View Full Version : When's the last time you biffed on a 3 wheeler?

03-02-2005, 12:31 PM
When's the last time you biffed on a 3 wheeler and how bad was it?

03-02-2005, 12:39 PM
i rolled down a hill about a month and a half ago...didnt get hurt but cracked one of my tank shrouds. the shroud got caught on a large stump at the bottom and the bike went on down to the ground and it went SNAP...funny thing is, the bike landed back on its wheels, started right up, and i drove it home

03-02-2005, 12:48 PM
Put the SX on it's side last week doing donuts in the yard.. went thru the ice and caught some dry pave... LOL.. bent the brake lever a bit.. nothin serious

Put the big red ES down a ditch a few months back ( when i first got it ) and fractured a few fingers.. never went to the hospital, but the fingers still work. no damage done, just went upside down once at the bottom and started right back up.

03-02-2005, 01:02 PM
Two weekends ago on my sx, didnt quit have enough power to slide around a turn so I ended up going striaght into a huge patch of blackberrys (if I didnt do that I would have rolled it). Just got some minor cuts

03-02-2005, 01:17 PM
Happened a while backon my 86 200x. Straight a way in the woods, 5th gear moving on, went around a small curve and a tree was laying across trail that had not been there before. Bike rolled three times and sent me flying in the woods. Broke a finger hitting the trees. The other thing that happened to the trike was a torn seat cover. The bad part was having to ride 2 miles to the truck with a broken finger.

03-02-2005, 01:47 PM
i don't wreck,lol

right,the chit is gettin deep now.i fell off my bike sunday riding a wheelie.slide on the grab bar for 10' then fell off the back.

Derrick Adams
03-02-2005, 01:51 PM
3legg biffs enough for both of us! LOL

Last time I wiped out was at the Feb. Harescramble. Bike died on a hill and I stood up to start it, between the slick mud and being exhausted, I fell right off and the bike slid over top of me.

03-02-2005, 01:54 PM
I was riding with my buddy Friday night or should I say Saturday Morning. It was about 1:30 AM. We were riding in some pastures and I was going to too fast and ran over a 12 foot cliff by a pond with my 250SX. I only wish that I would have landed in the pond. Instead, there was about 15 feet or so of ground before the pond started. I landed nose first, went over the handle bars and landed on the right side of my face with the SX on top of me. Luckily, I broke nothing, but I am sore, man I am sore. However, I bent my front forks on my SX pretty badly. I was just contemplating going with 200x front end or 250 R front end. Now I have that opportunity to do that.

03-02-2005, 02:26 PM
[QUOTE=Derrick Adams]3legg biffs enough for both of us! LOL

so sad,but so true!!!!!,lol

well if your not wiping out,your just not riding hard enough!!!!

03-02-2005, 02:37 PM
Last weekend I was travelling our local trail system, riding smoothly along a trail I've ridden three times so far. There is one particular turn that always sneeks up on me and all three times I've biffed on it. Nothing serious because I'm not a huge fan of speed, but biffed 'er nevertheless.
This time, for the first time, I made the turn without incident. I motored along all proud of myself -- then dumped her on the next turn.
The odd thing is, the turn was very gentle, I was going quite slow and had a gentle tumble, yet my ankle still hurts from hitting the ground. I've had some major crashes (just a few) and never got a scratch, but this gentle laying-down-the-trike incident and I'm limping!
Worst biff was trail riding at night with the usual poor brakes on the 185s, was winding her up and gaining speed fast when I came to a 90-degree turn that I didn't see in the darkness. Went airborne into two solid trees. The sound of the CLACK as my helmet hit the tree trunks is still ringing in my ears. No physical damage, though, neither to me nor the trike.
That's why I'm not big on speed.

03-02-2005, 02:40 PM
Foster's rule of thumb: "The finest brakes in the world will be of no consequence once you're airborne."

03-02-2005, 02:53 PM
Few years back, first time back on the dunes in years on my 86 200x. I had less then a half foot to go before I hit the top of hill, miss shifted, slowed way down, tried to turn and rolled down the hill. Got very big pretty purple bruise where footpeg tagged me on my jump off. Every bit of it was pure out of practice mistakes. Hadnt been on a trike in years till this trip.

03-02-2005, 02:56 PM
Foster's rule of thumb: "The finest brakes in the world will be of no consequence once you're airborne."

