View Full Version : Wanted to hurt a Doctor

03-21-2005, 10:47 AM
my buddy, his dad, and me went ridin saturday at a local place called "143". well after about 4.5 hours of ridin in the woods, we went up to their mx track thats still in the works, we made a few fast laps, and then my buddy which is 14(one hell of a rider) started hittin a couple of the jumps pretty hard. then he tried another jump, and it wasn't the best of jumps, it shot him off camber, and then slightly nosed down, it hit on the left side and then bounced over to the right side and started flipping, luckly he only hurt his ankle, so we went to the local Hospital to get it checked out, the nurse who saw him first was nice, her boys ride Dirtbikes, but the doctor on the other hand said, how did you do it, my buddy said jumpin his atv, the doctor said theres your first two mistakes, and i said hold up, don't start dissin atvs, and he said i guess you like 3wheelers too. i said yeah i do and i own one. he said GOOD, THEY KEEP ME BUSY..... then i just let him have, "theres nothing wrong with atvs, and atcs, its just stupid people who they think they can ride anything gets on them and screws it up for everyone." then he said no its the designers fault, cause they didn't put a floating rear axle on them. Therefore no suspension, when you turn the wheels come off the ground." I said "well i guess that springy thing on the rear of my 200x is just for looks."
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

straight pipe
03-21-2005, 10:59 AM
ohhh man!! soo i guess motorbikes are safer in the eyes of doctors cause they have springy things on em..oh brother..ya i had an encounter like that last year ..... the doctor that told me this is about 6' tall and 280ish and get this, he drives a mini. that my friend is the most dangerous thing i have seen. he has no chance in a collision.but i guess we are all just stupid peeps who like riding wheelbarrows. give me a break!

03-21-2005, 11:10 AM
the doctor that told me this is about 6' tall and 280ish and get this, he drives a mini. that my friend is the most dangerous thing i have seen. he has no chance in a collision.
Accualy MINI's are a pretty safe car. They do better then most Cadillacs. As far as the doctor goes he's just another person like anyone else. His job doesn't make him smarter about everything, just his job. Too bad he was a jerk.

03-21-2005, 11:17 AM
Accualy MINI's are a pretty safe car. They do better then most Cadillacs. As far as the doctor goes he's just another person like anyone else. His job doesn't make him smarter about everything, just his job. Too bad he was a jerk.

You can tell he didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. lmao

03-21-2005, 11:20 AM
You can tell he didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. lmao
LMAO! :beer

Billy Golightly
03-21-2005, 12:29 PM
my buddy, his dad, and me went ridin saturday at a local place called "143". well after about 4.5 hours of ridin in the woods, we went up to their mx track thats still in the works, we made a few fast laps, and then my buddy which is 14(one hell of a rider) started hittin a couple of the jumps pretty hard. then he tried another jump, and it wasn't the best of jumps, it shot him off camber, and then slightly nosed down, it hit on the left side and then bounced over to the right side and started flipping, luckly he only hurt his ankle, so we went to the local Hospital to get it checked out, the nurse who saw him first was nice, her boys ride Dirtbikes, but the doctor on the other hand said, how did you do it, my buddy said jumpin his atv, the doctor said theres your first two mistakes, and i said hold up, don't start dissin atvs, and he said i guess you like 3wheelers too. i said yeah i do and i own one. he said GOOD, THEY KEEP ME BUSY..... then i just let him have, "theres nothing wrong with atvs, and atcs, its just stupid people who they think they can ride anything gets on them and screws it up for everyone." then he said no its the designers fault, cause they didn't put a floating rear axle on them. Therefore no suspension, when you turn the wheels come off the ground." I said "well i guess that springy thing on the rear of my 200x is just for looks."
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

When I broke my arm jumping my trx250R, I didn't even go get it x-rayed for about 3 days, and it was almost a week before I seen a doctor because I knew of all the **** I was going to have to listen to. And the doctor started the same thing like your saying. I was very close to walking out of his office with my arm halfway wrapped in a cast. I hate doctors, all of them. I've yet to meet a single one that did not piss me off. :mad:

03-21-2005, 12:38 PM
Well, the important thing to realize here is that if you do ever hurt yourself while being involved in our sport in some way - my suggestion would be DO NOT REPORT IT AS AN ATV ACCIDENT!!!!!. Do not mention ATV's in any way. Tell them you did it riding a bike, the physics involved are close enough. You have no idea how much you can hurt our sport by doing so - almost all ATV accidents are reported to the CPSC, no matter how minor or major they are. You can just cut your hand and get an infection while working on one or (GFB) die while riding one - it carries the same weight to them and they do not differentiate between the two. It just adds to their ammo against us. I've lived through one "Consent Decree" because of it, I don't want another one. I don't like it when the Government (hiding behind a mutual but federal court ordered agreement) takes something away from me.

03-21-2005, 12:41 PM
Same here.. it it ain't bleeding uncontrolably. i don't need a doc.

Hell. i messed up my hand last year. and i let it heal crookid, everyone at work was like " Go see a doc .. right not man !! " .. and my reply was " I can eat a popcycle and tape it to my own hand thank you ! "

to hell with doctors.

03-21-2005, 01:47 PM
I had an emergency doctor really chew my butt off last time I was in there. He Said, "Do you know how many people I've buried because of atv's". My reply, "Just stitch me up so I can go back riding!" Then the lecture really started. Good thing was the shot of demerol kicked in so by then I didn't even care!!!.

Also Wicked, I was thinking about lyin to him but after all those years of school they go through they're pretty smart. that and is kinda hard comin up with an excuse for dirt and rocks scraped into my skin and tore up muddy clothes!!!lol

03-21-2005, 04:29 PM
haha or you can say he wasnt gellin. the doctor wasnt an a-hole when i came in with a broken leg from my snowmobil accident, just told me its what keeps him in business.

03-21-2005, 04:42 PM
My doctor rides a quad. He hit me up for info for Rumble on the Ridge Rally last year.

03-21-2005, 05:17 PM
... I was actually refering to Hospitals and emergency room visits ...... I would hope there would be a certain amount of confidentiality from your private family doctor. It must be the "God" complex thing with Hospital Doctors ..... I love it when they tell people that smoking is bad for them and that they need to quit - but they all smoke .... that one cracks me up. I guess I don't trust Lawers, Politicians or now doctors too.
Also Wicked, I was thinking about lyin to him but after all those years of school they go through they're pretty smart. that and is kinda hard comin up with an excuse for dirt and rocks scraped into my skin and tore up muddy clothes!!!lol ... again the basic physics are the same .... tell him you were MOUNTAIN biking.

03-21-2005, 10:31 PM
I had an accident on my quad last summer ridin in sand, i was new to the spot and when i was hill shootin, well the top of the hill turned into a 4 foot drop, it was a jump, that i didnt know about, so my warrior startin tippin forward, i just gassed it and leaned back as far as possible and ended up breaking 2 toes (bike flipped on my foot) and dislocated my shoulder, i rode to the doctors (only bout 15 minutes down the road) with a dislocated shoulder and 2 broken toes, and told them i hurt myself on my BMX, lol, it was awesome because they believed it
