View Full Version : SX shifting...... again.

03-23-2005, 04:58 PM
ok. one more thread about the tranny... damit.

Took her out yesterday, and this is the 2nd time it's done this to me, 1st time i chalked it up to gremlins.. but they hare returned.

Fired it up, let it warm up for a few minutes, not very cold yesterday.. about 0 c . Put her in reverse, went in fine, backed out of the garage, and hit Neutral.. no problem.

Made sure i was at a dead stop, and went to 1st.. no prob, rolled out of the driveway and reved it up a bit, let off the gas and tried to go into 2nd.. but nodda. the shifter was frozen there, i tapped it a few times, still nothing, after 3 or 4 tries it finally went and was ok from then on.

Had this happen last week as well. but it's not 100 % consistent !!..

clutch or forks ?

straight pipe
03-23-2005, 05:04 PM
hmm it could be either or......if the clutch doesn't back off it won't shift. mabey try adjusting the clutch a little on the loose side, that may help it disengage....if i't's the clutch that is being dumb.

03-23-2005, 05:06 PM
bent shift fork possibly?

03-23-2005, 05:06 PM
I have adjusted the clutch to spec, but can definately try going " IN " more than 1/4 turn and see if it helps..

03-23-2005, 08:46 PM
I have adjusted the clutch to spec, but can definately try going " IN " more than 1/4 turn and see if it helps..

I mentioned to you before about other internal damage and thats what it sounds like to me. Any tranny that has been clackity clanking around usually gets drum groove and shift fork pin damage. I haven't seen the forks bend too much but the pins on the end of them get chewed up by a drum going bad. Regardless it is bad news, that whole motor with all 300 pieces inside will most likely have to come apart. Not a huge deal if your comfortable with it. I bought a used ES motor for 50$ and spent hour after hour taking it apart until I could do it in my sleep. Good luck!

03-23-2005, 09:08 PM
I am semi-comfortable doing this.. i've dived in there in the past !! LOL.... :p

My only concern is snapping old rusty stuff in the process...... if i knew for sure that every screw and nut would come out clean, and go back in without damage i'd be in there in a jiffy ! ( and eventually this will be inevitable )

But on the otherside,,, reading a few threads above.. " If it's working leave it alone " mentality.... my budget only permits so many hard lessons !!. why can't we all be rich ?

03-23-2005, 10:45 PM
Does the gear shifter seem like it sticks up or down when this happens? If so the first thing I would check is the shifter pin that is under the left crankcase cover. This is relatively easy to look at and fix if broke and would be my first guess. It is my understanding these break pretty easy under hard shifting conditions. Just recently replaced one in my uncles SX and it was snapped in half. The part is only like $6.00 if I remember correctly.

03-23-2005, 11:35 PM
already done that. replaced BOTH pins ( they were not broken or chipped. but i had ordered them in before opening the case cover and while i was there i replaced them anyways. ) and the shift stopper arm as well. I had some play in the riveted wheel on that arm.

If i recall correctly, the shifter stuck in place, i wanted to go up ^ for 2nd gear, but the shift lever would not budge.. it would go back in N no problem, but from 1st to 2nd .. nadda.