View Full Version : I hate seeing signs like these... why 3wheelers

02-19-2005, 11:20 PM

02-19-2005, 11:42 PM
I don't know why everyone hates on 3-wheelers so much.

Every fricken' time I take my 3-wheeler somewhere to ride or up to the gas station (in the back of my truck) some jack ass has to always say "Nice 3-wheeler" then they say "Man, those things are dangerous, aren't those illegal?" That really pisses me off. ANYTHING can be dangerous if you ride it like an idiot. Heck, people break bones riding 20" BMX pedal bikes. Should they be banned?

Another thing I noticed is that there is this ATV/ATC/Dirt Bike/Snowmobile junk yard up in Mt. Pleasant I go shopping at whenever I'm in that town. There are like 10 snowmobiles that "hit a tree" for every 3 atvs/ 3-wheelers in that place. I never hear ANYONE say "Snowmobiles, wow, those are dangerous."

02-20-2005, 12:05 AM
The last poker run I went to I was the only one with a trike outta 40 guys and they said nothing to my face (but probably behind my back). I'm goin to one tomorrow so Ill let yeah know if anyone had the gull to say "Aint that there them things been illegalfied?"

StangLX302 what state is your Mt. Pleasant in? I know of one here in Pa.

02-20-2005, 01:17 AM
I get strange looks when I run my trike on mx tracks......real strange looks, especailly when I pass some of the quads. I got every line you can think of about how nice my trike is and how dangerous/you have alot of balls the ride that thing. At one track they love when I come, one of the guys that runs the track always tells me to come back often. They get a huge responce when I'm there and the guys talk about it for weeks after. Its hard to go there often,its a 2 1/2 hour ride to there.

02-20-2005, 01:35 AM
Its stupid, i think trikes can handle better than most quads because it dosnt take much to bust the tires loose and slide. Body english is a key factor to how well any ORV handles. It seems you just get stupid people who dont belong on one and they crash and make a bad name for everyone who rides.

, i think trikes can handle better than most quads because it dosnt take much to bust the tires loose and slide

After reading QUICKONSTEP post, I should have mentioned power is another key factor for bustin the tires loose, I ride a tecate (of course) so it is pretty easy for me but for my dad and his 250sx its a different story. So i guess i had a little tunnel vision and assumed every one was on a high-po trike.

02-20-2005, 08:49 AM
Cars are dangerous, people crash them all the time!

02-20-2005, 09:27 AM
I have a prime example of why everyone hates them. My sister wanted to ride my trike so i said "ok" and showed her the gears and she got that down pat. Well she starts goin up the street in 3rd gear, shifts in to 2nd to turn around, and guess what.... she dosent lean. So the tire flew up off the ground but she cranked the bars back before she flipped. Thats why they are so 'dangerous', because people don't understand that you have to lean. Then all these idiots go ride trikes, try to turn like their on a quad, and BAM, there hurt.

02-20-2005, 09:33 AM
prime example of me :D:D:D i never lean lol. i gotta learn. ive been lucky up till know!

02-20-2005, 10:50 AM
ive never rolled mine in the past 9 months ive had it, and i ride every day. ive had my snowmobile 2 months and ive already broken a leg on it.

02-20-2005, 11:20 AM
I've only driven mine around the yard here as I'm new to trikes but have many years on Foremans and I can imagin these trikes are a problem on steep side grades and rocky gorges like we run through all the time with the 450's....trikes are probably a lot more fun though on the tamer type of trail...at least I'm hoping they are.

02-20-2005, 04:37 PM
StangLX302 what state is your Mt. Pleasant in? I know of one here in Pa.


02-20-2005, 04:41 PM
nobody around here has come up to me and saud stuff like that.....normally they are asking questions.....or asking if they can ride it lol

02-20-2005, 05:07 PM
I have a prime example of why everyone hates them. My sister wanted to ride my trike so i said "ok" and showed her the gears and she got that down pat. Well she starts goin up the street in 3rd gear, shifts in to 2nd to turn around, and guess what.... she dosent lean. So the tire flew up off the ground but she cranked the bars back before she flipped. Thats why they are so 'dangerous', because people don't understand that you have to lean. Then all these idiots go ride trikes, try to turn like their on a quad, and BAM, there hurt.

you have to lean on a quad also.. you cant just expect to turn with such a narrow wheel base at any speed and hope to stay upright.. now granted, quads are a ton more stable than 3 wheelers.. and i will say this.. the 3 wheeler will keep you on your p's and q's alot more than a quad will.. i own both and can give you first hand experience.. i *thought* the quads were fairly stable, but when you dont respect them they will throw you, and within the first 2 days of me riding, i had just that happen.. it goes that way with anyone.. but its EXACTLY the same when it comes to boaters and jetski'ers.. when your in a boat, you are mellow and when your on a jetski the wild side WILL come out.. same way with a 3 wheeler.. from a dirt bike.. obviously.. the 3 wheels are more stable.. well.. people see that and think they can throw them around like a dirt bike and you really cant..

and as far as breaking the tires loose, its far more easy to do it on the quad than it is a 3 wheeler.. at least in my situation.. i have a 225 yamaha, thatll brealy break them loose while the 400ex will snap them loose in a heartbeat.. on pavement or on gravel.. id like to see a trike stay upright while trying to bust into a dounut while pinned in 2nd on pavement.. i dont have that happening at all..

bottom line people is this.. 3 wheelers ARE a thing of the past, just like old cars, but people love them and ride them.. i myself am one of those people.. its cool to see a 3 wheeler out riding, but its also cool to see a quad or a dirtbike out riding... just from what they ride doesnt make the person.. .. Thanks to the CSPC (i think thats it) and the federal government, you have the misguided train of thought that most people have.... and not to mention publications such as dirtwheels, who dog 3 wheelers to the end (rick siemen)

