View Full Version : New Air Filter....Question

01-24-2003, 01:40 PM
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if I got a high flow air filter like K&N if I would have to adjust anything else like the carb, If so what would I need to adjust?



01-24-2003, 02:14 PM
Naw man. I did the same thing and it worked awesome just sticking it in. I did nothing different and it is still jammin.

01-24-2003, 03:14 PM
Thats good to hear. Was it a K&N fiter? Did you notice an increase in power or throttle respons?

thanks for your help


01-24-2003, 03:53 PM
I just put one in my 250r runs great, you can tell a little power difference climbing steep hills. I have a question though, the uni filters, do they need to be oiled up like the k&n is the cleaning the same also? My 200x has a new one but no instructions on maintaining it.

01-24-2003, 04:19 PM
Thats nice to hear. Anyways, I believe just about every foam, or high flow air filter has to be oiled and such. I wonder why it didn't come with instructions on maitenence and stuff.


01-24-2003, 05:45 PM
You may need to tweek the carb settings to harness the true power that is gain from using a high flow air filter. Sometimes you need to richen/fatten up the carb settings. This is because you will be getting more air into the engine using a high flow air filter. More air may cause a lean condition, so conduct the spark plug test to see if you are jetted correctly.

You can see how to maintane the foam Uni Air Filter at this link:

01-24-2003, 05:56 PM
Is it very easy to ajust the carb to be richer? Ok, so after installing it and running it a whie I need to check the spark plug, if the plug tip is white I need to richen' it, right? Do I just ajust one of the skrews to richen it, if so, which skrew? Thanks


01-24-2003, 06:15 PM
It's easy to adjust the bottom end, it requires moving the clip needle jet, up for richer and down for leaner.

To adjust the top end or from 1/4 to full throttle, it requires that the carb bowl be droped and the main jet be unscrewed and replaced with a larger or smaller one. A Larger number jet will richen up the top end, a smaller number leans it out.

To adjust the top end, it's a little more troublesome. So that I don't strip any carb bowl screws, I remove the carb first, it's much easer that way.

01-24-2003, 06:22 PM
Run the trike at full throttle in at least 3 rd gear. Then shut everything down while at wide open throttle i.e., pull the clutch in and trun the power switch off and then remove the plug as quickly as possible.
If the plug is wet, lean it out on the top end, jet one number down. If it's dry, go up one jet until the plut gets wet. Test again. Keep changing the jets and testing until the plug is wet, and then lean it one jet size down. When the plug is dry, you can richen one jet size up to be on the safe side.

Then you can work on the bottom end, if need be.

01-24-2003, 06:38 PM
Easiest way is to put a new main jet in to get your richness. The carb is simple and a new main jet is the easiest part.

Here's my story. It may help you or not. I put the new filter in. Ran fine for 3 rides. Sweet!! I put a new gas tank on the trike cuz the old one was rusted out. The first time I tried to ride after that, it was missing and sputtering at any kind of high rpm above idle right after that. All I did was replace the rusted out crapper with a plastic tank. Baffling. I even had a lawnmower tank strapped of for a few days to go for a short ride before the new tank. It worked fine with that with the K&N. Even more baffling. And yes if you are wondering, I put the lawnmower tank back on just to see if it was the plastic tank or what. It still freaked. It's not the tank.

So, I figured that I got something in the carb and did a cleaning as I just rebuilt the sucker weeks before. I cleaned and cleaned and always ended up with the same problem. Missing and sputtering at any rpm over idle. It would idle all day long however. Finally I resorted to trying a new main jet. I went from a 87 to a 85 and by doing so richened it up a little. Bam, I was in like flinn. Sucker ran like a raped ape. Then about 20 min in to the next ride it started freaking again, but not as bad.

That's where I am at now. I am going to check the cam chain tension, valves, timing, and compression tomorrow. Then once everything is checked and ok, I'll try to run it again to see if it freaks out. If it does, I'll try an even smaller jet. That's all I can do unless someone has a better suggestion.

To make a long story short, you might have to put a new main jet in, but mine ran fine till I put the new tank on.

Good luck and may the force be with you.

02-07-2003, 10:53 PM
I'm having a idling problem anybody figure out how to fix this and where to start. I'm running rich at idle so I may drop the clip one and try that. It'll run fine with the choke on but dies wwhen I open it