View Full Version : Crashes

03-30-2005, 01:59 AM
I was wondering whats your guys worst crash on a trike?

03-30-2005, 02:13 AM
driving my old 110 straight into a tree on wet leaves, brakes + packed tires = pointless :naughty:

03-30-2005, 03:02 AM
my buddy was following me on his 200 and i was driving the 200S. my foot brake pedal (which was cracking off at the weld) broke off and got snagged on a twig, all of a sudden it came to a dead stop and i got rear ended. It hurt a little but it wasnt too bad.

03-30-2005, 03:12 AM
I had a head on collision with a dirtbike once and somehow managed to get hit in the back with the dirtbike's rear tire. Wish I could have seen that from a third person perspective because I can't figure out how the hell it happened.

03-30-2005, 03:17 AM
I had a head on collision with a dirtbike once and somehow managed to get hit in the back with the dirtbike's rear tire. Wish I could have seen that from a third person perspective because I can't figure out how the hell it happened.
wow, that would be something you see on tv on one of those video clip shows.
I almost jumped into a creek one time too, i was focusing on the crappy headlight beam on my 200s and it only shone about 3 feet in front of me, it was pitch black, then all of a sudden i see long grass to i turned real sharp. It scared the hell out of me!

03-30-2005, 06:13 AM
The first and only crash on an atc was the first day I got my 250sx. I was doing donuts in an alley (mostly dirt) somehow I managed to hit a paved patch in the road and before I knew it I was upside down with the trike on top of me! I burned my leg pretty good on the exhaust pipe but other than that I was unscathed.

03-30-2005, 07:56 AM
ive never crashed my trike, but when i first got it i come to a corner going fast, well, it was loose dirt, and a semi banked corner and my trike wouldnt turn so i shot straight over it and was about 6 inches away from being impaled on a snapped branch.

straight pipe
03-30-2005, 10:30 AM
i first rode a 185s back when i as like 13 or so, i was cruising in the ditch then i came up to a huge colvert. i attempted to ride arond it from the top but slid down into it. i shot out from the seat and the trike lay there upsidedown in the water. i flipped it over and tried to start it. i gave up and a nice dude pulled over and gave it a few good cranks and it went...phew that trike was my uncles and eventually was bought by my dad and was my first trike.

03-30-2005, 10:52 AM
I posted this story once **, but I was riding intoxicated at 2 am with Footer at his dads farm....We were Hog hunting, but more like beer drinking...lol

I was in 5th gear hauling %*# when all of the sudden I knew something wasnt right...the ground started changing from grass to clay, then it hit me that I was about to be at the pond where there are some 12 foot clay cliffs...I started applying the brake and turning and managed to slow down to about 30 as I went over the tallest cliff sideways....I landed on the front tire, flipped over the bars and the trike was on top of me....The first thing to hit the ground on my body was my face and no, I didnt have a helmet on. Josh came up behind me and jump down the cliff, cause he just knew my neck was broken. I stood up and asked him how bad it was cause I couldnt feel anything....whew..Close call!!!!

the front forks and handle bars were bent to hell and back, but I just got all that fixed. I may go back and jump the cliff to face my fears, but then again....maybe not....lol!!!

03-30-2005, 11:17 AM
I was riding my R in the ditches and came to a familiar driveway. I went to jump it not remembering there was an 8" culvert pipe buried in the leaves at the foot of it. I was probably in 4th gear and hit it dead on. I completely cleared the driveway and the machine went end over end. I didn't get hurt but I must have hit my head because when I got up, I literally saw stars-- it's not just in the cartoons! The machine had wadded up bars, a 2" cut in the front tire and a bent fork.

03-30-2005, 11:30 AM
Mine would probably be the only time I have really rolled a trike. I was riding my dad's YTM200 at my friend’s house and I was going around the outside of their pond. The pond is man-made so the backside has very tall and steep banks with a trail on the top. I was going along the trail on the back side in low second gear when I saw one of their cats off in some weeds, then as I turned back I was right on the edge of the slope. There was nothing I could do at that point so I just slid off the right side of the seat as the trike went rolling to the right. I just tucked in and rolled down the hill watching the trike come after me, hoping that I was rolling faster then the trike. When I stopped rolling I got up to find the only thing that had happened to the trike was a bent foot peg and bent levers, I just have a few scrapes and a fast beating heart.

03-30-2005, 12:37 PM
riding my 200X one at an old riding spot and come over the top of a small hill that was just tall enought that you could'nt see over it and just as I hit the top a go-kart come from the other side and we hit head on. I was in 3rd gear screamin as I hit the top, we hit, I went over the handle bars, flew into the go-kart, had my helmet on, hit the top cross bar with my head, then my head slid under the bar and into the cockpit of the go-kart, my right shoulder caught one side of the roll cage my left elbow caught the other side. my head was probably an inch or 2 from crushing this kids face. my feet went over head, I rolled back down the front of the kart and off to the side and then got drug by the damn thing for 5 or 6 feet as it rolled back down the other side of the hill. got up looked at my X and the front rim was bent, my forks were bent so bad the tire and rim were touching the frame and engine. went and got my truck loaded it up and went home. took a couple of weeks off before i rebuilt the front end. got the front end rebuilt then the engine blew up. so yea it was a fun chain of events

03-30-2005, 12:48 PM
how was the kid in the cart ?

