View Full Version : My YTMBB 225 has a buddy now to hang out with!

05-02-2005, 05:18 PM
Here is the story that goes behind the findings of it.

I saw it about a month ago. Kid was driving it in his yard as my wife and I drove by. I said LOOK, a 225 just like mine and it looks pretty decent! She was not interested what so ever and just got a yea, yea as we zoomed by.

So that was that and I figured next time I see the kid (drive by there with oil truck all the time) I'll stop and tell him about 3WW.

So Monday I saw him again in yard except on a 400 4W sport Honda with the mighty YTM in the back ground. Pulled over and started telling him how 225 was so nice bla,bla,bla and mentioned how you can get parts on ebay and 3WW and all that jazz. At the very end of the conversation he says "Yea, I'm going to sell it and my eyes :eek: lit up. I asked how much you pay for that anyway. 400 he says and I put on a new front tire just weeks ago.

So I said think about a price and let me know. I figured it was worth waaaaaay above that and for sure, most likely, dicked myself telling him how nice it was and all that.

Went up Friday with $340 because it does need a little work but not much!

So, I asked, what do you want for it, figure out a price yet? Yea, I would like to get $150 for it. I tried to stay calm not showing excitement (almost wizzed my pants) and said OK it's a deal.

Thats the the story.

What it needs is a foot brake pedal cable, header pipe, back skid plate, 2 levers and one perch and small, small miselanious items. Dash needs to be bent up a hair but not mangled or broke at all.

He drove it like that with header off! Stupid kid :rolleyes: Not good anbd even if it would need vales or guides or something......... STILL A HECK OF A DEAL!!

This is NOT touched by armor all to make it look better.

Seat is 99.895 % perfect with just a little 1/4" scrape on it that you'd have to look hard to find. No tears underneath seat either. Plastic absolutly could not be better for a 22 year old machine.

It still has the factory warning sticker in the middle of rear fender and it is perfectly legable. It is coming up just a bit though.

Underside has some paint off and will eventually be powder coated back to stock. This thing deserves more then a 4.99 spray can.

Exhaust need paint but not rusted too bad.

Back wheels (rims) and hubs which are not stock are coming of for sure and stock going back on. Stock size tires will be put back on instead of those stupid MONTER 25" jobs. Looks ridiculous with those on and I'm sure the drive components don't welcome it either.

If I was to resell this I would not ask but have a firm price of 750 just the way it sets. Once up to my standards a 1000 for sure.

I always wondered how you guys find these machines and now it happened to me! :D ....except I never thought I'd find a gem like this for a lousy 150 smackers. :beer !

05-02-2005, 05:20 PM
Motor inner cases need a bit of cleaning but will turn out great. Cylinder & head will pe repainted also.

Blown 331
05-02-2005, 05:23 PM
Wow, that was one hell of a deal. That thing is nice!

05-02-2005, 05:38 PM
Nice score huffa looks like a great machine

05-02-2005, 06:55 PM
Wow yeah, great deal. You must of seriously freaked out when he said $150. Nice machine for sure!

05-02-2005, 07:32 PM
What the....that thing is nice.I'll give you $160 for it.

05-02-2005, 07:51 PM
I'm glad for ya Huffa,very nice machine you got there. For $150, well that just isn't fair. No , really nice score.

05-02-2005, 08:37 PM
wow...that's a lot nicer than I thought it would be. Now I understand why you'd want to keep it. What's Deb think? Or did you hide the other one?

05-02-2005, 08:52 PM
She was super pissed cause she thought for 150 I bought junk. Her tune changed though once she came home and saw it + I bought her 3 nice presents and a lovely card for her birthday and she liked everyone of them.

So everything is cooooool again now! :D

Last night though when she found out, things were very un-cool around here. :rolleyes:

05-02-2005, 08:55 PM
What the....that thing is nice.I'll give you $160 for it.

Shouldn't that 1 in 160 have been an 8 ?

05-02-2005, 08:55 PM
Wow..more pics please!! That thing is awesome!!

05-02-2005, 08:58 PM
Wow yeah, great deal. You must of seriously freaked out when he said $150. Nice machine for sure!

Yea I did.

I'm that one that told him to go on 3WW to see what it's worth!

He never did though so I don't feel sorry in the least bit for him.

He could have easily quadrupeled his $$ I'll bet.

05-02-2005, 09:05 PM
Any of you guys actually like it with those tires on? + I wonder what model the 9"rims and hubs came off of?

The R 2 ply tires (25X12X9) says on it "Ground Buster" and nothing else. Made in Tiawan.

05-02-2005, 09:12 PM
Nice score. I still looking for a deal like you. I just about bought a !985 Yamahauler 200 for $800 Cdn yesterday but I kept thinking there will be a better deal yet somewhere. I'll just have to put up with my yt 125 longer yet.

05-02-2005, 09:23 PM
Your one lucky guy huffa? Did you have a gun pointed at him when he said $150? What was he thinking? Congradulations.

05-02-2005, 10:55 PM
Any of you guys actually like it with those tires on? + I wonder what model the 9"rims and hubs came off of?

The R 2 ply tires (25X12X9) says on it "Ground Buster" and nothing else. Made in Tiawan.
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet. You're one lucky dog Huffa. I just dragged home a 250SX with NO plastic, no headlight, no tank, no seat, wore out swingarm bushings (bearings?) that I paid a 100 Cdn. (68.00 USD). Good motor though & good frame & forks. Thought I did all right till I read your latest score. The 9" rims might be off a 200e or ern, that's what are on mine. Put the 8" rims back on IMO. You must have some kind of trike magnetism to find deals like this. LOL!

PS. On the way home with the SX, I spotted a 1977 atc 90. Stopped & looked. The parents were'nt home but the daughter said they would probably be glad to get rid of it. Apparently her older sister ran in to a fence with it one night. Its been sitting there with a flat tire & broken front fender ever since. I am waiting for their call.......

05-03-2005, 06:01 AM
Hope you luck out with that 90. I have left many notes at residents that I spotted 3 wheelers and only got one reply back so far.

My radar is on full time, always. I now carry my digital camera with me too. Said to myself one too many times "Wish I had my camera, Damn" :rolleyes:

05-03-2005, 10:02 AM
Hope you luck out with that 90. I have left many notes at residents that I spotted 3 wheelers and only got one reply back so far.

My radar is on full time, always. I now carry my digital camera with me too. Said to myself one too many times "Wish I had my camera, Damn" :rolleyes:
The owner of the 90 called last night & said they paid $90 dollars for the 3 new tires on the trike & would like to get a $100 for it..... I just threw the ramps in the truck & am on my way......

05-03-2005, 04:06 PM
The owner of the 90 called last night & said they paid $90 dollars for the 3 new tires on the trike & would like to get a $100 for it..... I just threw the ramps in the truck & am on my way......

Good deal! :beer ....... I hope.

I'm sure you'll post some pictures of it.