View Full Version : 200x transmission not acting right, need help

01-20-2003, 04:15 PM
I'm putting my 200x motor back together right now and it won't shift right. When I had it apart I tried to shift the gears and the shift shaft slid around or something and it wouldn't shift, my mechanic said I just needed to put my side cover back on and it should work right. I put it all back together and now it shifts but the shifter stays up when I upshift and down when i downshift, I have to push it back up or down everytime. It also has alot of play in it. Someone please help me, I have no clue what's wrong with it. Thanks.

01-20-2003, 06:25 PM
did you put the springs in there???? are you sure they didnt get disconnected???

01-20-2003, 07:15 PM
I hope this makes sence to you I had the same problem with mine. It may be hard on the eyes :shock:

01-20-2003, 08:23 PM
I'm gonna take it back apart in a little bit and see if I can find any place where it looks like a spring should go, I'll also take a picture of it so maybe ya'll can see what's wrong with it.

01-20-2003, 09:35 PM
85200xer is right on the money. When sliding in the shifter shaft, you must spread the spring and seat it onto a ridge. One ear of the spring on either side. Make sure you push it all the way in. Then you can put pressure on the right side of the shaft (pushing it in) and try to shift. You should see the shift fork move down or up and will move in toward the motor right before the shift occurs so that it will mesh with the round shift shaft attached to the internal shift shaft and forks. Boy I know this sounds like a bunch of wordy crap, but it is hard to verbalize. I have had the same issue and fixed it this way. Another thing is to make sure the shifter shaft is seated correctly (spring in place) before putting the right cover on. Oh and make sure you refill the oil before starting. Another common mistake. Easy to forget when you finally get the darn thing fixed.

01-20-2003, 11:21 PM
I had to draw a pic. I couldn't say it in words. :x

01-20-2003, 11:35 PM
Thank you very much 85200xer, you were exactly right. Guess I gotta take the clutch apart and the oil rotor off again so I can slide the shifter shaft out to put the spring back.

01-20-2003, 11:39 PM
always glad to help out. yes you will have to take off the oil rotor and clutch, if that was a question.
catch ya later,

01-20-2003, 11:43 PM
always glad to help out. yes you will have to take off the oil rotor and clutch, if that was a question.
catch ya later,
No, not a question, I'm just kinda pissed that I have to do it.

01-21-2003, 12:06 AM
It's always annoying to get something together and find out that you have to tear it right back apart again. I just put my rocker box on my 200x using red silicone only to find out that it leaks. If I would have just bought the three bond liquid gasket I wouldn't have to take the motor back out of the frame to fix it :evil: :x