View Full Version : Idle high

04-19-2005, 06:53 AM
I can't seem to get the idle set right. If I turn the idle up too far it takes longer to rev down. If I set it just to the point where it doesnt stay revving it wont idle for for than 5 seconds.

04-19-2005, 08:38 AM
When you unscrew the slide from the top of the carb and pull the cable and needle out.. check the slant that the idle screw pushes against.. if it's all rough and pitted it will cause the slide to stop at a different spot everytime you touch the throttle and cause you to never be able to set it right. Either gently sand it smooth or at least check it out.

Might be an air leak problem.. or a stuck choke assembly too. chem them as well.

04-19-2005, 06:35 PM
... yeah, sounds to me like you probably have a slight airleak somewhere in the intake tract.

04-20-2005, 06:55 AM
ok, the airbox cover isnt on real tight would that help

04-20-2005, 04:50 PM
No, an airleak is anything allowing un-carburtated, un-metered air to enter the engine. It would typically be found between the intake manafold and the carb or where it meets the head - but - it could be from a head or base gasket leak (especially on an air cooled motor, where there would be no tell-tale signes of a coolant leak) or from bad crank seals, especially if it is smoky.

04-20-2005, 09:02 PM
well it idles now after some frigging but when its cold it starts hard. When it does it will run for a min and than the valves make a weird noise and it dies. Finally once its warmed up it runs good. Not sure if the valves are screwed i just set them. Also I made sure the cam chain wasnt too tight,.