View Full Version : Timming marks on 86 200x?

Louis Mielke
05-05-2005, 04:18 PM
I'm scrambling to do the top end on my 86 200x before I take my trip to florida to visit Lonesometriz and I need a lil info about setting the cam & timming back up. I know I should just get a manual but I don't really have time at this point.

I've searched for 200x timming info on the board but everything is about the 85's and not the 86s. Any help with setting up the markings would be appriciated. I'm assuming to start with the T on the flywheel (acutally i haven't looked at the flywheel yet just kinda assuming) but I'm not sure where the markings on the cam sprocket line up and also there appears to be some kinda of arrow indicator on the opposite side of the cam. I should have paid more attention taking it all apart but as I said I've kinda been in a hurry. (the machine shops gonna hurt me bad for the rush I'm sure. lol)
Any info/advice on setting the timing back up would be appriciated.


05-05-2005, 04:59 PM
The way I did this was to get the piston at the top and make sure the mark on the flywheel is between T and F. There are two lines on the cam, they should point sideways in the motor. This would make the arrow on the opposite end of the cam point up and down. This is the part I am trying to remember. I am not sure if it goes up or down. Check the intake lope because it should be the first valve to open. I hope this helps.

05-05-2005, 11:56 PM
start with the T mark on the flywheel, I believe the arrow mark should face forward (the front of the engine). the line of the arrow and the line opposite the arrow should be paralel with the top of the head.
Will try to find the manual and double check tommorow.