View Full Version : Clutch Adjustment

02-08-2005, 10:25 PM
I have been working on my 1981 Honda atc200, as many of you know, for the past little while. I think I have it running OK now but I recently encountered a new problem. I can shift no problem through the gears but when I stop it will not go back into neutral. If I shut it off I can pop it up into neutral then...no problem.

I tried to adjust the clutch free playbut I am a little confussed. I have the clymer manual and it says; "Loosen the locknut and turn the adjuster screw counterclockwise until slight resistance is felt, then stop. From this point, back out the adjuster screw clockwise as follows: 1/4 turn clockwise". What I don't understand is if I turn the adjuster screw counterclockwise isn't it loosening it? Then it says 'back out the adjuster srcew clockwise', isn't this tightening it more???? Doesn't make sense to me...is this correct or does the manul have it backwards? Thanks for all the help I have recieved so far.


1985 200s
02-08-2005, 11:03 PM
Yes it is correct in that you back it out (counter clockwise) till there is slight resistance then turn it back in (clockwise) 1/4 turn then tighten the lock nut holding the screw in position. Just did this to the big red because of shifting problems and it worked out for me.

02-08-2005, 11:38 PM
Thanks! I appriciate the responce.


02-09-2005, 11:12 AM
Sometimes if your carb is set to idle to high it will prevent you from shifting back into nuetral... When mine is cold it idles high and prevents me from shifting to N..