View Full Version : Intermitent spark on 200X

02-06-2005, 07:21 PM
It's more then intermitent as it hardly sparks at all. 1st kick gave a blue spark once (plug out, holding on cylinder) and that was it. 10-15 kicks later another spark but far weaker (more of a gold color) then it gets worse and none again. Stop for 5 minutes try again - none. Try again in a few minutes weak spark again for just a couple kicks then none again.

Has been setting for quite some time ................... a few years I think. It is not my X.

Checked coil wire
Checked magneto for dirt and rust .........should the magneto pick up and magneto itself have any oil on it? The whole inside had a coating of oil. I thought it should be dry?
Tried a different plug that I know is good
Took paint off frame where coil mounts for good ground
Ignition switch on handlebar .............must that be grounded good on handle bar or is the ground in the wiring itself?

How do you test each electrical component?

02-06-2005, 08:57 PM
sounds like the same thing that happend to mine. pull the cdi cover on the motor. remove the bolt holding the magnet and spring louded arms and make sure the magnet is being held in place by the little nipples on the spring louded arms are still there.

02-06-2005, 09:53 PM
hey, you can't ground anything to the front end, it has to be grounded to the frame, or it will be intermittent.

02-07-2005, 04:26 PM
Dude, its the kill switch, if it isnt grounded properly alls that will happen is it wont work. Perhaps unplug the kill switch to ensure that it isnt the cause of your spark problems.

To test the components you can install them on another machine and see if you find the problem.

02-07-2005, 11:38 PM
Does anyone know if there is supposed to be a little oil inside the magneto or not? We're talkin about an 85' 200x is that the norm or a big problem?

02-08-2005, 06:21 AM
sounds like the same thing that happend to mine. pull the cdi cover on the motor. remove the bolt holding the magnet and spring louded arms and make sure the magnet is being held in place by the little nipples on the spring louded arms are still there.

Thats one thing I have not done. Will check for sure. Thanks.

02-08-2005, 06:24 AM
Dude, its the kill switch, if it isnt grounded properly alls that will happen is it wont work. Perhaps unplug the kill switch to ensure that it isnt the cause of your spark problems.

To test the components you can install them on another machine and see if you find the problem.

We did that already with the switch. I just didn't list it.

Thats the 1/2 fast way to test trhem & we did that too. I'd like to learn the right way from the manual but thanks for your input.

02-08-2005, 07:23 AM
You say 1/2 fast? If you change all the components and can fault the other machine then either a. you missed something b. it isnt electrical or c. you didnt check anything.

The proper way to test things is the way that makes sure the problem is with that component and not a related one. The way the manual does it isnt always the quickest or easiest or cheapest its the easiest to describe or sometimes they dont think of other ways. All i am trying to say is keep an open mind to suggestions.