View Full Version : Garage Pains !!

03-15-2005, 11:32 AM
Oh man... working on trikes = occasional pain !! :p

Sunday i had to remove my pipe to patch it up and getting it off was an ordeal to say the least.. took the 3 bolts off the expansion part.. loosened up the 2 nuts that hold it to the headpipe.. and had to take the heat guard off

Not wanting to strip the phillips screws i wanted to clean them out so i grab the Bell-Ray 6 in 1 lube ( it just happened to be there.. so i picked it up ) and it had the red straw thingy on it.. . i wedged it in the screw and gave it a shot..

and BAM.. right in the eye, a full quirt with open eyelid... God that burned.

I also remember as a kid trying to grab a nut with vice grips .. slipped and Clamped onto my thumb.. now THAT was painful..

I've managed to stab myself thru the hand with a screw driver before trying to pry 2 parts apart.

Hit myself square in the ankle with a sledge hammer while pounding out an axle.

Oh.. fond memories !!!....

anyone good some painful stories to tell ?

03-15-2005, 12:41 PM
I kind of did the same thing with the whole eye bit. I think it was rust remover and got some right in my eyes. For a minute there i thought I was going to go blind. Man did that suck

03-15-2005, 12:54 PM

right away i dropped the tools ran to the house, my roomemate was in the shower so i knock on the door and am like " OPEN THE F!@# DOOR NOW.. I NEED THE VISINE !! " And he's like " Wha?? "

Ran to the sink and Turn on the cold water and stick my open burning eye under it. Wich resulted in him screaming " OWWWW>> ".. he got a little warm !!! LOL..

Billy Golightly
03-15-2005, 01:03 PM
Oh man... working on trikes = occasional pain !! :p

Sunday i had to remove my pipe to patch it up and getting it off was an ordeal to say the least.. took the 3 bolts off the expansion part.. loosened up the 2 nuts that hold it to the headpipe.. and had to take the heat guard off

Not wanting to strip the phillips screws i wanted to clean them out so i grab the Bell-Ray 6 in 1 lube ( it just happened to be there.. so i picked it up ) and it had the red straw thingy on it.. . i wedged it in the screw and gave it a shot..

and BAM.. right in the eye, a full quirt with open eyelid... God that burned.

I also remember as a kid trying to grab a nut with vice grips .. slipped and Clamped onto my thumb.. now THAT was painful..

I've managed to stab myself thru the hand with a screw driver before trying to pry 2 parts apart.

Hit myself square in the ankle with a sledge hammer while pounding out an axle.

Oh.. fond memories !!!....

anyone good some painful stories to tell ?

:eek: Holy cow! Worst thing I've ever done was set my welding glove on fire :o

Bad Karma
03-15-2005, 04:10 PM
I grabbed the front forks of my '85 250R with the intent of moving the front end over. One of the nuts on the brake rotor grabbed my ring finger on my left hand by the fingernail and then crushed my finger between the nut and the fork tube. If you look at one, there's NOT room for a finger to go through there. To add insult to injury, it also pulled my nail completely out. It was over before I even knew what happened, and then the pain really started.....

03-15-2005, 05:04 PM
Not painful but funny.

I have somewhat of a bad temper. I get aggrivated and start throwing things etc. Stupid but whatever. I can't help it. Anyway, I used to have this German Shepard. Really kind of an eccentric dog with a quirky personality. Well one day I'm working on the trike in the garage, I get aggrivated and throw the hammer out the garage door across the driveway. I take a seat on the milk crate with my face in my hands to calm down. When I look up, the dog is sitting in front of me with the hammer in her mouth. Just sitting there holding it and wagging her tail with a sort of "hey you dropped this" look on her face. Funniest thing I ever saw.

Of course I had to see what else she could fetch. Biggest thing was a snow shovel but the most hillarious was the milk crate. She'd pick it up kind of over her head and have to look through it while she was running so it looked like a big rectangular helmet.

03-15-2005, 05:16 PM
I was talking an engine case apart, and I was really cranking on it with my allen wrench. the bolt broke loose and my finger got cut open on the sharp case edge. My first reaction was to fling my hand around abit because of the pain, and when I did, blood flew all over the place.

03-15-2005, 07:12 PM
The dumbest thing I ever did was parked my trailer right outside the garage door and I have a very steep driveway. At night went to back out and forgot it was there. Knocked it right over the wheel block, down the driveway and into the neighbors yard. Thank god a car wasn't coming. Dented my 4 runner too.

If the neighbors were watching it probably looked pretty funny.