I hear people whining about going to a riding spot but are not able to ride there 3 wheeler there for some odd reason.. well guess what.. ITS NOT YOUR LAND ! if you want to trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro and wine about it.. then go buy some land and you can ride till your hearts content.. until then you really cannot trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro about not being able to ride in certian places.. i understand some people that have 1 riding spot 2 hours away and they wont allow them.. well thats there policy and theres probably nothing you can do about it.. you can try speaking with the land owner, but when it comes down to LIABILITY, and statistics, you will see that more people DO and HAVE gotten hurt on 3 wheelers than quads or dirtbikes.. think about that... there is a REASON they BANNED the IMPORT of 3 wheelers, it doesnt dismiss the amount of accidents on quads or dirtbikes.. but as i said before 98% of the people on this board are lunatics that sit in front of the tv biting there nails waiting to catch a glimpse of a 3 wheeler on the back of a truck on the local news..


02-20-2005, 08:14 PM
The last poker run I went to I was the only one with a trike outta 40 guys and they said nothing to my face (but probably behind my back). I'm goin to one tomorrow so Ill let yeah know if anyone had the gull to say "Aint that there them things been illegalfied?"

Nobody said anything bad to me about my trike today. Infact one lady took my picture as I came in from a trail. Nice lady she was.

02-20-2005, 08:28 PM
I have to disagree with you, its all in the rider. yes, trikes are a thing of the past, and they were banned because of many factors, but mainly the factor that is STILL a big factor, KIDS ON ADULT SIZED BIKES AND RIDING DRUNK/HIGH. The cpsc had testomony from pencil pushers say how dangerous they were and phony doctors and such, then came hte negaitave publicity that stemed from UNSAFE RIDING PRACTICES, NO HELMET OR GEAR, DRUNK/DUI AND KID SON BIKES WAY TOO BIG FOR THEM. I flipped my 250r trike 2 times and never my 200x in three years or riding. Trikes require a rider to know how to ride it, you can't just hop on a trike and ride it safely. Yes, mostly the places that don't allow trikes say its all the insurance company and the ones that do say they see so few trikes that the insurance company doesn't have much to say about them and doesn't hike up there rates for the few trikes that show-up. If we want more places to allow trikes, maybe we sould start showing up at places that allow them, not get hurt/crash, ride them safely and maybe then other places and insurance compaines will see this and change their policly's. ONLY WE, THE TRIKE RIDERS CAN CHANGE THIS TO SOME POINT, so guys if there is a poker run that allows trike, bring the trike, a track that allows trikes, bring the trike, maybe we will see change. And Quickonstep, you are a hypocrit, first you defend trikes and then you say that

"but when it comes down to LIABILITY, and statistics, you will see that more people DO and HAVE gotten hurt on 3 wheelers than quads or dirtbikes.. think about that... there is a REASON they BANNED the IMPORT of 3 wheelers, it doesnt dismiss the amount of accidents on quads or dirtbikes.. but as i said before 98% of the people on this board are lunatics that sit in front of the tv biting there nails waiting to catch a glimpse of a 3 wheeler on the back of a truck on the local news.."

the facts will show that back then far less people wore helmets(the #1 cause of increased injury), look at pics from back in the day, how many are wearing tennis shoes, a t-shirt, and riding double, and usually has a cooler strapped to the back, that is probably filled with beer.

02-20-2005, 08:34 PM
i defend them, but jsut for myself.. simply because i dont care what anyone else thinks.. i ride becuase I enjoy to ride, not because "everyone else" enjoys to ride.. and they were never banned, just the import of them were banned.... and im not insanly crazy about them.. i could live if there wasnt 3 wheelers in the world, and i can LIVE without riding them, i ride them like i said before, as a enjoyment, and a hobby.. PERIOD.. and i doubt that things are going to change, just because societies views on 3 wheelers wont change..

look at it how you want.. thats just my take, its not hypocritical, its point blank facts.


02-21-2005, 12:26 AM
i kinda get mad if i cant ride my 3 wheeler..its the only thing i have to do besides school and work...it sucks bein at home with nothing to do..like now..its still outa commision and im gettin pretty tired of it...im gonna get that engine runnin then sell the 185 parts..so if anyone wants anything lemme know..lol..anyway.to the subject..i hate those signs that have a trike in a circle with a line through it..like the no smoking signs..ive seen them in alot of places and i go complain to the people that put them up...not like a little whiner..you know what i mean..i cant stand seeing them..and the ORV places that say trikes are alowed and then when u get there they say u cant ride them there..thats bullshit to me..yea i think people need to grow up and accept the fact that you can get hurt on anything and everything..say for example..you drive by an elementary school when the kids are on recess..you see some on a swing and then bamm..u see one either fall out or jump out at the swings highest point..that istn even motorized except for the kids caffeine rush and endless energy..and then whattaya know..they are on the ground crying..and maybe have a broken arm or leg..you see my point?

02-21-2005, 12:34 AM
yeah, its pointless to care i mean most of us can smoke anyone trying to catch us :cool:, but nobody ever enforces these types of things anyways...at least from my experience, the only people that would ever bother you is state cops, and they are rarely around these places either....

02-21-2005, 12:37 AM
lol state boys stop u?? the only people who come out to my house is the sheriffs and thats cause my d**k head uncle that thinks he owns everything..im not going into it cause its a long story..weve never had a state come to our house..or any seen me on the road that i know of..if they did i dunno why they didnt stop me..or try :)