View Full Version : how to put my 84 honda 70 ATC pull starter back together

02-25-2005, 05:09 PM
I took the pull starter off because when i pulled it the rope did not rewind,I took it off and it was dirty and black.I started to clean it and it still did not recoil the pull cord.I started to take it apart ,took the "C" clip out and the top cover ,looked inside it was plenty dirty ,i sprayed WD-40 and cleaned it ,then i droped it and the spring pop out .I tried to rewind it no luck .Did anyone put one back together and give me some pointers on how to put it back together(or a trick to rewind the spring and put it in the pull starter and get it to work again)thanks..........svo58

02-25-2005, 05:31 PM
the way i do it, is first take it all apart clean it up nice, then put the end of the spring on the little hook on the inside of the pull starter, i belive it has to go on the hook on the right, then slowly push 1 coil of the spring in while holding the hooked part, its hard to explain you have to use one hand to hold the hooked part in and the other hand to turn the pull start houseing, while the other hand(one holding hook) slides along the top of the spring as your turning the pull start housing your hand holding the hooked part will start putting the spring in, its kinda a twisting action,,,,and it rolls in around the walls of the pull starter that it is hooked on, if you keep constant pressure on the hook and the coils as you turn them in you will get all the coils in, next you take the pully with the rope, tie a knott in 1 end of the rope, feed the rope through the hole in the pully so the knott is holting the rope in the pully when you grab the end of the pull rope, next you have to wind the rope in a clockwise direction till you get to the end, then put a piece of tape on that will hold the end in, but not too far that your cant grab the tape in a small space and grab the rope. NExt step is to put the pully in the houseing ontop of the spring, there is a catch(hooK) on the end of the spring and on the bottom of the pully, you have to get the two to connect so that you when you turn the pulling in a clock wise direction you feel the tension. Next step, you have to turn the pully in a clock wise direction till its tight, (keep constant pressure on it or elses it will relive all the tension and possibly make the spring come out) you should turn in a good 3/1/2 to 4 turns till its tight. next step, you remember the tape? well now you have to grab the end of it(while keeping constant pressure on the pully to keep it from unraviling) and take it off to get at the rope , this can be tricky becuse you have to wind it tight enough to get to the top of the pull start housing get the rope so you can grab it and poke it throu the hole on the pull starter (where the rope comes out to put the handel on) you may have to back off the pressure on the pully to get enough rope out, you need enough rope to put the handel on and tie a knott, so once you have enough rope out you can use a C-Clamp vise grip or just a normalt C clamp to hold the pully tight, then you put the handel on and tie a knott, and then your done, if you did it all right it should work. just a side note if it dosnt recoil you may have to change the hook the spring is on......put thats pretty self evident once you go to wind it up if its on the right way or not...i hope this helps..if you can under stand it,,,lol did my best :)