View Full Version : New honda suggestions

03-23-2005, 10:08 PM
I know I already asked this question but here it is again because I am second guessing myself. I am looking for a ATC to be a riding partner to a 400EX. I thought I wanted a 350X but now wonder if I find a deal a 250R wouldn't work. I do some sprited riding and some trail riding. It would have to be able to handle some cruising at higher speeds to get to our riding places and around the farm. I have seen some Air cooled 250R in the area of what I want to spend are they Ok fo this kinda riding? Do they get hot? Do they handle the simpler mods well? I just want to have a couple of options if something comes avalible. Is there any more pros or cons about 250r Water or air or a 350X

03-24-2005, 05:47 PM
I use R aircooler for nearly the same things as you described. It has handled all the performance mods i have added, and will keep up to a stock/slightly modified 400ex pretty easily (the 400ex's i ride with are aircooled also). if i was you i would get a 350x...just makes more sense on a farm than a "racy" 2stroke does. have had no problems w/ cooling on mine, and i do ride quite a few slow winding trails....i have over sized tank scoops i made though, and they did actually help!!! :) What year air cooler was for sale that you were looking at??

03-24-2005, 06:32 PM
a 350x is great for trail riding. We do tight cornering in woods and riding on roads and I'm yet to have a complaint.