View Full Version : 350X restore....almost done

03-28-2005, 07:03 PM
Here is my X that is almost done. All I have left is the swing arm bearings to replace. I have the bearings, just have to change em out. Tell me what ya'll think.
If Wolfspider sees this, I wanted him to see how the X looks with me on it...lol

Edit....well, the pics are too big...how do I reduce their file size without making them so small you cant see em?

03-28-2005, 07:40 PM
When you open the pic on your PC, click " CTRL + E " this is to EDIT your picture.

Then go at the top of the screen under " IMAGE " and " STRECH / SKEW " and enter 25 % horizontal and 25 % Vertical.

Hit OK. then go to " FILE " and " SAVE AS " and give it a place and a name so that you don't overwrite your original.

I have to do this with my 6 megapixel, so depending on your camera you can make it bigger or smaller.

ps: Right click on any file and go to " Properties " and you can check it's current file size.

now get with the pics ! :P

03-29-2005, 11:01 AM
Let's see if this works....

They didn't come out good....I will try to take some more.

03-29-2005, 11:08 AM
You have to be really still when you push the button... if you have the shakes or move much at all... they come out blurry.

Is the plastic original ? or aftermarket ? I've seen a few trikes on here with that bright red color and others with the darker red..... is it just the pictures or the plastics ?

03-29-2005, 11:27 AM
That is the original plastics....may just be the pic.
I havent even sanded them down to shine them up yet, that will be done soon.

03-29-2005, 11:33 AM
Are you resizing the pics? if so make sure you save them in high quality, that could be your problem. Nice trike man!

03-29-2005, 11:54 AM
maybe those new pics will work better..
I have a Sony DSC-P52 3.2 MegaPixel camera, but it is the wife's and I have no idea how to use it...lol

03-29-2005, 01:07 PM
Yeah, those pics look better Matt. The X is looking real good!

03-29-2005, 01:12 PM
Are those trial pros on the rear? You should get some new tires if they are. A 350x deserves better.

03-29-2005, 01:18 PM
It is a nice trike for sure, but IMO you should have '350X' or 'ATC' stiched on the side of your seat. That should make it look that much better.;)

03-29-2005, 02:18 PM
It is a nice trike for sure, but IMO you should have '350X' or 'ATC' stiched on the side of your seat. That should make it look that much better.;)

Yeah... what he said, just leave the diaper off the tail of the seat! :D hahaha. I have a mint '85 seat I'd trade if you had a mint 86 seat. :naughty:

03-29-2005, 02:21 PM
Yeah... what he said, just leave the diaper off the tail of the seat! :D hahaha. I have a mint '85 seat I'd trade if you had a mint 86 seat. :naughty:

HEY!!!! Don't make fun of my 350X, it's not it's fault it craps in it's pants all the time :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!! LOL you're hilarious Bruce!!! :D

03-29-2005, 03:14 PM
Like this thread originally states.....350X restore almost done!!....LOL There are a couple of things to do yet. The seat is one of them. The original seat is under that cover and you can feel one small tear in it if you rub the seat. I would buy that seat from you Bruce, but I dont have an 86 to trade you. Let me know if you will sell it.....

I put a 12 tooth front sprocket, but still have the 14 tooth if I want to get up there with the R's...lol

Tops out at about 68mph, but gets there quickly. Still have stock exhaust and unifilter. Notice the skid plate and front sprocket cover....I painted those white. The trike cranks cold after sitting 2 weeks on about 2nd or 3rd kick (if you know how to start kicking on the compression stroke...lol)

I have 3 sets of tires and rims for this trike. The TrailPros were just on it for the pic. I also have a set of Prowedges on 9"aluminum wheels and a set of Bear Claws on 8" steel wheels. All tires are 22", I traded the only 20" tires I had for the Prowedges. I dont like the 20's anyway.....The way I have it geared, it has the same bottom and top speed as it did with the 20" tires and the 14 tooth sprocket....Just now, I have little more height to my ride...I am 6'3" 230 lbs....I need the bigger tires so I dont look to big on it...lol

Thanks for all the compliments!!!

10-01-2005, 01:40 PM
hi 250sxer
is your 350x done now? got some pics?
you don`t look too big on that 350 :lol: :pics:

10-01-2005, 03:13 PM
X looks great. You may want to change out those rear tires. They are heavy and rob power and make the trike ride like its a bucket of lead.

they do last forever though!