View Full Version : Some pics from today..

05-13-2005, 11:08 PM
Went riding with a friend today at our usual spot, but found a crapload of new trails, We found a bunch of OLD fences and whatnot, overgrown and covered, we cleared it all out, and it opens up to a network of MILES and MILES of old jeep trails, they are actually pretty cool, This picture here reminds me that one windows background..

Heres one of the "pits" What they are is old mines, LONG time ago (no date, way before my time) they mined for talc in all these mines, and they hit a natural spring, it flooded in a matter of seconds, killed most of the miners, and all the equipment was trapped underwater on the bottom, when the water is low and its bright out, you can see the tops of the cranes, and on the one side, you can see a 18 wheeler tanker truck on its side. These pits here are also where a chick was murdered by her boyfriend, he tied cinderblocks onto her and threw her in, took them weeks to find her because its so deep.

Heres another one of the pits, This one there is usually dead cows floating in, they wander in I guess, But who knows. Alot of tards around here.

This pit is the farthest one into the woods, shaped like a horseshoe, this one is boring, no cool storys go with this one, its way out of civilization, Only thing I can say about it is.. Alot of druggys grow their weed back there.

Here you can see a few trails and a couple of the old processing buildings, they used to be 6 storys high, but they burnt down a couple years back.. You can drive through the tunnel/cellar underneath where the trucks used to go, but i'd really rather not unless im cruising right along, theres that fear of thousands of pounds of concrete falling on you, and im sure the vibration dont help.

84honda 200X
05-13-2005, 11:15 PM
Dude that is awsome!! I love to ride wheelers or jeeps on the mines on the Iron Range in Minnesota. I like looking at all the old equipment and stuff lieing around. You are lucky to have a place to close to you like that!

05-13-2005, 11:16 PM
Yeah, Its alot of fun, Trails are awesome around it, real soft dirt (most of it is talc). Today we also came across a old junkyard, that had like old jeeps and belairs and caddys, By that time my camera batterys were dead and its a long drive back, We are probably going back tomorrow though.

05-13-2005, 11:25 PM
I don't know if your into fishing or not but where I live there are alot of old mines and stripping holes like the ones in your pics that are filled with some good sized bass. Noone fishes them either cause there out in the middle of nowhere. anyway looks like a cool place to ride.

05-13-2005, 11:28 PM
Yeah, we have fished here alot actually, Alot of the time we will ride from dusk till dawn, set up a tent, and do whatever. We have actually caught some of the biggest fish i've seen from in there. even though they never had no grubs or anything, I'm still kinda iffy about eating them.

I'll be honost though, It is spooky as hell getting lost in a trail back there at 3 in the morning, you will be riding with a group, and think "hey this looks just like the other cutoff, i bet it joins farther up" only to find out it takes you into the middle of nowhere, and it takes you a couple hours to find you way back.. Hah.. good times.

05-13-2005, 11:29 PM
Looks like a nice place to do some riding!

05-13-2005, 11:33 PM
Got some more pictures coming.. heres one..

If your into mud, we have that too!. This here is where i got BURIED last wed.

Its not usually muddy right here, but it rained for so long, the ground was as soft as butter

I come flying through the field (was meeting up with a few friends), and the mud LOOKED dry on top, I hit it and sunk like 3 feet in, well after slipping all over, falling on my rear repeatedly, I finally managed to push the X out of it (this was at about 1 in the morning, couldnt see anything). This picture was taken today.. Its finally starting to dry up - good thing, Im not into the whole "mud up to your seat" thing.

05-13-2005, 11:39 PM
Thats awesome Jared. I wish i had a place like that to ride. Be great to roam around and check out all the old machinery and vehicles. Oh and theres mud to boot!


05-13-2005, 11:42 PM
Couple more..

I didnt take too many, I was having too much fun riding, So I only took pics in the open areas when we stopped to take a drink or whatever.



05-13-2005, 11:46 PM
Those are some neat stories. And nice riding areas by the looks of 'em