View Full Version : new rear axle bearings installed...

02-03-2005, 12:56 AM
finally got around to putting my rear end bearings in my 86 350x.i tried "all balls" brand bearings.to my surprise,i took the seal off to see how little grease they squeezed in the bearing,it was packed full!! usually these aftermarket bearings have a tiny amount in[guess so they wear out and you have to buy new ones] the seals seemed to be a good quality too.my rear hasnt been this tight in a long time!! [ i know,i know...that doesnt sound too good!] anyway,how much should tighten them up? i tightened,run around the yard,then retightened.if i remember,i did this a few times the last time.seems that i have to do this more than you should. thanks

02-03-2005, 03:01 PM
I was wonder'n the same for my 85R. Anyway the book said like 20 somen lbs I think. After every ride it was a hair or two lose, so I read the Durablue directions & they say that for sealed berrings a small amount of side to side slop is OK!?!? I'm cool with it casue if ya keep tightening that sucka its going to eventualy push on the sides of the berrings & that can't be good @ ALL. :mad:

02-04-2005, 12:19 AM
that does seem odd....you think if was a little loose,it would get worse and worse? i rode in the snow for like 1 1/2 hrs tonight and retightened.it only moved maybe a 1/4 turn,on those fine of threads on the nut,a 1/4 turn probably didnt move it much at all.i kept the last set as tight as i could and they lasted for years,we'll see about these