View Full Version : Tri-Zinger

04-17-2005, 11:10 AM
Yesterday,I layed eyes on one of the nicest original tri-zingers I have ever seen.It was red/yellow and had original tires w/ 95% of the tread.It could pass for a 2005 machine.GMAN-1 got it form a friend to work on and I was the 1st person he called.This thing sat in a garage attic since the late 80's(kid rode it and got scared so into storage it went).A young girl rides it(5-8 yrs?). It needed brake shoes and an air filter and an overall cleaning.I donated a good used set of brake shoes from my blaster parts pile.We also couldnt get a new airfilter ASAP so I cut/shaped some foam and wrapped/zip tied around the cage.It fit like a glove.Gman and myself took it for a spin after we got it together.I fell in love instantly. I made a very reasonable offer to buy it, but the guy wants it for his daughter,then it will get passed on down the family.I was very distraught after that.I was hoping to rescue it before the kiddies beat it into the ground.On the other hand,I'm glad some younger kids will get to enjoy a mint 3 wheeler.I think GMAN took some pics of it, I/He will post them up later.

04-17-2005, 11:44 AM
Man...that would be awesome to have... good try!

04-17-2005, 01:36 PM
If you want it that bad, go find a little quad and trade him. BUT DUDE IT'S SAFER! :D

04-17-2005, 03:54 PM
Good thinking man!

04-18-2005, 08:54 PM

04-18-2005, 09:08 PM
Here's the pics of the tri-zinger.Hope you like,I know I do :)


04-18-2005, 09:13 PM
Thats the same color scheme as TimJr's. Those kids will love it. I think the Zinger makes a better beginner trike than the ATC70, and its more stable. Get used to changing brakes on it though!

04-18-2005, 09:42 PM
That thing is sweet!!!!!! You never know people change their minds when you least expect it.

04-18-2005, 10:45 PM
That color must be pretty rare cause I don't even rememebr that one.

Chappy red...right?

04-21-2005, 01:35 PM
hey i just found one for sale, 200bux i am gonanbuy it but i started loosing my mind when he told me it took straight gas!!!! but there was no injector on it, i gues sit was blocked off, an dits been run for 6 months or so on straight gas!!!!! but still starts withign a few pulls. but he wants a small dirtbike for his kid, i have a z50 hondai'll trad ehim but how much to rebuild the top end on these littel zingers? its all origional exept it needs new tires and the seat was rcovered with red leather?

04-21-2005, 08:08 PM
hey i just found one for sale, 200bux i am gonanbuy it but i started loosing my mind when he told me it took straight gas!!!! but there was no injector on it, i gues sit was blocked off, an dits been run for 6 months or so on straight gas!!!!! but still starts withign a few pulls. but he wants a small dirtbike for his kid, i have a z50 hondai'll trad ehim but how much to rebuild the top end on these littel zingers? its all origional exept it needs new tires and the seat was rcovered with red leather?

To rebuild my zinger top-end, I paid $24 for the piston, $9 for the rings, $6 or $7 for gaskets, and $60 to bore the cylinder.

04-21-2005, 08:57 PM
That thing is perfect. I want to be first in line if you ever sell it.

04-22-2005, 01:17 AM
ok i am gonna get it in the next week or so.