View Full Version : Mint 1981 250r On Ebay Broken Into Parts

01-25-2005, 10:09 PM
I apologize i don't know how to put the link up. There is a 1981 ATC 250R that is being parted out on Ebay. Some of the most mint parts I,ve ever seen for this bike. To me its sad that this 3 wheeler met this demise but some of you out there might be able to benefit from these parts. It's listed by the seller draygoneye. maybe some here can put the link up.

01-25-2005, 10:14 PM
Probably this guy (http://www.3wheeler.org/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17849). It's his trike so he can do whatever he wants with it but that sort of thing drives me nuts. I hope nobody buys any of it.

Edit: direct link to pics http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/runescape10/

01-25-2005, 11:02 PM
That little @#$@ I was mad as hell on .org and told him (i.e., typed him off)...I think he should be banned.

I still can't believe it. That guy should be banned from both sites. Thats not what we are about...is it?

01-25-2005, 11:13 PM
Probably this guy (http://www.3wheeler.org/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17849). It's his trike so he can do whatever he wants with it but that sort of thing drives me nuts. I hope nobody buys any of it.It is him!!! Almost every auction has a bid on it.

01-25-2005, 11:16 PM
that scum sucker. I hope he loses his azz

01-25-2005, 11:19 PM
Looks like "Yamaha425" is trying to bid on each piece and "put Humpty Dumpty" back together again! If I get that CEET tank cover, I'm going to send it back to Travis at CEET in GA so they can reproduce them! :beer I'll be putting the "big bids" in on Sunday! :naughty:


01-25-2005, 11:25 PM
That stuff is so clean, my heart did sink when I imagined what this thing must have still looked like. I don't even like to see the beaters broken down daily on Ebay but i guess it keeps some of ours going. This one was to nice to break down though!!!

01-25-2005, 11:26 PM
BOYCOTT THIS AUCTION if you have any sense of humanity whatsoever and you can get past your greed for one moment of human decency to show the folly of this brutal, heinous murder.

01-25-2005, 11:35 PM
What a shame... :(

01-25-2005, 11:38 PM
The guy is a punk in my book and is not what we are about here. If you can't float $1800 bucks and you need money that bad then don't get into this game.

These damn trikes are expensive to keep up. I give up...my heart hurts tonite. First I sold my YZ 400F to a guy that I am afraid will trash it...and now this!


Please try to take my Tri z, quadzilla, and 250r and part them out...I need to kick someone's ass tonite...please come over!!

01-25-2005, 11:41 PM
Here was my response to his 'bargaining' regarding parting it out:


I hope you did not part that thing out.

Trikes are not about making money man. If thats what you are about then go find another business.

Sure, if I have extra plastic I'll sell it. But i would never part out a mint trike that that.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
We have a bunch of kids getting into this and 'acting like they love trikes' and then try to make money off of destroying a new bike. If you finances are subject to that much fluctuation then go get a REAL JOB! Don't freaking destroy trikes due to your insolvency.


Respect the trike and the history. Its not about money all the time. Obviously you and don't see eye to eye on this issue.

You buy and sell trikes like a commodity. They are not a commidity. Commidites have endless supply.

I am glad I picked up my R when I did or else someone like you would have parted the thing out as well.


You wanna part out all my trikes to stuff your wallet. bring it man...try to take them...


RIP 1981 to 2005


01-25-2005, 11:48 PM
BOYCOTT THIS AUCTION if you have any sense of humanity whatsoever and you can get past your greed for one moment of human decency to show the folly of this brutal, heinous murder.

Now is the CEET cover really part of the trike? And if I can use it to allow CEET to remanufacture them, isn't that a good? Believe me, if it's stupid money, I'm not going there. You know what I mean? I hope the rest of the real trike goes for pennies on the dollar of what the whole would have been. And really, other than "Rare" parts like DG heads, I've seen some nice parts for 81-82R's go for cheap. Hope this trend holds up for this punk!


01-26-2005, 12:03 AM
has anyone ever heard the term "taking one for the team" i mean.. i can understand some peoples feelings.. but my god.. its his, not yours, no one wanted to buy it when he was going to sell it, so why, let me repeat WHY is everyone getting there panties in a ruffle? NOT A SINGLE PERSON bought the bike, he chose to part it out, END OF STORY christ get over it.. This thread sounds like a bunch of guys, crying like 2 year olds..

GET OVER IT! Now go sit in front of the tv to catch a glimse of a 3 wheeler in the back of a truck in some movie or news cast and bite your nails waiting for it.


01-26-2005, 12:15 AM
I agree he has the right to do with it what he wants. I don't beleive I'm crying about it. I'm just expressing a little passion about the loss of a 24 year old brother.

01-26-2005, 12:23 AM
has anyone ever heard the term "taking one for the team" i mean.. i can understand some peoples feelings.. but my god.. its his, not yours, no one wanted to buy it when he was going to sell it, so why, let me repeat WHY is everyone getting there panties in a ruffle? NOT A SINGLE PERSON bought the bike, he chose to part it out, END OF STORY christ get over it.. This thread sounds like a bunch of guys, crying like 2 year olds..

