View Full Version : changing clutchs in 225DX yamaha?

04-19-2005, 02:46 AM
anyone know how hard it is to change the clutches in a yamaha 225DX (dx = no reverse :) ) mines a 1984 i dont think the year really matters. my transmission is slipping really bad, and i got a newer set of clutches i wanna put in it, however i dont know how much work is involved, or even how to do it! any replys would be great thanks alot!!!


04-19-2005, 07:27 AM
Did you try to adjust the clutch first?

04-19-2005, 07:46 AM
Did you try to adjust the clutch first?

That and if your running a energy conserving oil, DON"T. They have modifiers in that can make your clutch start to slip!

It's a small round label on back of bottle, and if in the bottom 1/2 of it , it says energy conserving, take the stuff out!

04-19-2005, 11:58 AM
It's not too bad to change them out. I have done it on a couple of them. Use a manual and if you have some tools, it's not too bad. The toughest part I would say is just getting the clutch nut loose since everything wants to spin. There are holder tools that I have used, but sometime I have the best luck using a penny to bind the gear and an air impact wrench.

04-19-2005, 02:15 PM
yea i tried adjusting the clutch with that "increase/Decrease" screw, but its screwed all the way to increase, so i'm sure its the clutchs. and i'll try the oil for the hell of it to, it should be changed soon anyway, i threw out the oil cans so i cant tell whats in it now. has anyone heard of running just plain 30W oil for trucks? my cousins 4wheelers a peice of crap, but since running that its got alotta power, i thought of using it but afraid it'll probably screw the motor in the end.

04-19-2005, 02:25 PM
One way I have heard to check the condition of your clutch is to tie the back (w/ good rope) your machine to a tree and try to drive away. Start in the high gears and work your way down toward first. If you machine stalls out quickly in the higher gears, that is good. If the clutch can slip, the RPMs will stay up enough to keep the engine running. I have never tried this so I don't know. Anyone heard about this or tried it and wants to share knowledge. More than likely, your primary clutch is slipping as it is a centripetal clutch. If you pop it off and there are grooves in the house, Yamaha says it's time to replace.

04-19-2005, 02:44 PM
yea i dont even think i need to tie it to a tree hahaha ,right now if i start it out in 5th i can rev it right out with out it hardly moving, when starting out in first it kinda revs into gear, i know the clutches are worn tho, the guy who had it before me was EXTREMLY hard on it, the motor had been rebuilt a few times, he ussualy just shifted it into gear without letting off the gas, and i know that would be hard on it!!!

04-21-2005, 04:31 AM
Hope you don't mind me joining in your post but I just got an 83 Yamaha 225dx a couple of weeks ago. I did the usual new brakes cables already. I went out last weekend for a spin and I found that when taking off I have to give it a lot of gas before the clutches grab and the front wheel lifts pretty good in first. I have been driving 3 wheelers (hondas) for many years and I have never had one like this I will try the clutch adjustment.

04-21-2005, 06:34 AM
it sounds like the clutch adjustment screw is done up too tight...maybe loosen it out and see if that fixes it.

04-22-2005, 02:47 AM
I'll try it when I get a chance thanks for the info