View Full Version : Flipped my Big Red....beware!

02-24-2005, 06:13 PM
Loading it on a trailer that breaks/tilts I drove up the bed on a 45 degree and the bed didn't return to normal..the trike started rolling back...I hit the gas......WHAMO! the front end wheelied then went right over the top..left me with my back on the gravel...the handle bars in my hands the bike's rear rested on the sissie bar....bike and owner escaped un-scathed...but much wiser.

whew!, rookie mistake.

02-24-2005, 07:00 PM
The key there is either have someone pull it down when you drive on or leave it flat and wheelie on, then lift it on. I have a similar one, just a flat 8' trailer but if i'm loading aloone I wheelie my trikes on.

02-24-2005, 07:28 PM
go a lil fater and bump the front then it should come down

02-24-2005, 07:30 PM
Faster Lol

02-24-2005, 07:36 PM
I was using folding loading ramps to load my SX. I drive a 2004 F150 and the tailgate is very high. Makes for about a 45 degree incline. I have ridden my trike up the ramp many times, but this was the first time since I put the Bear Claws on it. Right when I got to the top of the ramp, the front wheel came up and I let off the brake to let it roll back down the ramp. Well, the tires didn't roll, the Claws gripped onto the ramp and there I went on my back in the gravel....about a 2 foot drop. The bike landed on me and I kicked/threw it off and it landed on all 3 tires. I however did not escaped unharmed. When I landed on the Limestone, 2 rocks punctured my arm. Almost needed stitches, but my wife is a nurse and she took care of it.....I was sore for a week. Needless to say, I walk the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro up the ramp now!!!

ATC crazy
02-24-2005, 08:14 PM
Yea...we have a trailer that tilts as well. I just keep it in 1st and when I hit the top rail and hold the brakes and the trailer comes down every singel time.

02-24-2005, 09:05 PM
so it didn't look like this ???


02-24-2005, 09:25 PM
thats a pretty banged up BIG RED there john. Is there a story behind that?

02-26-2005, 05:12 AM
My story would be like your but it's different. :D

I had my 84' Big Red for about a week (first ATC) and was just getting used to it.
We were out sledding at a gravel quarry when I experienced a few problems.

Problem 1: My brother says "You think the Big Red will climb that STEEP hill?"
Problem 2: I say : "Lets find out".

Everything goes good for a few moments - no problems. I shoot up the hill in 4th gear / low range and get midway, shift to 3rd, get about 3/4 the way up kick it down to 2nd..... Ok, here's where problem 3 starts.

Problem 3: 2 part problem
(1) I'm not leaning forward enough
(2) The rear tire is spinning in the snow and suddenly digs through to
the dirt. Tire goes from little traction to great traction in 1/1000 of a
second. It appened so fast but I can tell you what DIDNT happen.
The bike didnt shoot up the hill :D

That Red came over so fast I dont even think it registered for a couple seconds, one second I was riding the bike up the hill and the next it was riding me down the hill. The trike flipped over and I'm laying on my back, feet still on the pegs, hands still on the bars, slidding down the snowy hill on my back :confused:
Had to just lay it over to the left to get it off me / broke the left brake lever and learned to lean forward more when climbing.

Here's a pic of my 84' and one of it stuck(I thought they didnt get stuck :naughty: )

02-26-2005, 11:17 AM
My story would be like your but it's different. :D

I had my 84' Big Red for about a week (first ATC) and was just getting used to it.
We were out sledding at a gravel quarry when I experienced a few problems.

Problem 1: My brother says "You think the Big Red will climb that STEEP hill?"
Problem 2: I say : "Lets find out".

Everything goes good for a few moments - no problems. I shoot up the hill in 4th gear / low range and get midway, shift to 3rd, get about 3/4 the way up kick it down to 2nd..... Ok, here's where problem 3 starts.

Problem 3: 2 part problem
(1) I'm not leaning forward enough
(2) The rear tire is spinning in the snow and suddenly digs through to
the dirt. Tire goes from little traction to great traction in 1/1000 of a
second. It appened so fast but I can tell you what DIDNT happen.
The bike didnt shoot up the hill :D

That Red came over so fast I dont even think it registered for a couple seconds, one second I was riding the bike up the hill and the next it was riding me down the hill. The trike flipped over and I'm laying on my back, feet still on the pegs, hands still on the bars, slidding down the snowy hill on my back :confused:
Had to just lay it over to the left to get it off me / broke the left brake lever and learned to lean forward more when climbing.

Here's a pic of my 84' and one of it stuck(I thought they didnt get stuck :naughty: )

Lmao, thats a great story, welcome to the site :w00t:

02-26-2005, 01:35 PM
to load my R(in my dads full size chevy), i just put the front wheel on the tailgate and lift the backend up by the grab bar like i was powerlifting and just push it into the truck, pretty easy takes like 30 seconds..but im sure the r is one of the lightest by far....

02-26-2005, 01:46 PM
Glad to here that you and the big red are OK. I wish you got in on tape so I could LMAO :) I've had alot of loading mishaps myself. I usually ride my trikes/quads up a set of ramps into my pick up. Lets just say the ramps dont always stay on the tailgate long enough to get the rear tires on the truck,lol. I also mangled/shattered the front fender on my ytm loading it into my truck.I thought I could wheelie the ytm up 2 ramps into my truck so I never put the 3rd ramp in the middle.I didnt wheelie back enough and when the rear tires hit the ramps and started to climb,the front came down into my tailgate between the fender and front tire.I knew I shoulda had the middle ramp there but then it wouldnt have looked as cool, :)
One time I was riding my blaster onto my truck and the rear tires slid off the ramps(raining).The front wheels were already in the truck.When the blaster frame hit the tailgate and started falling backwards I pulled back on the bars and pushed hard off the pegs with my feet and twisted my body around and managed to turn the blaster away from the truck and ride off w/o crashing,that shoulda been on tape.
I've also seen guys ride up into thier trucks wayyy to hard and slam into the cab and break the rear window.

02-26-2005, 02:29 PM
Thats some funny stuff. The 200x I have is very light. 1st I pick the front tire up on the tailgate. Then I and some help lift it up by the back and in she goes. Easy 1-2-3. I've always found it a little "hairy" riding any atv into the back of a pickup. The eaisiest way I've found is using the mounds of dirt they usually pile up to block off the road or trail, just back your truck up to the accessable side of the mound with your tailgate down and drive her right in. Now I don't have to worry cause a main trail starts right accross the street from my house so there is no need to transport it.

02-26-2005, 02:49 PM
I have seen lots of trike accidents while loading and unloading. Probably more than any time else. The sad part is that they are all avoidable. My brother and I ride a lot, and have through out the years. We came up with a simple rule. No riding on and off the trailer (or in and out of the truck). Yes, it is more work to set up the ramp (or whatever you are using) and then push your trike on and off. However you probablity of crashing is much reduced. Another thing to do is to put a cable from the ramp to the bumper of the vehicle. This keeps the rear tires of the trike from pushing the ramp off.

02-26-2005, 03:50 PM
The very first time I went out with my girlfriend I met her parents and noted right away they had this Kawi King Quad in the backyard. They insisted I ride it. It was my very first time on an ATV. Afterwards, they insisted that I have the pleasure of driving it up the ramps onto the back of their brand spanking new Chevy King Cab, that they'd just paid about $50,000 for.
I kept telling them I didn't want to load it, that I didn't know what I was doing, but they insisted since I was having so much fun riding it around.
So I gave 'er some gas but the tires kept slipping on the snowy steel ramps. Finally I really gassed her, and the quad flew up the ramps, through the air and through the back of the cab of their brand new truck. There was glass everywhere, including throughout the cab, and if you've ever tried to get windshield glass out of upholstery you know how painful that can be. The back of the cab still to this day has a huge dent in it, ditto the front of the box.
My girlfriend's mother witnessed this.
She just shook her head and said, "Cindy, you sure know how to pick 'em."

02-27-2005, 02:19 AM
This is a great thread!..... LMAO!!!

02-27-2005, 11:39 AM
That was a great story Foster! Talk about first date disasters!

02-28-2005, 12:41 AM
Wish I had pics. What a mess!
That was seven years ago as of March 17.
I can't believe it -- we're still together and her parents still like me! And amazingly, so does she!

03-02-2005, 10:19 PM
my buddy took me up to allegeny national forest for a weekend of riding. the first time i try to ride my 2000 warrior up the loading ramps to put it on the trailer i give it to much gas and one of the ramps kick out. my dirtbiker skills kick in and i manage to keep the warrior on one ramp and i manage to keep it running.

no damage done to the warrior, although i have a very hurt pride. the unloading spot was packed with people and i had been showing off earier, doing bicycles and wheelies and stuff... i learned my lesson...

99% of the riding i do is in the woods and stripmines within a few miles from my house so i dont have a lot of experience loading quad onto trailers. thats my excuse anyways hahahaha