View Full Version : 225 dr clutch

01-19-2003, 05:56 AM
any 1 have a clutch assembly for sale? also, how hard is it to replace. finally when i put it in second gear and stop it, then floor it, the clutch will slip, then kick in and the rpm will slow down alot and pull a wheelie. is this normal? my 110 kicked in slowly when you did that, or did my 110 have a bad clutch?

Tri-Z dude
01-19-2003, 11:04 AM
my dads DX was slippin
he went to take off
rpm's came up and then rpms went back down cause clutch grabbed and took off
we took his DX apart too and his clutch(centrifugal clutch) was almost balst
what we did
we had the drums turned to get the grooves outta the drum
then we has the clutch reshoed and fitted for the drum
if its not trailprotrailpro clutch
check the one way roller(in the middle of drum behind clutch)
the roller is supposed to turn clockwise
if it turns counterxlockwise, then it needs to be replaced
thats what book says about the roller
hope this helps