View Full Version : what to look for when shopping for a 85 200x?

02-19-2005, 10:08 PM
im lookin around here for a 200x and if i find one what are some good things to look for/ask about?

02-19-2005, 10:33 PM
i have a few 200x's for sale 1 is complete and fairly mint origional tires and everything

02-19-2005, 11:54 PM
First thing I would check is to see if there is any puddles under it. Then if possibe tilt it up on it's rear wheels to inspect the under carrige. I have learned from past experiances not to believe anything the seller tells you. There is alot of things to look for. Check to see if the rear end is nice and tight and so on.

Rex Karz
02-20-2005, 04:43 AM
No knocks, no oil leaks, no welds no rounded bolt heads.

02-20-2005, 10:42 AM
Thanks, theres one for sale up here for 650 and it says that it comes with extra frames and tires

02-20-2005, 10:48 AM
Here is my list and some was said already. This is also in order how I would go about giving it the "once over". Don't really have to do it that way though.

Before going to look at it call and ask that the bike be stone cold!!!!!!!!! One with bad valves or out of adjustment sometimes will start fine when warm. It also will smoke more. Cold, thats another story. If it starts great cold then you know it's more then likely in a good state of tune

BTW....... 86 & 7's are much advanced over the 83-5's

1) as said before 1st flip it up on rear wheels and check the under carriage for being bashed in at spots, any missing bolts, broken mounts, cracked frame etc. While up spin the front wheel and check out the rim for running true or any flat spots. Test the front brake a few times while you are at it.

2) Take rear fender off (need no tools) and check air filter and all components under there

3) check oil level

4) check gas tank for rust inside (bring a flash light)

5) eye the brake pad thickness & ask how long ago they were replaced

6) rock back and forth and while appling the front brake, note if there is any play in the steering stem

7) Put rear on jack stand so you can start motor and put in gear. Before starting though check the rear for side to side play and see if the rims mount up tight on the axle. Spin by hand and check out the sprocket teeth & chain.
Start her up and put in 1st or 2nd and watch rear to see if the axle spins true. If one of the wheels has a up and down movement or in & out wobble you know either the axle or a rim is out of round.

8) Compress the rear (off the stand now) and see if it comes up in a dampened manor or just flies right up. Flies right up either the rebond adj is wrong (if there is one) or the shock needs to be rebuilt (if it is that type that can be)

9) Move the lower fork boot up & away from the leg and see if you see any weeping oil. If not, check after you ride the thing also.

Everything checks out, go ride the thing and see how it performs. Take note to how the clutch works and is it close to running out of cable adjustment? Shift good? Switches work? Light work? Throttle returns with a snap with no drag?

If all checks out, sounds like a pretty decent trike. Buy it! :D