03-15-2005, 07:36 PM
Just this past weekend I was holding my 400ex carb in my hand and spraying out the jet's and orifice's with carb cleaner and when I sprayed it in one hole it came out another and hit me right in the eye. Yes, it burned like hell! What is so bad about this is that I learned this lesson year's ago. I just didn't put my shade's on because I was in a hurry.

03-15-2005, 07:52 PM
when we were riveting the fenders up on the old 200s. My friend was putting a rivet in and he was on the second or third pump, then it finally broke and squished his finger in it. it would of hurt, his fingernail fell off.

03-15-2005, 07:53 PM
Not painful but funny.

I have somewhat of a bad temper.

Really? I would have never guessed by your screen name! :p

I haven't really hurt myself too bad in the shop. I just did it hiking.... slipped on some ice and grabbed a tree for support. Well, I keep falling so I let go of the tree, but it didn't let go of me.... I hung there by my hand for a few secs til "RIP"... tore my palm open.... opened up a flap of skin the size of a tongue... doc showed me how lucky I was.... told me to open and close my fingers and showed me my tendons in action. 14 stitches and time served.

Now I wear gloves when ever I ride or go hiking.... still have some nerve damage in that area!!!


03-15-2005, 08:00 PM
Well, whenever I work on dirtbikes, I always skin my knuckles on the footpegs. I also burned my thumb on the exhaust header once, lit my pants on fire with the MIG welder while I was welding and it took about a minute or so before I noticed so the whole bottom cuff on my jeans was fried. I have hit my fingertips with a hammer more than once, I also sometimes skin my fingertips which sucks because I play the bass and the strings really carve up the wounds!

03-15-2005, 08:27 PM
I've done it all, everything from throwing things to solvents in the eyes and smashed extremities. But the worst, by far, happened to be when I was about 13. I got my fingers near a moving chain and right thru the sprocket they went. Took the ends right off 2 of my fingers, now I am horribly mutated for life. Important lesson learned- Don't EVER put your hands near a moving sprocket or chain!

03-15-2005, 08:31 PM
I've done it all, everything from throwing things to solvents in the eyes and smashed extremities. But the worst, by far, happened to be when I was about 13. I got my fingers near a moving chain and right thru the sprocket they went. Took the ends right off 2 of my fingers, now I am horribly mutated for life. Important lesson learned- Don't EVER put your hands near a moving sprocket or chain!

I'll try to REMEMBER that one. Never got hurt workin on the trike...It's just a big pain in the #$%!!! Cars is a whole diffrent story. Seems like everytime I work on a car I end up taking skin off some of my knuckles. Got zapped by the battery once...That hurt.

03-15-2005, 08:44 PM
well i got gas i my eye once filling up the lawnmower...i was in a hurry cause i couldnt go anywhere till the yard was done and it shot from the tube into the air and then bam into my eye..i was only like 11 when that happened and i was screamin like a little girl...i had to stand in the shower fully colthed!! for like 15 minutes..it made me so mad..i had to go get another set of clothes and stuff when i was workin on my minibike engine..after that i had accidentally sprayed ether in my eyes trying to jumpstart the minibike...and just the other day workin on my 185 i was trying to loosen up a bolt that was way to tight..i cracked er loose and the footpeg cut my hand wide open! ive got way too many to tell..lol

03-15-2005, 08:45 PM
worst thats ever happen to me was i was running a snowmobile with the carb oppened up, and before that, it wouldnt start, so i got the ether, and away i went, well the dang thing back fired and got me square in the jewels, god dang, did i ever yelp when that little ball of flame and blast hit me!!


03-15-2005, 09:00 PM
well my story is no accident.i worked in my friends body shop,which was in a finshed pole barn.he had a bb gun out there for killing the birds that got in through the roof vent.

well he was welding the inner fenders of this old coupe.i walked by the bb gun and a light went off in my head.oh yeah,open arse neck shot.it was a sinlge pump gun so it was not too powerful.i drew aim about 30 feet away and pulled the trigger.

the funniest part was when it hit him,he jumped up which caused him to hit his head on the fender well.funniest thing i had seen for awhile!!!!!

he said at first he thought it was sparks from the welder,then he saw me laughin.from then on i had to watch out cause it was a WAR!!!!1

one time,at band camp,lol.when i was in school we were working on a snowmobile.the clutch was messed up and we were tryin to get it to run.i sat down on it to keep er goin,and it fell off the jack stand.across the shop we went.of course it wouldn't stop cuase the clutch was screwed up.the teacher thought that was funny chit.

this is the same school that honda donated 6 250r,and 6 350x motors to the program i was in.complete motors,from carb to ignition.we tried to buy them but the school will not even admit to having them.i know they are there,i've seen,and taking a few apart.anyone got a couple grand to offer the school as a donation.my uncle owns a scrap yard we can use to cover up.write the school a reciept sayin we scraped em,make a small donation,and have 12 brand new motors!!!!!!!!!!! yeah right,let me pinch myself.i'm sure the school won't come off them.i'm gonna check the dumpsters every week till i die,hopin they throw em out some day!!!!!

