View Full Version : Honda 200s loose timing chain

02-11-2005, 09:17 PM
This Honda was just bought and is going to be restored. 1st we have to get it running.

The timing chain is nice and tight in the front. But the back portion has so much play in it. So much that if you started it seems like it would jump a tooth.

Also, it seems like the tensioner is at its limit.

Anyone know? Check out the picture.

02-11-2005, 09:45 PM
It might just be stretched beyond it's limit. You can get a brand new one off of eBay for like $15.00. Since you have it torn down that far already, it'd be a breeze to change.

Regardless of what the manual says, you DO NOT have to remove the engine from the trike, the head,the valve cover, or the cam. Just take all the CDI stuff off. Unbolt the gear from the cam and slide it down on the nose part.
Remove the old chain and fish the new one down through there. Loosen the tensioner all the way (In fact, I took it right off) and pop the new one on the gears.
I did a complete timing chain swap from start to finish in under 45 minutes, taking my time.

Oh yeah, VERY important. Make sure the timing mark is on the T and the dot on the cam lines up with the triangle.

02-11-2005, 10:08 PM
1st I must thank Chris for posting that since I sent him the picture and asked him to (I don't know how yet). So......... Thank you Chris!

2nd I must thank you Stang for the good advice. Seems strange that it has the original tires on yet but it needs a timing chain already? Seems to be the case though and sounds simple enough to me.
I guess it could be it was never adjusted and that speeded up the wear process.
The motor is going to be pulled anyway due to the frame being repainted. I just want to see if the thing has spark and if the motor will run, then it's rip down time.

02-11-2005, 10:25 PM
uhm its a bit tricky to just fish it out from the bottom...u may have to loosen your head bolts to get trailprotrailpro hand in there from the top of the cylinder...and then go to the head but itll be very tricky just trying to fish it up..ive tried it a few times

02-11-2005, 10:28 PM
Why would it be tricky? Why in the heck would you have to loosen the head bolts? Look at the pic. The chain is right there. Why fish it up? Just drop it down through the top. Remember, I said take the CDI stuff off and the cam gear. Trust me. It's a very simple process.

****By CDI stuff I mean the cover that says CDI on it and ALL of the stuff underneath it until you get to the cam gear bolts.

02-11-2005, 10:35 PM
o ok i get it..drop it in from the top..yea that would be easy..what i was saying was if he went to it from the bottom..that would be tricky..mine fell off one time and i did it that way..from the bottom..i had to loosen the headbolts to lift the head up and get the chain back up..that sounds very easy stang..thanks for mensioning that..i will have to do that from now on..lol..i never did think about it from the top so that does help

02-11-2005, 10:40 PM
Yeap, no problem.
The original reason I did it this way was because I was too lazy to pull the whole damn trike all apart to change just a timing chain. I work on cars all the time and said to myself, you don't pull a motor out then pull the heads off in a car engine to change a TC, so why would this be any different? I gave it a go and it worked.
I bet now that I've done it once before, I could do it in less than 1/2 hour now. From start to finish.

02-12-2005, 09:37 AM
I have worked on many 4 stroke motors and what you descibe stang makes perfect logical sense.

Those on ebay you mentioned (didn't check yet) I assume it's an after market company that makes them? Anywhere else to get them? I'm assuming also a oem one will be alot more.

I'll have to do some checking.

Thanks again!

02-12-2005, 09:47 AM
www.denniskirk.com should have them

02-12-2005, 10:30 AM
here is part number for oem honda and price from when I just checked a week ago
14401-958-003 $40.35

02-12-2005, 10:34 AM
www.denniskirk.com should have them

Yes they do. For 22.99

Through searching I have found it for 13.99 but whose to say it is of the same quality. The DK one is a D.I.D so you know it must be fairly well made.

I'm going to inquire though and see just what brand this other one is. 13.99 is a bargain but if it's going to wear alot faster then I'd go for the few more (well $10) bucks and get the DK- D.I.D Thats one area where I don't want to cheap out on.

Let you know when they reply back.


02-12-2005, 10:52 AM
Sent them this so more then likely Monday I will know & if not I will call.


I have a 1984 Honda ATC 200S. I see you sell the cam chain (other wise known as timing chain) for 13.99.

Cam chain link - http://search.store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/nsearch?query=cam+chain&first=10&only=0&categ=all&catalog=dratv

2 questions

1) What brand timing (cam) chain is it?

2) That's an exact fit, right? As far as I know there is no such thing where you shorten a cam chain by a link or so like you do a drive chain on a bike. I'm positive there is no such thing & just wanted to make certain it is an EXACT fit.

Plaese reply back ASAP
Thanks so much!


02-12-2005, 10:55 AM
here is part number for oem honda and price from when I just checked a week ago
14401-958-003 $40.35

Ouch! Way too much (for me) and thanks for checking buddy!

02-12-2005, 11:16 AM
Hey Huffa, I finally registered. Thanks for looking into this is. For you guys that don't know me, that's my 200s that Huffa has and is fixing up for me. He's got a big dinner coming his way when he's done! --of course that's assuming I approve of his work :naughty:

02-12-2005, 12:00 PM
ya he's fixin mine too! good man that Huffa.

02-12-2005, 02:40 PM
You finally joined MX 600. Good for you!

You both I hope have lots of patience. Once Chris sends me the manual I'll feel much more comfortable with the electrics. Thats one thingh I suck at but am willing to learn. Next one down the road I'll be able to fix it in a jiff!

Can't believe this, I'm working on both of yours while mine just sits there! :cry:

Anyone else need work done?.........wait your turn! :D

02-12-2005, 02:42 PM

P.S. This is an awesome seller. I've practically bought half of my trike from this place. Only 2 day shipping too.

02-12-2005, 02:46 PM
Stang, you da man! Thanks so much!!!!!!! I coudn't find that for some reason. Getting brain fade from working on these dang things so much.

One ebay DID cam chain coming right up! :D :Bounce :beer

02-12-2005, 03:00 PM
No problem.

02-12-2005, 03:16 PM
I never bought anything on ebay that didn't have the shipping charge so I had to email him before I make the purchase. I imagine it should be no more then $6 or so.

02-12-2005, 07:43 PM
14401-427-003 - 185 ATC and bike
14401-958-003 - 200s & 200x

The above cam chains are interchangable (both are 100 links and the same pitch).
Why not price both these parts as one of them will be cheaper. Not sure on the differences but i think that the trike 200's are slightly heavier duty. These chains dont break often so i wouldnt be worried about the strength of them if cost is a factor. The after market ones will be the same strength as the 185's I would presume. If they are the same price i would buy the 200x/s chain.

02-12-2005, 08:11 PM
Try hyperparts.com for chain and bye the way make sure you put the machine in the top dead center position, as mentioned earlier . I guess your chain tensioner is fuctioning correctly . Is the spring at the bottom not bent or worn. I thought that that was the correct way to change the timing chain as mentioned earlier. didn't know you had to pull engine and head . Who writes these manuals anyway.