View Full Version : California and 200 's.

04-21-2005, 02:32 PM

I called the guy who baught my 82 and 84 200's.. and get this !

He also got an 85 R not long ago.. and is sending it to get powervalved... and is getting the work done in trade for the 82 - 200 !!

Aparently they are a rarity down there and highly saught after.

Something about double wheels in the back and floats on the front.. and a yearly RIVER RUN.

Anyone calfornia guys able to back this up ?

or is he full of poop ?

Mr. Sandman
04-21-2005, 04:50 PM
It could be BS, but you never know, anything and everything goes in CA!

04-21-2005, 06:43 PM
**** if thats the case im crating up my atc 200 and shippen er out LOL

04-21-2005, 07:33 PM
What do they do .... but a pontoon on the front and double paddle wheels on the back?. Sounds like a Redneck Wave Runner ... lol.

04-21-2005, 09:48 PM
lol redneck waverunner that makes me chuckle. And the answer is no, there very pluntiful out here. Now to find one in deacent shape is another story. For that size ALL you see is quads. That no suspinsion (sp?) is a big turnoff when your dealing with bumpy dunes.

04-21-2005, 10:01 PM
they do the same thing down here. they will strap air tanks in the front and build a double wide tire conversion. they use it to float across the san jacinto river and they are unstickable. they actually will go through more then any four wheeler with every hop up part possible can make it through. i have seen them cross the river ( fast current and water about 20' deep). then when you hit a mud hole it will pull right through it. if it is too deep it will scim across the top. i have a pic of one the last time we were at the river bottom, i will see if i can find it.