it might have been pulling some extra air in the exhaust, do you think I'm just running a little rich? I have a DG expansion chamber hanging on my wall and just got a DG silencer in the mail today, you think I ought to put that on and do some chop tests? Either way, I'm putting the DG silencer on... it has some aftermarket silencer still on it... I bought a stock one awhile back, but the internals are bout gone in it, so I never changed the silencer when I put the stock pipe back on it.

If I put the DG expansion chamber and silencer on, how much would you estimate I'd need to change my main jet by?


05-19-2005, 06:24 PM
sorry to get off subject but are you selling the old exhaust? Thanks

05-19-2005, 06:29 PM
:rolleyes: ummmm.... not right now.... would like to identifiy what was originally on it though.... 200Xman is bringing a 16 pipe shootout article on the 81-82R from an old Dirt Wheels to trikefest... hopefully, the pipe is in that. My 82R was originally a California trike, so it might have a special aftermarket pipe!


05-21-2005, 07:11 PM
Thanks for all the insightful replies.... :rolleyes: hahhahha

Well, she truely is an "air-fouler" now.... ran it up down the road and ... blaaaaahhhhh.... died under a load. Tried to start it and it backfired out the exhaust. Pushed it back UP the road and put another plug in it... (a used one I took out prior to an old plug test)...the one I took out was wetter than wet and black. With the other plug, I got it started and across the road to load it on the truck and bbblllllaaaahhhhh.... tried to restart and POP again....

OK... these are the things I've done/noticed since it last ran like a top......

1.) Was blowing some smoke at the exhaust flange, so I put a new ring on the flange and new gasket on the jug.

2.) Switched back from the IMS Plastic tank to the original metal tank. I dumped the fuel into a 6 gallon jug and then refilled the metal tank. I have a inline fuel filter, so I don't think it's an issue.

3.) When I switched tanks, I noticed the wire coming out of the ignition coil a bit weak. Just not a great connection.

4.) Replaced a ??? aftermarket silencer with a DG silencer.

5.) The carb was rebuilt last August, but looks like the overflow is dripping out of the bottom of the carb.

SOOOOOoooooo..... Where should I start? This is/was going to be my main rider at Trikefest. I got a DG Expansion chamber I can put on it if I'm going to have to do carb jetting anyway. Do you just think it's getting less air since I sealed the exhaust chamber up??? I have +2 and -2 sizes main jets. I have another Keyster Carb kit too. If you think the ignition wire might be bad, I can put a 83-84R ignition coil/wire. I do not have another 82R one, but I'm pretty sure the ignition coil/wire should be the same.


05-21-2005, 07:29 PM
Well if your carb is dumping gas, that is most likely the obvious problem. and the plugs fouling.. well that only backs up the theory that the carb is the culprit. Instead of the float shutting off the flow, it just keeps dumping the gas into the engine.. More then it needs.

Guessing jetting over the internet is just a waste of time, there are tons of factors that it depends on. Your best bet is just to fix that carb, then do some plug chops and go from there.

I wouldnt worry with blaming the pipes or anything, or the gas tank. Well, maybe if you dumped a bunch of crud in the tank and it clogged the float valve (making it stick open).

If the wire looks like junk, then replace it. If you dont want to switch coils, then bring your coil into a auto shop and they will repinch it, or whatever it is called with a new wire.

EDIT- Also.. You sealing the exhaust better could of made it a little richer (the gases cant get out as quickly), but I highly doubt that it made that much of a difference. As I said before, Concentrate on that carb. I wouldnt even be riding it if it was leaking.

05-21-2005, 08:47 PM
I just notice the carb leaking today after I fouled the plug and was pushing it up the road.... else I wouldn't have been riding it either! Guess I'll tear the carb out and clean it up. I got an inline filter, so I don't think switching the tank would have done it, uless it was smaller than the filter media.... thanks Jared. You wanna come down to my place before Trikefest? I'm 2 stroke illiterate remember? hahhahaha

The wire doesn't look like 'junk'... just that it looks pulled back from the coil a bit.... I'll look at it closer and swap it out after I clean the carb.
