View Full Version : Hmm.....First time taking my 200x through mud....

04-22-2005, 10:55 PM
It doesn't like mud at all. I took it through 4 different holes. My chain came off on 3 out of the 4 holes. And my throttle got harder and sticks every couple of minutes.
I know how to adjust the chain. But I do I loosen up the throttle?

04-23-2005, 10:53 PM
You probably just got some dirt in the throttle cable, just run some lube through it.

My sx's throttle was sticking once because of dirt around the slide valve/needle jet holder.

04-24-2005, 07:31 AM
Your chain is waaaaay too loose then. How are your sprocket teeth on F & R?

How is the chain, is it shot?

As for the throttle assembly take cable off thumb section and test thumb lever to see that it rotates freely. Once cable is off you can also test it and then distinquish which is the problem. You can also check the slide in carb to make sure there is no grit in there and it is moning freely.

04-24-2005, 09:48 AM
for the chain there are adjusters and mine was maxed out so i took off a link
and put my tensors all the way back and it was tight again

04-24-2005, 10:00 AM
for the chain there are adjusters and mine was maxed out so i took off a link
and put my tensors all the way back and it was tight again

If yours were maxed out your method is asking for trouble. The chain most likely is shot. If that breaks or comes off it may break your casing up front, gouge things up and who knows what else. Not a good idea at all. I'd get a new chain.

04-24-2005, 04:24 PM
Really??? Well the guy i bought it from said thats a new chain but the tensors are worn so i put washers on them so to me they were maxed out

04-24-2005, 05:02 PM
You need some better mud tires and definately tighten the chain. Maybe the previous owner bought a chain that was too long and installed it.

In any case your trike with some balloon mud tires would do better then most 4x4 quads in the goop as it would float whereas the quads would sink and dig in.

04-25-2005, 01:14 AM
You should also check your rear axle bearings. When they start wearing out it gets harder and harder to keep the chain from loosening up.

04-25-2005, 01:26 AM
You need some better mud tires and definately tighten the chain. Maybe the previous owner bought a chain that was too long and installed it.

In any case your trike with some balloon mud tires would do better then most 4x4 quads in the goop as it would float whereas the quads would sink and dig in.

OH..no no no no...
My trike does AWESOME in the mud. It just doesn't like it. Not one of those mud holes even slowed it down. And my back tires were completly under. I thought I may have sucked in water, but I didn't.

04-25-2005, 01:03 PM
Ohhh.. the joys of an SX... LOL...........

shaft drive rules mud !

04-25-2005, 01:15 PM
Ohhh.. the joys of an SX... LOL...........

shaft drive rules mud !

Im with you........for the mud anyways

04-26-2005, 12:32 PM
* got any pics of it?? i wanna see some mud that you went through

04-26-2005, 12:56 PM
I don't have pics on hand.. will get some for ya tho.. give me a week or 2. ( i usually go on weekends.. )

Mental picture : Tight trails in marsh type terrain... hole about 50 feet long.. first 10 feet. not bad, muck up to the foot pegs.. so you pick a gear. usually 2nd . sometimes 3rd.. but usually 2nd gear..

Then you lift your feet up as it gets deeper but about half way into it.. 25 ft mark... the front wheel dives in up the the fender so you shift your weight back and try to get the front wheel up some.... and stay on the throttle at all costs... depending on the hole.. either put your feet on the rear rack or to hell with it and put them back on the pegs to give you the rocking left right motion..

tires spin.. mud goes flying.. nice and cool down your back.. LOL..... slowly you inch forward ( turning back is NOT an option at this point !! ) spin spin spin... grab.. a fe wmore inches.. you loook at the tires.. and .. well.. they are not there, your exhaust makes the burble burble sound..

you keep working it left. right. no use in pinning the throotle.. just keep the wheels turning...

and either

1-.. you eventually get to the other side .. victorious., dirty, wet, with a grin on your face as you turn back and wave to the guy on the other side.. YOUR TURN !!!

2-.. You step off.. crotch high in muck.. and push pull.. curse.. swear as it stalls on your.. signal for the tow rope.

oh man i love mud.

04-26-2005, 06:15 PM
lol my 200x does just fine in the mud...i took it thorugh today in the rain..it wasnt really a hole cause i have a 185 carb on it and its about 1-2 cm shorter so it doesnt fit all the way in the airbox tube...so i dont go through holes yet...but with those spider tracs it really tears stuff up..i dumped the clutch in 2nd and it sat there spinnin..i was like..how the hell! lol..those tires just keep spinnin..no way...but it did..its prolly cause i dumped it..if i let out easy it moves pretty quick...my only problem that it did was loosen up my swinger bolt somehow and then moved it back and forth and the chain fell off a few times..that was it tho...throttle didnt stick or anything else...i was actuallyt quite pleased with it..first time in the mud and i got covered and so did it...but it didnt stop it so i guess its all good!..it was a fun ride for about 25 minutes...i gotta go to work now so im gettin off...cya...get them pics asap! lol...i see if my mom will let me take some with the digi tomarrow...i dont haveto work so i should be able to