View Full Version : tri-z question

02-22-2005, 10:29 AM
ok here goes. i'm needing to get e new reed valve for a 85 tri-z and read on here that the 88-92 yz125 will work. i was wondering i found a fmf ram valve for the same bike will these work as well. i'm not good with 2-strokes so this might be a stupid question. also if anybody knows where to get the reed valve for the z let me know. thanks paul

02-22-2005, 10:47 AM
I havent run the RAM Valve on the TriZ, but just going to the regular Boysen Power Reeds which uses your stock reed cage offers quite an improvement. I have my doubts about the RAM valve having any advantages over the Power reeds that justify the added expense.

02-22-2005, 11:21 AM
the problem with my reed valve is on the side a piece of rubber is tore and there is a gap between tha valve and the reed itself. not sure if this makes a difference but the trike is fairly hard to start. the reason i asked about the fmf ram valve is because you can get them for around $40-$50.

02-22-2005, 11:32 AM
Noramlly, if you have a leak, the idle will drift up and down. Its easy enough to check, just by starting the machine up, and spraying something like carb cleaner or WD 40 on the suspected leak area. If it leaks you will get an obvious reaction froim the motor.

02-22-2005, 11:52 AM
the gap is inside the valve where the reeds open up, there is a piece of rubber ripped off there on the side, and there is a small gap between the reed and the reed cage.