Someone get Foster some AirBrakes ! ;)

03-02-2005, 03:14 PM
I found some trails 2 weeks ago that you could go wide open on and of course I ate it going into a turn, with fogged up shield and heavy snow,hit the hard bank and flew and flew.(I think local air traffic control probably had me on their radar) I got up and thought, I better take it easy.So what happen next?I took off wide open and I did the same thing again about a mile down the road. I did not get hurt but I broke the front plastic headlight guard off and somehow my windshield didn't break.I guess I just didn't have enough power to make the curve.I think I have enough traction with 800 screws in my tires.RIDE SAFE! :D

03-02-2005, 03:26 PM
i shattered my wrist on feb 2nd when i hit a styrofoam block in the snow on my 85 r :(

03-02-2005, 05:16 PM
i went up a sand hill thought i was going to be slick and spin the tires at the top and come back down but dident work out to slick. tires dug in at the top when i was sideways and rolled down. i was fine and broke a fender when it was rolling but it landed right side up.

03-02-2005, 05:19 PM
A couple years back I had a pretty good one on my 250Sx, flyin down a poleline in the summer and a bee flew into my helmet! I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.

03-02-2005, 06:18 PM
Last april about I hit a tree with my foot peg going in 5th gear. flung me about 20' and bent the foot peg bad. Thought I broke my foot after I realized my foot went inbetween the peg and the tree. LOL but nothing broke nor sprained. Just got bruises.

03-02-2005, 06:41 PM
Just a week and a half ago at the same harescramble as Derrick. I was going too fast around the top part on the flattrack and go up into the mud. Off the track I went. It's kind of funny 3leg and Derrick both told me about a guy on a utility quad that did the same thing at the last harescramble. Carma? I bent the handle bars down onto the tank and put a dent in it. other than that and a little hurt pride everthing was ok. I could'nt finish the race however.

03-02-2005, 07:32 PM
I took my 9yr son on a ride (200e big red) let him steer me on the back we went too turn around "slowly" trike tipped could'nt save it found myself gettin up off the ground! NO one was hurt in this stunt!!!

03-02-2005, 08:48 PM
Put the SX on it's side last week doing donuts in the yard.. went thru the ice and caught some dry pave... LOL.. bent the brake lever a bit.. nothin serious

Put the big red ES down a ditch a few months back ( when i first got it ) and fractured a few fingers.. never went to the hospital, but the fingers still work. no damage done, just went upside down once at the bottom and started right back up.

Hahaha i remeber meeting that ditch myself on the 185..You remeber that? :)

03-02-2005, 09:27 PM
I found some trails 2 weeks ago that you could go wide open on and of course I ate it going into a turn, with fogged up shield and heavy snow,hit the hard bank and flew and flew.(I think local air traffic control probably had me on their radar) I got up and thought, I better take it easy.So what happen next?I took off wide open and I did the same thing again about a mile down the road. I did not get hurt but I broke the front plastic headlight guard off and somehow my windshield didn't break.I guess I just didn't have enough power to make the curve.I think I have enough traction with 800 screws in my tires.RIDE SAFE! :D

I take it you got that Yamaha Assessorie Windshield off ebay awhile back. I never did see pics of that on your trike. You mind?

Well, my latest biff, was when I took my 82R out in the snow for the first time. The throttle was catching a bit. I came up to a pile of snow and gassed it quick to get a wheelie/a little air off the snow bank. Well... you guess it.... the gas stuck and it wheelied up and dumped me off the back. Luckily, the gas didn't stick for long and it stopped and stalled on it's own. I got a good laugh out of it!

Last biff on the 350X was about 10 months ago. Was riding on some gaslines. Riding with a bunch of 4wheeler punk kids who dared me to go down this incline. Didn't look too bad. Basically, about a 35º incline that meets a stone creek at the bottom then goes up the other side. Well... I go down and all was well.. Didn't think about the lack of momentum due to the creek to get back up! Well... I didn't have the speed I wanted and then the worse part.... the rear tires started loosing traction. Well.... I gave up going up the hill, and it was too steep to try to turn the trike abck around on the side camber, so.... I put on the front brake and the rear and it started skidding back wards... got it about half waydown the hill backwards before I lost control and bailed... Trike turned slightly and basically tossed itself on it's side in the rocks in the creek. Only damage was a bent set of handlebars. Pulled them up and drove it on around. I should have gone back up the hill first... the dang golfcart had tore it up before me! Either case, I was a hero to the kids on their quads after that! :beer


03-02-2005, 09:30 PM
The last time my 350x biffed was when a crackhead stole it. It didn't have a kickstarter so he was pulling it behind his buddy's truck. Then he rolled. It was exactly where I left it when i went to go riding again except for the front fender snapped off and so did the brake lever. The next time I saw him I gave him what he had coming to him. So if anybody has a brake lever(w/mastercylinder) or a front fender please get ahold of me becuz i got no brakes!