View Full Version : Tger Contact Info!!!!!!!

01-19-2003, 02:44 AM
Hey all you Tiger guys, I was just searchin for some stuff for my old TM400 and ran across this post on a vintage bike site, thought some of you may need/want this info. So here ya go.


I need some info where I could find a Rotax 250cc engine. I’ve checked hundreds of junk yards and even got quoted a price of $700.00 for the electrical components I need. The motor is mounted on a home made 3-wheeler and is guaranteed to haul.


Easy one. Call up Tony Murphy at (661) 944-1642 and tell him Rick sent you. Tony is a former road racer/magazine type who has (literally) a barn full of Rotax parts.

01-19-2003, 06:47 PM
I wonder if by home made he means a factory Tiger? Can you post a link to the thread where you found this? Thanks.

01-20-2003, 12:39 AM
Here is the url, just scroll down and you will find it.
