View Full Version : 125 yt shifting problems

02-12-2005, 05:40 PM
Has anybody had this problem before: Bike shifts perfect except for 1st gear does not engage, sometimes to it does, then it jumps out of gear after about 5 seconds of riding, but 2,3,4,5 gear all is fine. I just ride it without first gear. But was just wondering what it would be.

Billy Golightly
02-13-2005, 03:29 PM
You probably have a shifting fork, or 1st gear itself problem. If the engine has been apart in the past its possible a thrust washer was left out and it is not keeping 1st gear properly aligned with the others it makes contact with. My Tri-Z does the same thing 5th because I left a spacer out.

02-13-2005, 05:13 PM
Its probably a bent shifting fork then, cause its never been apart. I'll have to get a manual for this thing and see whether or not to split case to fix it. Thanks.