View Full Version : Help with motor.....

02-14-2005, 09:19 PM
The "can this tank" post reminded me of a problem I still face. My 350x motor is covered in a light crusty substance. I can't scotch brite it off with any chemical I have tried yet, looks like mud, and that's what the guy said it was, but it will not come off with anything other than a razor blade, and that's not the particular way I'd like to go about it, lazy gene I guess you could call it. I am to the point of yanking the motor and blasting the whole thing satin?? Would like to keep it black, but know not what to try next?? Help is always good, thanks guys. :mad:

Think if I bought this one my worries would be over. :cry:

02-14-2005, 09:28 PM
You could try oven cleaner but that might take the paint off I'm afraid. if you have tried scotch brite pads with some chemicals I dont know what to tell you.

02-15-2005, 12:20 AM
My Showgirl motor had a similar thing like you are talking about. I bought that up about where you got yours. Looked like the guy freshly painted lower cases and went out riding before the paint dried. I just took an electric drill with a wire brush head to it.

When you going to invite me up to Beverly Hills to see your spare 350X roller. I need something to put that new crate motor in! :D (If only to gaze at it in my house rather than peeking in the wooden crate!) This the kinda mud you got on your motor? hahahaha Seriously though, the last pic is the first pic I took of the "Showgirl"...(bout the only thing recognizeable is the skid plate to now) This is what the engine started out looking like.


02-15-2005, 07:26 AM
Thanks 250RNUT, I was thinking of that also, but it does do a number on paint, I will admit that oven cleaner is the best degreaser in the world!!

Bruce, I actually do have a wire brush for my drill and will try it, thanks. You are always invited up here to 90210 country, we can go rip it up on Rodeo Drive. Seriously man give me a call when your free. The roller isn't a roller anymore though, easier to store as parts and pieces.

I have another stupid question that had me stumped last night. My chain is loose with the carrier maxed all the way out, not popping off loose, but more than I'd like. When I go all the way forward with it, it's an 1/8" too short to pull out a whole link, and I refuse to use half links, WTF do I do?? :confused:

And yes the last pic you put up is similar to my crust......

02-15-2005, 08:15 AM
The only thing you can do, without using a half link, is to go up one tooth on the rear sprocket size. If it's an older chain, maybe it stretched beyond adjustment?

02-15-2005, 09:37 AM
WD-40 and a plastic scraper worked for me.. slow, but worked. for the cylinder fins an old tooth brush helped,

Another method to the madness... soak it down with WD, then wrap a paint scraper with a few layers of shop towels so that it fits tight into the fins and rub away....

worth it in the end... once you get it clean, it's easy to maintain.

02-15-2005, 10:26 PM
bigredhead.........i have to agree..i use wd-40 for nearly everything. i no alot of u arent fans of it..but i never have had a prob!!