View Full Version : First trail impressions 200es....

04-20-2005, 11:42 PM
Got to ride my two big reds for the first time up here in northern wi. and the one that was smoking in the garage this winter has again stopped after some long runs, thank god, in retrospect now I think it may have been the clutch or carb float, but it's gone and hope it stays gone..anyway they don't keep up with the Foreman 450's and you really have to use your head on steep washed out grade especially down hills..I was out late sunday nite, inebreated, and on the trails when I tipped her on a bad downgrade... again I was a bit hammered, and it was dark so we should dismiss it as foolish..nothing was lost or broken.

The second day again trying to keep up with a Foreman 450 I tried to ford a stream 2.5ft. deep and 10ft. across.. the 200es died in mid stream so we pulled her back on the bank and tried to pull the plug but it was seized!?,..never got it out so I choked her and whala..a little peep of fire! after awhile she ran..can anyone explain that?

All in all it was very enjoyable as the trikes seem to run the trails very well, exibit tremendous torque when needed, albeit at a slower more modest pace.

04-20-2005, 11:57 PM
uhm drain and change ** oil since you went in that stream..me and my friend used to float his and it got water in his breather tube..it did exactly what * said urs did after it died in the water...if ** oil is greyish..that your problem..water in there...just drian it and refill frequently ...after every ride...and you should be ok..but yea those 200e's are pretty good trail trikes...my buddys was a beasty hill climber...and a good floater..lol...it had sur-traks on it and it floated really good...suprisingly

04-21-2005, 12:14 AM
Breather tube? down that low? O.K. I may have submerged the exhaust tip... she killed as soon as I had all three wheels in the water..but not all the way up to the carb. and any water in the crankcase would boil-off quick as the lil 200 runs M/F red hot.

04-22-2005, 01:17 PM
I own an 84 200es & a 85 250es.
The 200es is seems better in loose gravel climbing hils but it could be the tires, they have different treads. The 250es has a TON more speed and power and is higher on the fun meter for me. Both bikes are extremely capable on the trails around here. You do have to be on your game when acsending or decending washed out/rutted hills. I have never had mine stall out while executing water crossings even at high speeds. I "waterproof" my bikes (& 4x4 truck) by spaying all the electrical wires, boxes, CDI's, plug wires ect.ect. with silicone spray. It retards water and helps keep it out of most the places it souldnt be.

I also wanted to say that by riding and posting lines like this:

" I was out late sunday nite, inebreated, and on the trails when I tipped her on a bad downgrade... again I was a bit hammered, and it was dark so we should dismiss it as foolish..nothing was lost or broken."

You can and do hurt our sport and give the outsiders alot of ammo to use in their cause. I guess I am just a old whiner and a prude but I think riding while drunk is foolish and irresponsible, I can't believe someone else didn't mention it.
I am not judging you or preaching I just wanted to say please be careful when riding and think about what your doing for all our sakes. Drink afterwards and party. :beer