03-15-2005, 09:07 PM
For being a youngster i have had my fair mishaps...and 1/2 are from others stupidity:
-was welding and a chunk of metal flew, burned through my skin and got stuck in my bone
-a grinder wheel shatterd on me...i lost a finger nail
-a friend spilled water on me while welding...you know the rest, but hey, im still alive (and proble wont ever be able to have kids LOL)
-the most SCARY!!!!!: was working in front of a tractor and my buddy accidently hit the bucket control lever and pushed it into float. it fell and the bucket land square on my RedWings..thank god they were steel toed!!!

ATC crazy
03-15-2005, 09:29 PM
Just the other week I shot Brakleen in my eye while cleaning the bolt carrier on my SKS. It burned like hell...I ran to the bathroom and splashed water into my eye and that took care of it. I figured it would take a few hours or days for the sting to go away...but it didnt.

I cant count how many busted knuckles I've had, or burns on my arms from reaching around headers and whatnot.

Also, at school I slice my fingers wide open every couple of days. Some of them dang computer parts are paper-thin aluminum or sheet-metal which goes through skin like a hot knife through butter

03-15-2005, 09:33 PM
Also, at school I slice my fingers wide open every couple of days. Some of them dang computer parts are paper-thin aluminum or sheet-metal which goes through skin like a hot knife through butter

I hear ya, in tech class bending sheet metal, terrible slices through your hand.

Worst in my shop at the farm was sludge hammer fell and hit my toes, from not that far up but still hurt like a son of a...

03-15-2005, 09:54 PM
When I was younger, we went riding with the family and my brother rolled the 70 he was riding. He was about 10 or so and was shaken up from falling off but the trike was still upside down with a full talk of fuel pouring out of it. I yelled at him to turn it up the right way and without thinking and in a bit of a panic grabbed the exhaust pipe with his hand to turn it up the right way. He ended up with a pretty bad burn on his hand and didnt do much more riding that day.

03-15-2005, 11:33 PM
I got N interesting one. one day I decided to try and make the thumb throttle on my 83 big red a little loser and easyer to push becuase my finger was getting sore all the time and I was sick of it.... sounds easy right? well to start off it was a really windy day and when u spray lubercant out of an arosal can its not a good mix. for sum reason I was bent over looking up twards the thumb throttle from under the handle bars and started sparying away. you can guess what happend next.. yup all up in the eyes and mouth nose ect. I ran to the bath room and flushed my face for a while and got really dizzy and everything looked like a huge heat wave. so I figuerd id go out and pick up my tools and go lay down for a bit. as I made my way out to the bike on the side of my hose I started to hear a buzzing noise and combined with the heat wave symptoms in my eyes and my imagination I started to see things that I new werent there and hear things that I knew werent there but it was a ....differenet experence to say the least.. I mean its one thing to know trailprotrailpro gunna get high.. but its quite another to have it hit you out of now where.

3 weelin geezer
03-16-2005, 02:50 AM
I was reefin on a bolt that had two heads taking a brake pedal off. I had my face right under the steering wheel while prying on the wrench. The bolt head torqued right off like it was made of cheap chinese plastic and I ended up with a little more iron in my diet than is recommended by the FDA. I thought I had pounded my nose in.

03-16-2005, 09:56 AM

oh man i have'nt laughed so hard at work in years... and cringed at the same time.... :D

Good stuff. ;)

03-16-2005, 06:15 PM
yea that is pretty funny stuff..i couldnt help but to laugh at some of u guys' stories!!

03-17-2005, 04:54 PM
Yaahhh, Gas in the EYE = HURT for sure. Try get'n an Ear Full too!?!?! Talk aobut a delay'd reaction. You know the drill, chang'n a fuel filter... pull off the filter... gas pours into my face (eyes)... turn head, get an ear full too. Get up with the major burning eyes & flush out. Few minuits later the burning eyes are subsiding but my balance is starting to fail & the internal head burn is starting. It gets so bad I'm yell'n and stoopering around the house wondering how to get myself to the hospital. Just about to dial 911 when I notice its subsiding too. Wheew! Guess good ol 91 octaine aint too bad for the body afterall. Cleans ear wax out like nothing else! :beer :rolleyes:

03-17-2005, 05:03 PM
i guess that would make you " Hot headed " and then some ! LOL..

03-17-2005, 05:03 PM
You wanna really clean out the ear wax, toss a match in there! LOL