View Full Version : UFO plastics - Everyone reply!

03-25-2005, 11:09 PM
I think they are the best quality & color of all plastics. If they would make them I'm sure they would easily out do Maier. Would you buy if they made?

Get enough positive replies and I'll send this to UFO.

03-25-2005, 11:11 PM
I dislike all aftermarket, but it's the only thing we got so yes I would.

03-25-2005, 11:14 PM
How about you do a thing for OEM plastic and send it to them? Screw aftermarket plastic. If you want sombody to start making plastic have it be OEM.

03-25-2005, 11:27 PM
How about you do a thing for OEM plastic and send it to them? Screw aftermarket plastic. If you want sombody to start making plastic have it be OEM.

Every UFO I have ever bought matches perfect as far as motocross bikes are concerned. OEM would be quite I bit more expensive.
Actually on my one bike the UFO fit better then the original! The rear OEM had a slight tweak to one side. Just the way it was molded I guess? The UFO did not!

03-25-2005, 11:29 PM
I dislike all aftermarket, but it's the only thing we got so yes I would.

You mean in every catagory?

03-25-2005, 11:30 PM
I'm all for every bit of aftermarket support we can get. The odds of the OEM's reproducing anything is pretty slim.

Question if anyone know. Does UFO use injection molding like OEM or vacum molding like maier?

03-26-2005, 12:00 AM
Yes, i also support aftermarket i search for things i need all the time cuz im laughed at the local dealer for owning a trike and not a quad. finally got the hint dont go to the dealer for trike parts!

03-26-2005, 12:03 AM
I'm all for every bit of aftermarket support we can get. The odds of the OEM's reproducing anything is pretty slim.

Question if anyone know. Does UFO use injection molding like OEM or vacum molding like maier?

Thats a good ? All that I know is it looks every bit like OEM. The Maier has a "harder" look to it and the molds don't seem exactly right sometimes.

03-26-2005, 12:05 AM
If UFO uses injection molding I'd be completely in favor of petitioning them heavily to make some trike parts. It would be the closest we'll probably ever get to OEM again.

03-26-2005, 12:09 AM
Well not all aftermarket, I like aftermarket parts that don't exist in OEM, like fork gaurds and other add ons. Just saying If it is available in OEM then I'd rather have it in OEM.

If the price is not to outragous I would definitaly buy the UFO over Maier

03-26-2005, 12:14 AM
I'm all for every bit of aftermarket support we can get. The odds of the OEM's reproducing anything is pretty slim.

Question if anyone know. Does UFO use injection molding like OEM or vacum molding like maier?

According to this it's injection molded and they state too it's much better then maier.


Thing is we need TONS of replies !!!!!!! Then I'll send it to them.

03-26-2005, 12:17 AM
If UFO uses injection molding I'd be completely in favor of petitioning them heavily to make some trike parts. It would be the closest we'll probably ever get to OEM again.

That's great! Spread the word!

03-26-2005, 12:51 AM
yeah sure, Id buy some.

03-26-2005, 09:18 AM
Every UFO I have ever bought matches perfect as far as motocross bikes are concerned. OEM would be quite I bit more expensive.
Actually on my one bike the UFO fit better then the original! The rear OEM had a slight tweak to one side. Just the way it was molded I guess? The UFO did not!
The oem plastic is way cheaper than maier for the tri-z.

03-26-2005, 09:54 AM
I would buy from them ...

03-26-2005, 10:39 AM
I'm in for sure

03-26-2005, 10:45 AM
I would be interested in plastic from UFO. I would really like to see some atc 200 plastic sense there is no one making it.

03-26-2005, 10:57 AM
sure, are the holes pre-drilled.
with maier I never know if I have to drill and fit it myself.

03-27-2005, 01:09 AM
I'm definitely in for a few of whatever. I'd really like to see the cool aftermarket stuff they used to make like some of this (not all by UFO, but you get the point).


straight pipe
03-27-2005, 01:12 AM
sure, more options the better

03-27-2005, 01:14 AM
I would redo my Tecate with a set .........hint hint, gas tank reproduction for the Tecates would be even cooler, if it was over priced, Id still pay it for a good quality gas tank, I think Maier needs some competiton.

03-27-2005, 06:04 AM
Yup, i'd be in for some. :D

03-27-2005, 11:40 AM
Good to here a lot of positive replies but I need a heck of alot more then this to send to UFO. EVERYONE must reply !!!!!!!!!!!

Be a joke to send in 20-30 replies. I'm looking at 500 or so.

Maybe 3WW can post this and lock it in at the top of the forums?

How many members are there?

double r
03-27-2005, 01:16 PM
i'd like to have some for my 84r.

03-27-2005, 01:59 PM
Send them a link to some of the ridiculous ebay auctions for OEM plastic. Like the $480 red gas tank. If they do indeed used vaccum injection they should be able to make plastics that are damn near clones to the oem stuff.

03-27-2005, 02:46 PM
I say you make a poll for this, I now that we can get a lot of votes with the help of the mods.

03-27-2005, 02:49 PM
id be down for an entire set for my 200s, and hopefully they would make mudflaps also.

