View Full Version : Best way to fix a rusty tank

02-27-2005, 08:49 PM
I have a new tank for my 200x and well the outside looks fairly good except the inside was kind of rusty. I did the muratic acid flush and then filled it up with baking soda water to nuetralize the acid. The problem is after I flushed it twice I cant keep the inside from rusting. Is there a product I should put in it right after cleaning it to coat it? Thanks

02-27-2005, 08:56 PM
You can use Red Coat or cream to line it. I prefer Red Coat. Holds up longer and was designed for aircraft fuel tanks. I just acid washed my one of my X tanks and sprayed WD-40 on the metal then filled it up with gas. Some real light surface/flash rust formed, but thats all that ever showed its self. I wouldnt be too worried. :beer

02-27-2005, 10:02 PM
what I did with the SX's tank was
1.) drain the gas
2.) let it sit out all day (must be hot outside)
3.) tap and blow the rust out
4.) installed an inline filter
5.) filled it with gas

I havnt had a problem yet.