View Full Version : My first trip to the dunes (pics and movies)

04-04-2005, 01:07 AM
I can't believe I FINALLY made it out there.

I drove 215 miles (from my garage to the parking area, that's the exact distance), spent way too much on gas and had more fun on my trike than I have in years. There is truly nothing else like it.

Gotta give a shout out to mymint87. I met up with him as I arrived and he was leaving but he stopped another dude on a 250R on his way out and asked him to track me down and show me around since I had never been there before. I got in a quick ride before they found me and was pretty disappointed at that time. All the areas around the camp site are extremely choppy and I was hesitant to run way back where the good stuff was by myself so that little move basically saved my entire day. Thanks dude. :beer

So this dude (Danny) on a 1985 R shows up and him and two of his buddies (one on a 250x and the other on a TRX450R) give me the guided tour. Once you get out into the valleys it's just a different world. If I would have went back there alone I probably would have broken my neck. Those razorbacks sneak up on you even when you're following people (and the drop offs can be HUGE). It's a total blast though. Racing up the hill (patton valley) and riding those huge bowls is just insane fun. I had never seen anything like that in person before. :cool:

I've done Ohio style trail riding, snow/ice, MX and desert trails all before but the dunes just own. I can't wait to go back. :w00t:

I know, "shutup and show us the trikes!" :p

Edited: no host so attaching pics.

04-04-2005, 09:30 AM
Put a front brake on that beast!

lmfao......You aren't kidding, thats number 1 priority this off season....BANZAI>>>>>>hehe

BTW, ever since I quit smoking cigarettes (2 years now) I've gained more than i realize....or....My wife's fattening me up for the slaughter......

either way.....MEMO TO MYMINT87:
Feel free to mix in a salad every now and then......WHEW

04-04-2005, 11:32 AM
hey, looks fantastic. I wish i had places like that up here in RI...I would be there every day.

Glad you enjoyed it

04-04-2005, 11:42 AM
Looks like you had a blast!! Nice videos and pictures.

04-04-2005, 11:47 AM
hey you finally got to go!!!! looks like you had a great time! :TrikesOwn

04-04-2005, 01:02 PM
rip around the bowl... oh man that sound sooooo sweet !!!...

almost gave me a stiffy. :p

04-04-2005, 01:33 PM
very nice pics and vids. hope you had fun!!

Mr. Sandman
04-04-2005, 01:36 PM
Welcome to the club, once you've tried it you'll never go back!

04-04-2005, 04:12 PM
:w00t: YOU MADE IT!!! :beer

Now you gotta plan to stay a night or two one of these times to really make a trip outa it.

Looks, from the vids, that your a much better rider than the guy who took ya out. Cool he took ya, however, I can tell your more into the speed thing like I am and are in need of a more experienced leader. :naughty: Next time, right?

04-04-2005, 08:24 PM
Looks, from the vids, that your a much better rider than the guy who took ya out.

I shot that vid of him the very first time he rode my R so you gotta cut him a little slack. You know how it is when you ride someone elses machine. ;) Edit: After he made that run I explained that my trike's real power is all on the top end and to just pin it and hold on. He ripped it good after that.

I'm hoping to get a little flatbed trailer and a camper shell for the truck over the summer so I can do a few over nighters. I bet it's a real trip riding at night. Probably dangerous as hell too but who cares. :D

04-04-2005, 08:38 PM
That looks awesome Dammit! I have always wanted to try sand, and seeing your videos is just making the urge bigger.

Thanks for more backgrounds haha

04-04-2005, 08:46 PM
I shot that vid of him the very first time he rode my R so you gotta cut him a little slack. You know how it is when you ride someone elses machine. ;)

I'm hoping to get a little flatbed trailer and a camper shell for the truck over the summer so I can do a few over nighters. I bet it's a real trip riding at night. Probably dangerous as hell too but who cares. :D

Its really fun to hill shooting at night......

real easy to get spun off in the dunes at night...i dont know how many times I've followed buggy tracks, which turn to quad tracks and end up spun silly following a couple motorcycle tracks... :eek: :eek: :eek:

.you can get yourself in deep poop when your following only motorcycle tracks or no tracks and cant distinguish between the towers, read the stars no moon and no GPS... :eek: :eek: :eek:lets just say "We will see you in the morning" ....hehe...not to mention if you happen to drive off a razor back or get sucked into a witches eye :eek: :eek:

you must be an adrenaline junkie and I must be getting OLD.....we ride dunes in the day. dusk at the drags (Now thats a real trip....tooo fun at the drags) then hill shooting at night........hehe

04-04-2005, 08:50 PM
What's a witches eye?

Which hill do you normally race there anyway? I saw the big one at patton's valley (FUN!) and the other one called test that looked like a rutted up mess.

04-04-2005, 10:32 PM
What's a witches eye?

Which hill do you normally race there anyway? I saw the big one at patton's valley (FUN!) and the other one called test that looked like a rutted up mess.

I do both, usually i bump from the drags at dusk to test at night

test is a parade, basically go there to be seen, hang out and, easy to climb...

pattons is whoops then straight up with a little or no run at it....a bit deeper/thicker sand and usually a lip that launches you at the top..takes more skill and power...by far my favorite.....

hmmm...be alot easier to show you than discribe a witches eye, maybe someone else can post.....off the top of my head, an example of a witches eye can be seen at the bottoms of the big hill...created by wind and a pucker bush....there common in those settings but can appear anywhere in the dunes with or without the bush..there small bowl in a raindrop shape with something (rock, bush or ?) that is the pupil ..... does that help you or am I flopping?

04-04-2005, 10:35 PM
Don't think I noticed one. There's a lot of things I probably didn't catch though

04-04-2005, 10:57 PM
Great pics and video clips! That's the first time I've heard a fmf on a 250r, now I really can't wait to get my new carb boot so listen to the fmf system I bought for my R! Those dunes sure do look fun, plus you don't come home all muddy which would be nice. :w00t:

04-05-2005, 12:30 AM
The FMF is a little hollow and pingy sounding up close. My old PT sounded a lot better. More throaty like a CR.

Rex Karz
04-05-2005, 02:55 AM
Especially fun after night riding the dunes when it's time to hit the sack, you close your eyes and BAM!, you're right back out there, terrain coming at you ZOOM ZOOM until you finally nod out!

04-05-2005, 04:08 PM
What's a witches eye?
Small, tear drop bowls is right. Heres a pic of one, kinda far away, and its a larger one thats been rid'n through. You couldn't run straight down the hill & through it, without going over the bars. They usualy have an almost vertical side to them thats an "endo" when rid'n straight into. The ones that are small, like 10 food diameter and 2 or 3 feet deep, are the deadly ones that sneak up on ya then BAM....

04-05-2005, 08:05 PM
i have damnit doing a wheelie up a hill on mine

04-05-2005, 08:12 PM
also to add to wats a witchs eye is basically imagen a whirlpool in the middle of no where and * cant see it till * are to close, i hit one on a banshee in 3rd gear windin out and it tore up my freinds a-arms

04-09-2005, 01:07 PM
Well guys...I don't know,,. .


the only thing right about your opinion is that "you don't know" so get a bigger trike and try it, you'll have a new and improved attitude. :D