03-27-2005, 03:29 PM
Id want three sets for my SXs if they made them.

03-27-2005, 03:49 PM
if they also made the discountinued super scoops would be nice

03-27-2005, 04:12 PM
ufo is awesome bike plastic...make 3 wheeler stuff!

03-27-2005, 09:39 PM
It would be great if they made three wheeler plastics

I would buy OEM replicas--- This would be great to help aid in the restoration of the thousands of machines that still exist today.The machines that people truly cherish. I own five bikes and have put good $$$ into them all and I am far from done. Certainly some of that $$$$ would be in UFO's business account right now.

UFO needs to realize that people from all walks of life, all across the united states are respecting these machines more than ever due to their nostalgic value. The demand for parts is very High.

I also believe that after experiencing what we've been through sales would be real strong. Even for things that I really dont need. For example, I found a maier green Number plate at a dealer this week. I walked out feeling like I had a piece of gold in my hand. So if UFO made number plates I would probably buy one or two in each color to ease the pain of the part starvation syndrome I've been feeling.

Which leads me to the UFO non standard parts, Number plates , disc guards etc we need them.

UFO Make them and we will Come $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

03-27-2005, 10:04 PM
We have 5000 members almost so there is no excuse why at least 500 shouldn't reply!! Thats only 10% and shouldn't be a problem? I'd like to see a good 25% though. Think it's possible?

03-27-2005, 10:20 PM
i probly would put it on every trike i have/get. i would love to get some other choice besides maier. do it up man.

03-27-2005, 10:27 PM
I would put a complete set on my Tri Z, and have another set of rears for showing off


03-27-2005, 10:31 PM
Keep the replies coming !!!!!!!! PLEASE !!!!!!!!! Great replies so far!

R Nutt
03-27-2005, 10:47 PM
I spoke to UFO at the indy trade show, and I asked the rep if they were going to make more atv plastic, (they currently produce 300ex and banshee plastic) and he told me that the expense is too high to make a mold and be profitable, atv fender molds are more complex than the "EASIER" dirt bike fender molds, he said you could buy oem plastic cheaper than what they could produce. They werent even interested in making fenders for all the new "popular" quads, YFZ, TRX, Z400.....etc. BUMMER!

03-27-2005, 10:56 PM
I spoke to UFO at the indy trade show, and I asked the rep if they were going to make more atv plastic, (they currently produce 300ex and banshee plastic) and he told me that the expense is too high to make a mold and be profitable, atv fender molds are more complex than the "EASIER" dirt bike fender molds, he said you could buy oem plastic cheaper than what they could produce. They werent even interested in making fenders for all the new "popular" quads, YFZ, TRX, Z400.....etc. BUMMER!

I don't beleive that's the case at all. They make plastic for some of the four wheelers and that's even harder then the 3's. The 4 wheelers out # bikes by a HUGE margin so can't understand why they would not produce them for most models.

Certainly the demand is much lower on the 3 wheelers which hurts but if we got enough replies it might just get them thinking?

Lets just keep the replies coming and see what happens. Certainly can't hurt to try.

03-27-2005, 11:29 PM
Certainly can't hurt to try.

Exactly. And their reason for not making quad plastics (oem is cheaper) doesn't apply.

I got Pivot Works to agree to make a bushing kit available for the 250R (the only hang up is me not being able to get all the correct parts and measurements for them yet). You never know until you give it a shot.

R Nutt
03-27-2005, 11:43 PM
Exactly. And their reason for not making quad plastics (oem is cheaper) doesn't apply.

The expense is too high to make a mold and be profitable.

My guess is....if its too expensive to design and produce a mold and be profitable for quads (which they would sell alot more quad fenders than ATC fenders) then hopes are slim for ATC's ......Prices become cheaper with volume sales......i would hate to pay 5grand for a one off rear fender......sorry but thats just my .02

03-27-2005, 11:47 PM
My guess is....if its too expensive to design and produce a mold and be profitable for quads (which they would sell alot more quad fenders than ATC fenders) then hopes are slim for ATC's ......Prices become cheaper with volume sales......i would hate to pay 5grand for a one off rear fender......sorry but thats just my .02

You might very well be correct. On the other hand, you might be wrong. ;)

03-27-2005, 11:56 PM
I would buy these over maijer in a heart beat

03-27-2005, 11:57 PM
I respect both opinions. I understand people may be skeptical but thats not for us to decide. That is for their product development , market research, and fiscal to decide. This thread should consist of posts to determine the demand for the products and give them some numbers--Not a debate. We can do that in another thread. As said earlier it never hurts to ask. More requests for products please!!!!

03-28-2005, 06:30 AM
I respect both opinions. I understand people may be skeptical but thats not for us to decide. That is for their product development , market research, and fiscal to decide. This thread should consist of posts to determine the demand for the products and give them some numbers--Not a debate. We can do that in another thread. As said earlier it never hurts to ask. More requests for products please!!!!

I hope 3WW starts a new post (poll) on it and locks it in at top. I emailed them last night asking if they could do so.

