View Full Version : 85 200s CObra Q exhaust installation

05-15-2005, 09:01 PM
How the hell do you mount one of these up? I am baffeld at how this thing goes together and mounts up somewhere. Does it follow the original mufflers path?

Any suggestions on getting the header and muffler together?

I'm really starting to get pissed off at it, and i have no idea what to do.

ANy help is appreciated.


05-15-2005, 09:47 PM
This is for an 84 S I am referring to and should be the same for yours.

The header and pipe should just slide together as this one does.

The mount for the exhaust goes like this: Slide the head portion of a bolt thru the slot and mount a bracket. Now you slide that bracket back and fourth on pipe till it mates up with one of the grab bar bolts then mark and drill hole for the grab bar mount.

Which grab bar bolt, I don't remember as this thing has been apart for months.

You should have got the bracket with it but if not it's no big deal to make one.

05-15-2005, 11:06 PM
Yes, don't get confused by its placement - its NOT supposed to go under the seat like the original pipe - it mounts to the right side.

05-15-2005, 11:36 PM
ok well i figured it out and mounted it right up. It was a ***** to get together tho.

Now, when i run the atv, it has this white smoke coming off of the header. Is that the paint burning off?

Will you have to cut the mount if theres excess mount sticking up? I'll have to get a pic of mine, it mounts to the 3rd hole, its for the front hole in the fender supports. There is about 4-6 inches of mount sticking up above the top of the frame, and it hits the seat, so i guess i have to cut it off. So i hope i mounted it right.

Also, on another note, i have some leaking on the cylinder head cover in the front of the motor. DO you think its from not enough gasket maker or i remember one of the bolts making a popping noise when i was tightening it down.

I hope its the gasket tho. It runs so nice now after the whole top end overhaul.

Thanks everyone.


05-16-2005, 11:10 AM
the white smoke is probably the paint burning off or an exhaust leak.
the paint on cobras suck and it will burn off all the way to the back. BBQ black doesnt work (i tried it a few times), i have some header paint (1500 deg.) but i havent tried it yet because i need to blast it first.
you should have changed the copper exhaust gasket, for a good seal.

05-16-2005, 08:56 PM
does the cobra utillity exhaust mount up the same way?.....the one i have on my 200s is sticking out about 6 inches....i dont know if it is the wrong pipe or what

05-16-2005, 10:12 PM
the utility one is the one i mounted. It may stick out a few inches past the grab bar, ill have to check and maybe some pics.