03-30-2005, 12:52 PM
he got shook up pretty bad but came fine with out a scratch, his kart came lookin even better, i didnt ever chip the paint which urcked me. in my opinion if i have that much damage to my ride, he should have at least had some paint chipped off but no didnt happen.

03-30-2005, 12:56 PM
Mine was stupid and 100% my fault. I was on my homemade, and it was back when I was still in my "test and tune" stage. I had just finished the rear suspension/axle/rear tires stuff. I still had the street tire on the front, and I only had front brakes. (lets do the math here......ony front brakes, plus street tire) Well, it was working and running great, so I decided to go straight up a mountain. Believe me when I say, it was STEEP. Made it halfway up, then the chain started to jump teeth. At this point I knew I was in serious danger. The chain kept jumping and jumping and jumping and finally *SNAP*. When you are going straight up a mountain and you have no rear brakes and you're chain snaps and you have a street tire in front, you go backwards. I decided that there was no easy way down, so I bailed as soon as the chain broke. I landed on all fours with my face about 6 inches from a broken off SHARP branch. I almost got stabbed in the eye. Then I watched my poor trike roll and bounce like a beachball all the way down the mountain, and finally hit a tree. I remember thinking..."Well, that contraption was fun while it lasted." I stumbled back to it and miraculously the only damage was bent bars, scratches, headlight smashed, and some brackets bent. I was up and running the next day. I can still see that image in my mind though of it "beach-balling" down the hill.
By the way, I wasn't wearing a helmet. Yet another reason why I always wear one.

03-30-2005, 01:12 PM
Man.. i geel guilty riding around the yard on flat terrain without a skullcap... let alone doing stunts !!!!

I remember having an old Kawi KV-75 ( man that sucker was a tough mini ) and driving on farm trails.. i hit a spot that got trenched by tractor tires.. kinda like a small 1/2 pipe.. and i remember going wobble wobble.. WHAM.. sideways.. 3rd gear.. balls out.. ( hey.. it only had 3 gears !! LOL ) and i made a 2 inch gash in my helmet from a huge rock.

My mom always told me i was hard headed...

I threw my helmet in the woods and told my mom i lost it...... hehe.. I KNEW she would have a fit if she saw it !

03-30-2005, 02:16 PM
I was on the 110 riding a RR right of way that was raised about 25 feet to go through some swamp land. I was riding on the outside of the tracks on the gravel. The gravel gave way on the downhill backtire and slid the trike sideways and then rolled. Needless to say the two of us began tumbling down the hill into the swamp. I looked back so see the trike coming right behind me... luckily I was able to turmble out of its way. We both ended up on the edge of the swamp. I righted the trike, cranked it, but the hill was too steep for the trike to drive up with me off it. Left the bike, walked two miles home to get some strap and a come-along. Went back, hooked the strap to the RR rails and pulled it up the hill. Rode it home. Luckily I was just scraped up and the trike was unhurt. Next time... if there is one.. I'll ride in between the rails... I was trying to be safe (haha) the first time by not riding between the rails and thats what bit me... I was too worried about a train....

03-30-2005, 02:31 PM
I ride next to train tracks all the time.. and NEVER like the feeling of it. i always look back every few minutes just in case.. Riding IN the tracks i would think to be a bad idea.. if you get sideways at all.. you're in for a hell of a ride bouncing from side to side !!!!!

03-30-2005, 02:53 PM
I have never really had a "badone". The last one that I had, I was on my klt160 a couple of weeks ago, I went up to the house for something and then proceeded back downhill (my driveway) and made a sharp right, Well, at the speed i was going, my 200s has no problem making this corner without any effort at all. The Little Kawasaki on the other hand kicked up on 2 wheels and I went running through the neigbors yard. I jumped off of the trike as soon as things got stupid so me or the trike were not injured in this event.

03-30-2005, 02:57 PM
i had a pretty good accident this past december. a friend of mine was on a yamaha beartracker quad and i was behind him, we were going about 35, the area was really dusty so it wasnt really easy to see, he stopped to wait for me, and since there was so much dust i couldnt see him and slammed into the back of the quad, i almost went over the bars but managed to hold on, my X got the worst of it, the forks were bent to hell, took to metal shop that day and the guy straightened them about 90%, enough so that most people dont notice unless i tell them.

03-30-2005, 08:54 PM
i had a few since i got my trikes.
1st- i was riden the 250sx up a hill and got all goofy, i put my foot down to keep it from flippen and my boot got caught in some weeds and a ran over my leg. just left some scraps.
2nd- when i still had the 200s i was ridin it and it stalled. so i went to start it and i thought i was in neutral so i gave it a little gas and yank the cord only to find out i was in first. it took off. i lost my balance and ran over the same leg again. this time bruisen and scratch myleg up worse.
3rd- this past week end i was riden and i was haven some idling probs. so i was trying to adjust the idle lower (whille i was sitin on it)because it was reving high for some reason. i some how hit it into first gear which rolled me off the back of the 250sx. i landed on my stomach knocking the wind out of me and the trike drove away threw the feild. i chased it down and got the idle adjusted and havent had a prob since.
those were the worst things ive done on the trikes.

03-30-2005, 11:27 PM
My worst crash was on a 110 balloon tires of course going over some whoops and endoed however you spell that about twice and bike was on top of me just a little scraped knee but my dad was riding his R and had it pretty much full out and think the front tire came off the bike endoed forever slip to a stop and he broke from his wrist to his elbow vertically instead of across so it went with the bone broke his visor, goggles front fender fork tank and his arm.