Get a good dose of "I would buy" and we could send them the poll + just a few of the positve comments on here. Sometimes a poll just doesn't generate enough enthuziazm to the manufactuer. Personal commemts do.

03-28-2005, 04:17 PM
i'd buy a complete set of T3 plastic, probably more because i plan on owning more than one

03-28-2005, 04:33 PM
I would buy at least 2 sets of plastics for the Tri-Z, one nice pair to show off, and a pair to "beat" when im going out mudding and stuff. But since I own a Z I can buy OEM for 103 *.S.

03-28-2005, 05:13 PM
If you can get them to make tecate plastic ( headlight cover and shrouds ) I think nearly every T3 owner would purchase it without question. If this stuff is selling for $400+ for each piece new on ebay, 50-100 for good quality new aftermarket pieces would seem like nothing. Right now someone has to buy a parts bike to make it reasonable to get some plastics and sell off the rest of it. I bought my tecate for less than the HL cover and right shroud went for on ebay a couple of weeks ago. And get them to make those airbox covers for the T3 again.

03-28-2005, 05:23 PM
UFO had a pretty cool set of aftermarket shrouds for the 86 KXT back in the day. Once the 3WW main page comes back up, I believe there's a Tecate hop-up article that shows them.

I've sent a couple emails to UFO in the past and never got a response. I hope you have better luck.

Oh, and R_Nutt is right. It costs too much for most MFG's to make the complex large injection molds for ATV fenders.

03-28-2005, 06:01 PM
I would love to see another fender company out there besides maier. Maier is a good fender but they dont have the options out there I would like to see, if you dont buy a honda, then your chances are slim in maiers lineup.

03-28-2005, 08:03 PM
i think it would be great if they re peoduced three wheeler plastics and i would definetly buy some for my projects as long as the price was reasonable.

03-28-2005, 08:34 PM
UFO plastics would be a good adition to the aftermarket 3 wheeler parts selection. maier seems to be capitalizing the market with poor plastics. but what else can we buy .I will buy a complete set from them for my 350x.

03-28-2005, 08:38 PM
Maier is not so bad now that they came out with the shiny version, but it still don't come close to OEM quality. Haven't used UFO much, but it does seem a bit nocer than Maier. Maier's molds are different than the OE, fenders just don't look as nice and you can tell right away it's aftermarket. If someone would remake all the OE plastics that are now discontinued and make them to original OE specs, I think there would be a pretty good market for them. I know I'd be buying some, with the outrageous cost of stock plastics these days! Also it would be nice to have available things like the long lost 250R short course shrouds. OE plastic for some of the newer quads is pretty cheap (400EX for example) and maybe that's why they can't make those fenders cheap enough, but considering $240 for a stock 250R rear fender, there's gotta be a way!

03-28-2005, 09:19 PM
Not to rain on anyone's paraid, but i consulted a good friend of mine who is a injection mold maker by trade, and a 3 wheeler (about 10 of em') owner as well, and he said a mold for a set of rear fenders would cost over $100,000 and weigh between 6-10 thousand pounds. So, for that mold to actually pay for itself and start producing profit, you would have to sell so many parts, it's not cost effective for a company to make that investment and hope everyone with that model would want new fenders. IF, and thats a huge if, it did happen, it would probably only be for a VERRY popular trike, like the 250r. I doubt tri-z's or tecate's would have a chance. But..... if someone did make oem like fenders for my bikes, 250r, 350x and 200x, all 85 and 86, i would defenitly buy them. It's nice to dream though.

03-28-2005, 09:49 PM
Did they ever make them back in the day? If so I would think they have a few molds around. Hell the OEM's must have them sitting around rotting.

03-28-2005, 10:47 PM
my friend could get those for his 85 250SX and 200M badly, his 250 has fenders made out of steel boat fenders, they're really noisy

03-28-2005, 11:22 PM
my friend could get those for his 85 250SX and 200M badly, his 250 has fenders made out of steel boat fenders, they're really noisy

Steel boat fenders? Does it float? :D

03-29-2005, 12:01 PM
Not to rain on anyone's paraid, but i consulted a good friend of mine who is a injection mold maker by trade, and a 3 wheeler (about 10 of em') owner as well, and he said a mold for a set of rear fenders would cost over $100,000 and weigh between 6-10 thousand pounds. So, for that mold to actually pay for itself and start producing profit, you would have to sell so many parts, it's not cost effective for a company to make that investment and hope everyone with that model would want new fenders. IF, and thats a huge if, it did happen, it would probably only be for a VERRY popular trike, like the 250r. I doubt tri-z's or tecate's would have a chance. But..... if someone did make oem like fenders for my bikes, 250r, 350x and 200x, all 85 and 86, i would defenitly buy them. It's nice to dream though.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer I've been saying that on here for years. Only thing I can add is the size of injection molding machine needed after the mold is built. There's people that can run it, but you better be making tons of parts.

It's not cost effective for a MFG's to do so.

03-29-2005, 09:17 PM
guess i better get my order in to maier before they stop making the plastics themselves.

03-29-2005, 10:37 PM
guess i better get my order in to maier before they stop making the plastics themselves.

Not to worry...I'll keep them busy! :naughty: