View Full Version : 200x clutch question

02-22-2005, 07:35 PM
My 85' 200x has a problem with the clutch. When i squeeze the clutch, the rear tires still lock in (when im pushing it in the garage). I have adjusted it as much as i can and that doesnt help. I took it apart, measured the clutch springs and they are alright, i didnt have the tool so i cant check the clutch plates though. (i think the guy that had it before me, had the clutch apart) Any ideas what my problem is? This doesnt mean my clutch is worn out does it?? if so im going to feel liek a real Moron!

02-22-2005, 07:44 PM
What kind of oil do you run? and is it worse when the trike is warm (operating temp) or Cold? What can happen is sometimes the clutches can swell due to some contaminate in the oil, this can usually be resolved by taking the clutch apart and using some brake cleaner to clean off the clutches.

If this is something that happens all the time, and the clutch has some miles on it, I would be more inclined to say perhapps the metal plates between the clutches have started to warp and need replacement.

Hope that helps some


02-22-2005, 07:54 PM
Well actually my trike doesnt run. i just got it like a week ago and im working on getting it going. I just bought a new carb from Howdy because the pilot jet screw was more-less J.B welded into the one on it. We have adjusted the valves and this and that and it still doesnt run quite right so the only time it has ran is when we pull started it. We pull started it once or twice because the gears on the kick-starter are messed up a little bit. The last time we tried to pull start it though, we let off the clutch to pop it in gear and it didnt grab. We then noticed that when you push it, whether squeezing the clutch or not, it pushed hard because of the clutch. I really dont know what oil was in it but it's getting different oil when i put it back together. You think if i pull the crankcase cover off and spray the clutch plates with break-cleaner that will help? I might end up getting a whole new clutch but either way, thanks for the help.

02-22-2005, 08:33 PM
i have a clutch tool if you would like to use it ,,,,
home made but it has served me very well.


02-22-2005, 08:42 PM
if i understand you correctly its not slipping but kinda drags when applied...
if this is correct it may be that the plates where sitting dry nit sokeing in oil ,while the trike was sitting broke down. This can make them kinda stick togather.

you can fix this by, if its not too bad you can run it and they will free up in time
or the best way is to remove the fibers and soke in oil over night (be sure to lay them offset so oil gets to as much as posible. then put them back in.

02-22-2005, 08:46 PM
ive also gotten away with tapeing the clutch leaver to the bars and take ing a pick to seperate the plates and squirting oil between them but this only lets you get some of them and dont always work

02-22-2005, 09:21 PM
sorry I think i worded this all kind of wrong from the start. When the trike is in gear i can push it and the motor doesnt turn over and the wheels dont lock up like they normally would. if i squeeze the clutch, it gets a little easier to push, but i can still feel the resistance from the clutch "dragging". this is frustrating! From the local dealer new clutch plates and springs are $85 is that a decent price? Would new clutch plates and springs be the best way to go?

02-23-2005, 11:25 AM
hello? any advice? :D

02-23-2005, 11:49 AM
They all drag a certain amount with the clutch pulled in. This is normal. When you pull the clutch you still have to move the metal clutch plates between the fibers, and you will get some drag. Its worse when its cold. Its not going to be like neutral which takes the clutch out of the circuit. Worn springs, plates and all that stuff will cause a fialure to grab, not a drag on it.

There are things that can cause excessive drag on a disengaged clutch, but you wont see them when its not running. You really should forget the clutch until you get it running, and then you can go back and see how well the clutch works, and whether it is working right. You cant evaluate the clutch based on how it pushes across a garage floor.

02-23-2005, 02:19 PM
Well actually my trike doesnt run. i just got it like a week ago and im working on getting it going. I just bought a new carb from Howdy because the pilot jet screw was more-less J.B welded into the one on it. We have adjusted the valves and this and that and it still doesnt run quite right so the only time it has ran is when we pull started it. We pull started it once or twice because the gears on the kick-starter are messed up a little bit. The last time we tried to pull start it though, we let off the clutch to pop it in gear and it didnt grab. We then noticed that when you push it, whether squeezing the clutch or not, it pushed hard because of the clutch. I really dont know what oil was in it but it's getting different oil when i put it back together. You think if i pull the crankcase cover off and spray the clutch plates with break-cleaner that will help? I might end up getting a whole new clutch but either way, thanks for the help.

When you said pull start do you mean a regular pull starter or towing it and cathing it in gear? The reason I ask is I have an 85' 200X and there is no pullstarter on it.

02-23-2005, 03:06 PM
We pulled it behind a 400ex. sorry bout that

02-23-2005, 03:20 PM
I'm just having a hard time understanding why the wheels dont lock up when its in gear!?!? yea, i know you cant really "evaluate the clutch on how it pushes accross the garage floor" it just doesnt make any sense to me. If you put our 400ex or quadzilla in gear and push it, you wont push it very far because the rear wheels lock up but if by some chance you can push it then the rear wheels will rotate but also make the engine turn over. On my 200x on the other hand, you put it in gear and push it and the wheels rotate without turning the engine over. The last time we did have it running, we totally let off of the clutch and the machine would barely go because the clutch wasn't setting in or whatever. We would rev it up and it would go like 4 M.P.H max. sorry to be so much trouble. Maybe i will put the crank-case cover back on for the 3rd time and just try to get it running and see if the clutch will work.
Thanks Kevin

02-23-2005, 03:41 PM
So it's not grabbing .. the plates are simply worn or need to be adjusted i think !

02-23-2005, 03:47 PM
Your fiber clutch disks are toast. replace them. replace the springs while you are at it.

02-23-2005, 05:15 PM
My local dealer said $85 for all the clutch discs (plates) and springs, that about average??

02-23-2005, 09:10 PM
Man, I wished you or your Dad had mentioned this last Saturday. I would have sent you a good used clutch pack to put in there. If you want bring the machine down Saturday early and I will get it going for you. ;)
Uncle Howdy