View Full Version : Update - trying hard to get this thing running right!

02-05-2005, 08:05 PM
Well, worked on this thing (1981 atc 200) for a few hours today...out in the cold. Found out the carb kit I got had a 95 for a main jet so I went and got the right one, a 105. Thought that would solve it all....no luck. Heres what happening...idles OK hit the gas ans she revs real high even after I let off the gas. It's running real rich and bogs down when I drive at higher throttle unless I have the choke on then it runs like a dream (exept it idles way too high). When I drive it with the choke on it's got lots of power...the works. I tried to move the needle up, I think its on the top notch right now, tried diffenrent needles and both jets a 95 and 105. Starts no problem, timings all lined up and no air leaks. Plugs coming out with dry carbon on it so I think it's running rich.

Anyway thats the story...I am almost at my wits end...any help would be appriciated. Thanks for all the tips so far.


02-05-2005, 08:17 PM
hey mark ,,, how ya doin.
it sure sounds to me the timing is off a tad. you are checking to make sure the F mark is lined up at top dead center for timing and not the T mark that's used for setting the valve clearences right ???


do you have a manual ,,, if not i can send some scans your way in the morning.


02-05-2005, 08:38 PM
Timing is good...used the F mark to line it up and double checked it today. Thanks for the offer....I do have a manual and be using it, some of the best money I've spent.


02-05-2005, 09:00 PM
How Does The Needle And Seat Look?

02-05-2005, 09:03 PM
have u checked trailprotrailpro floats in the carb ..i have a 1985 200m that had the same problem and it was the float.

02-05-2005, 09:10 PM
Well, worked on this thing (1981 atc 200) for a few hours today...out in the cold. Found out the carb kit I got had a 95 for a main jet so I went and got the right one, a 105. Thought that would solve it all....no luck. Heres what happening...idles OK hit the gas ans she revs real high even after I let off the gas. It's running real rich and bogs down when I drive at higher throttle unless I have the choke on then it runs like a dream (exept it idles way too high). When I drive it with the choke on it's got lots of power...the works. I tried to move the needle up, I think its on the top notch right now, tried diffenrent needles and both jets a 95 and 105. Starts no problem, timings all lined up and no air leaks. Plugs coming out with dry carbon on it so I think it's running rich.

Anyway thats the story...I am almost at my wits end...any help would be appriciated. Thanks for all the tips so far.


"It's running real rich and bogs down when I drive at higher throttle unless I have the choke on then it runs like a dream (exept it idles way too high). When I drive it with the choke on it's got lots of power...the works."

That means it's too LEAN! With choke on, it richens up the mixture and thats why it runs better! It's literly starving for fuel!

It just has to have an air leak with the idle not coming down!!!!!! Check the exhaust header for cracks, loosness where it mounts to engine exhaust port also. Run it with the idle acting up and spray everywhere. You should hit where the leak is and idle will come down for a moment. Intake boot, head or base gasket. Intake boot could be cracked or loose too. Just got to be one of the things I mentioned.....I hope.

02-05-2005, 09:23 PM
Needle and seat are brand new. I did check the float and it looked OK to me...set it at the right height and everything. Had it too high initially and gas was coming ou the overflow. Set it right and that problem was solved.

I do not have any leaks.....checked, double checked and tripple checked for leaks. I put in a brand new ring on the exhaust port yesterday and a new gasket between the header pipe and muffler...exhaust is buttoned up tight.

The reason I thought it was running rich is because everytime I pull the plug it's got dry sooty lokking carbon build up on it.


02-05-2005, 09:37 PM
Huffa is right. If the choke is on and it runs better then it lean. You said that you tried to move the needle up and its on the top notch, do you mean the bottom notch which would make the needle higher or did you mean you moved the needle down and its on the top notch?

I would be moving the needle up so putting the clip lower down.

Anywhere from a 90 to 105 main would be in the right area.

02-05-2005, 10:26 PM
Tried the needle at all clip heights.

02-05-2005, 10:52 PM
Just thought of something...might be stupid...but I do not have a cover for my pulse generator. It didn't come with one and I havn't found one yet. Could air be leaking into the head from there????? I obviously have not been spraying anything in that area.


02-06-2005, 12:12 AM
I dont think you have an adjustment problem. Have you taken the carb completely apart, removed all jets and screws, and made sure you can blow carb cleaner through each orifice to where it comes out another orifice?

02-06-2005, 12:14 AM
Yes, pretty well everything in the carb is new!

02-06-2005, 05:54 PM
I'm wondering if the pulse genrator cap is missing you might have severe rusty parts inside the thing in there that has 2 springs that expand and contract might be damaged that would effect the engine running . may be worn. there is a seal in the top of the needle jet housing if it leaks thru there could be causing air to grt in at the top into the carb.

02-06-2005, 08:24 PM
Well, I took it to a buddies and we figured out I'm a moron. I had the choke figured out backwards....when I thought it was on it was actually off...so I was trying to run the stupid thing with the choke on all the time. I figured down was to put the choke on. We had a good laugh over that....thanks to everyone who tried to figure out what the hell I was doing.

Now it is running alot better but still not one hundred percent....when I give it gas it is back firing a little (kind of sputtering). My buddy thinks that maybe the timing is off a little...I'm pretty sure I lined everything up the way the manual said. If anyone has any other ideas before I take it apart to check the timing it would be appriciated. Thanks again for all the help.


02-06-2005, 08:32 PM
What direction turns the choke on? Up or Down? Thank you.

02-06-2005, 08:41 PM
Thanks for letting us know what was wrong , lots of times we help people to get the biike running and they don't reply as too what the solution to the problem was.I guess they are riding there machines and don't sit down long enough at the computor to end there post on the subject .

02-06-2005, 08:52 PM
Well at least you know which way the choke goes now. LOL .

02-06-2005, 09:01 PM
Up is on all the way.


02-06-2005, 09:03 PM
Any ideas on the sputtering when I rev the darn thing. I would be happier if my stupidity was the only thing in the way of getting this thing running better.


02-07-2005, 12:56 AM

02-07-2005, 08:39 AM
change the plug. Even if its new, ive spent hours fixing em and found that the new plug had died from trying to start it earlier on.

Other then that adjust the jetting.

02-07-2005, 09:16 AM
does it splutter when you give it high revs only? or does it splutter when you hit the revs straght away?

I had a similar problem. it would be fine on the revs untill i hit high revs and it would loose power and splutter.

02-07-2005, 09:32 AM
Pretty well sputters and 'pops' as soon as I start giving it some gas. Sometimes even does it when its idling, if the chokes on.


02-07-2005, 10:07 AM
im out then. cant help. good luck :) you will get there with the help

02-07-2005, 10:32 AM
checked the valve clearances ?

02-07-2005, 02:06 PM
did u check timing, No leaks on intake system pulse generator springs worn I think those springs expand and act as a timing advance or stabalizer ( could be wroong)and last carb not clean?

02-07-2005, 05:27 PM
Now i think about it, it sounds like ignition timing problem. Re-check it and make sure that the pulse pickup in the side of the head lines up when the "F" mark is visible.