View Full Version : Safety classes

02-20-2005, 11:13 PM
Do the same safe riding classes for four wheelers help me to ride my three wheeler safely? I have no experience in riding either.

02-20-2005, 11:17 PM
heres a word of advice, dont put trailprotrailpro feet on the ground, thats how people get hurt

02-20-2005, 11:19 PM
I wouldnt really worrie about a saftey class, I would take your trike to an area with a lot of flat land in it. I would work on leaning and just getting an overall feel of the trike. Then you should move to more of a variety of terrian, sure you may learn a thing or two at the quad class, but if you make a mistake on a trike you will learn from it and not do it agian. This is how I learned, just a thought

02-20-2005, 11:44 PM
The main thing to watch out for with a three wheeler is its rollability. Like today I got cockey on the ice, foound a weak spot while I was spinning, and now I have about a 6 in cut on my forearm. You respect it and you will be fine, just remember cockeyness leads to accidents.

02-21-2005, 12:12 AM
The main thing to watch out for with a three wheeler is its rollability. Like today I got cockey on the ice, foound a weak spot while I was spinning, and now I have about a 6 in cut on my forearm. You respect it and you will be fine, just remember cockeyness leads to accidents.

Well said. That is by far the best tip, I have ran into black berrys a couple of times getting cocky in front of a video camera, then I felt stupid because I was all cut up and all my friends were laughing when they saw it. Ive never rolled, knock on wood. Just have fun, riding is supposed to be relaxing (in my book).

02-21-2005, 12:29 AM
I said I never rolled either, then one day at the track I turned a corner and part of the jump was mud and the other was hard pack, well, there I fipped over. They are right, don't get cocky, everytime you will get hurt.

02-21-2005, 12:33 AM
oh, forgot, don't go to a safetly class with a trike, they will rip you apart about how dangerous they are and might no take you, due to its a trike. I think I'm gonna borrow a quad of my friends when my sister-in-law goes to riding school, I don't want her to go with my 200x

02-21-2005, 12:36 AM
i say go crank on it, flip it a few times and learn your lesson...then you will know your limits....it is especially effective doing it in sandals with no helmet, like me......i know i am a complete idiot, dont listen to me...

02-21-2005, 09:44 AM
i say go crank on it, flip it a few times and learn your lesson...then you will know your limits....it is especially effective doing it in sandals with no helmet, like me......i know i am a complete idiot, dont listen to me...

thats how i learned too