View Full Version : 82 and 84 250r first impressions

03-19-2005, 07:14 PM
well as for the 84 250r this is not my first time ive seen one( seen one other one) but however this is the first time ive seen up close. I have never seen an 82r before except for one in the back of a truck one time breifly.

I was just driving around today goin to a few different of my freinds house to see if they were home, I didnt call them I just wanted to get out of the house for a while get some fresh air and what not. well after I went to like 5 diffent houses and no one was home I was on my way home when I rememberd that there was this kid a knew a few years ago that had a few atc 250rs in his gradge that his dad was building. well I stoped by and got to talkin with the kid for a little while and then asked him about the 3 wheelers that his dad had. He told me they still had them and he invited me in to look at them. My first impression on the 82 was how drasticly small it looked. my 200x from my memory at the time seemed to tower over it. both were in good shape but looks like he rides the hell out of them. The 84 looked to be a little bigger then my 85 200x both in the front and the rear. As I would later learn after returning home and looking at my 200x it seems to me that the 200x is infact bigger then the 82r in my opinion. Anyway I left my name and number for the kid to give to his dad and see wat he may be doing with them. both the kid and his uncle were pretty sure that he would not let them go for anything less then a small fourtone. but anyway it was cool to look at theM up close and see first hand the difference in the 2 generations. I cant wait to get some money scraped together to get me an 84r .... someday I guess huh :beer

03-19-2005, 07:29 PM
I got an 84 R for sale if you are interested! NY aint that far away.

03-19-2005, 07:36 PM
Well... I think you are right.. my 82R feels tiny compared to the 350X. If you'ed ever come down to look at those 200X parts, I'd even let you drive it! :D

03-19-2005, 07:43 PM
the 81R in my mind was the best and worst threewheeler at the time, i love them and dont mean to sound bais but it had drum brakes in the rear a FAST engine and limited travel and a small frame with big balloon tires. the 82R improved with different brakes and thats about it but they were rockets man, small and FAST 83-84 they started understnading wat they had and technology started playing a big roll, 85 was perfection, 86 was improving on perfection. i love the 250Rs and hope one day ill have all 3 gens