View Full Version : My muddy 83' Big Red!

03-21-2005, 10:32 PM

Hey guys, i figured i would post some pics of my big red lol Its a little muddy, but besides that its in good condition. And still runs like a beauty! The racks are being cleaned and the front one is being unbent and cleaned at the moment (little accident) :D Ill post some new ones tomorrow when i clean it off good :D

Check it out! - Its for sale in the Classifieds forum! :D :D :D Go take a look!

lol same pics though, new ones tomorrow!!! :cool:

- Matt

03-21-2005, 10:37 PM
love the big reds, mine is the same condition

03-21-2005, 11:04 PM
Its nice to *putt* around on, and i mean, sometimes you can get *some* speed, but I like it fastttttttt. So im looking for like a 250x or something around there. Tri-Z's are nice :D

03-21-2005, 11:05 PM
Im going no airbox cover! :cool: haha Heck yeah!


03-21-2005, 11:18 PM
in the mud wouldnt you suck in water and such with out a cover

03-21-2005, 11:31 PM
i have no idea, i dont know much about anything haha Its on now, but ive heard it does something? More air = faster?

03-21-2005, 11:45 PM
i have no idea, i dont know much about anything haha Its on now, but ive heard it does something? More air = faster?

lol No, more air = burnt piston, you only get more power if you give it more air and jet it to give it more fuel.

03-22-2005, 12:29 AM
Its nice to *putt* around on, and i mean, sometimes you can get *some* speed, but I like it fastttttttt. So im looking for like a 250x or something around there. Tri-Z's are nice :D
dont yopu mean a 250sx, or maybe 250R, never heard of a 250x, haha :p

03-22-2005, 08:58 AM
haha yeah my bad, i meant R

03-22-2005, 07:24 PM
a 250x is a quad...from about the same time trikes were made..ive seen them..they are pretty nice..they look like the ol' blasters but a bit bigger and they are 4 strokes...(do not quote me on what they look like or 4 or 2 stroke cause those im not sure but pretty sure they are..not completely)