GET OVER IT! Now go sit in front of the tv to catch a glimse of a 3 wheeler in the back of a truck in some movie or news cast and bite your nails waiting for it.


QUICKONSTEP, obviously you are in the same mindset as the guy selling it....maybe YOU shouldnt be in these forums either....we are dedicated to keeping these alive, and if there is a mint one it should be kept like that...these are pieces of history.....would you disassemble Johnny carson's body if you could make more money???? i didnt think so.....

01-26-2005, 12:25 AM
would you disassemble Johnny carson's body if you could make more money???? i didnt think so.....

I bet he would actually. Probably even powdercoat his liver first. lol

And I think he did have somebody offer him $1800 bucks for it.

01-26-2005, 12:47 AM
no one bought it.. so no one really has any right to cry about it.. again, I UNDERSTAND HOW YOU PEOPLE FEEL but.. the fact remains, why cry about it if you did nothing to stop it? and telling them "dont part it out" doesnt really count as trying to stop it..


01-26-2005, 01:07 AM
He was offered the money for the bike but sniffed at it and said he'd make more cash parting it. Your not always going to make more cash parting a bike and I feel, like many others reading this, that he has made a mistake and is not going to make the cash that he thinks he will. I certainly hope he does make more simply because of his attitude on .ORG toward everyone that voiced their opinion. He posted his bike and knew full and well what the comments would be and then proceeded to argue and call names when he got the first sign of negativity.


01-26-2005, 01:20 AM
ahh.. then if thats the case, then the dood would be doing a good thing in a way to allow the parts to goto people who could really use them, to make there trike better.. in my opinion, id rather have 5 ok ones than 1 really nice one.. but thats just me.


01-26-2005, 01:23 AM
has anyone ever heard the term "taking one for the team" i mean.. i can understand some peoples feelings.. but my god.. its his, not yours, no one wanted to buy it when he was going to sell it, so why, let me repeat WHY is everyone getting there panties in a ruffle? NOT A SINGLE PERSON bought the bike, he chose to part it out, END OF STORY christ get over it.. This thread sounds like a bunch of guys, crying like 2 year olds..

GET OVER IT! Now go sit in front of the tv to catch a glimse of a 3 wheeler in the back of a truck in some movie or news cast and bite your nails waiting for it.

AGREED ...for christ sakes people grow up, its a trike, its his, he can do what he plese's there are 50 million of thses things around....good lord

01-26-2005, 01:29 AM

I understand what you are saying. The story as I know it is that he bought the trike about 1.5 months ago and then decided to sell it about 3 weeks later because he 'needed the money'. He waited about 1.5 weeks for someone on the boards to buy it and was immediately threatening to 'part it out' if no one showed up with $1800 at his door.

The whole thing really put me off. It was not good. You can read about it at 3wheeler.org.

Your opinion is a good one...but mine is different. Especially since if the kid was patient and actually gave 2 cents about trikes he could have sold it for more than the individual parts will ever bring.

To me he was just a dumb kid trying to make a fast buck. Its a shame when a trike like that survives for so long and then winds up in the hands of a person like that. Its a damn shame.

01-26-2005, 01:30 AM
To me he was just a dumb kid trying to make a fast buck. Its a shame when a trike like that survives for so long and then winds up in the hands of a person like that. Its a damn shame. yes it is a damn shame, i see where your comeing from also,.....just a little drastic tho dont ya think :beer :TrikesOwn ;)

01-26-2005, 01:32 AM
My Trike Sucks,

Not 50 million 1981 250r's around like that....just find me one more of the 49,999,999 left in the next 5 years.

01-26-2005, 01:35 AM
ahh darious, i understand now... it makes more sense now.. but, in the end it is his bike.. even tho it is a sore spot for alot of people including you.. but to mope over it is a bit drastic... bout the only suggestion i could offer is for somone to buy up all the parts, and put it back together.. and as it seems, the parts are not going to go for a mint anyways..


01-26-2005, 01:45 AM
Would be funny if somebody got every single part for pennies on the dollar of what he was offered then put it back together.

01-26-2005, 01:49 AM
The guy who broke this trike down and is ebaying it's guts is such a liar, and full of deceit. :rolleyes: He has no remorse, and needs to stop pretending like he does in order to sell parts. He even gloated about how nice it was before threatening to part it out like a little biotch. ( http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/runescape10/ )

And the fact that he's a self proclaimed "on-line sales manager" for a salvage yard proves that he had every intention of parting this piece of history out from the start, given he didn't get his target price of $1800 out of it selling it outright.

Darius said it best on dot org: You buy and sell trikes like a commodity. They are not a commidity. Commidites have endless supply.

If anyone reading this is contemplating buying any of these parts, please DO NOT! If what My trike Sucks said is right about there being "50 million of these things around" then it shouldn't be a problem for you to go out and find another person thats less greedy, less dishonest, and more appreciative of the trike culture selling the exact same parts this little snake is.

He's not on .com and .org to learn more about trikes, make friends, and share in the maintenance and longevity of trikes... he's here to gather trike and parts resale info so he can profit off of raping our trike history. If you really love your three wheeling hobby, you'll shun this tool and his ebay ads altogether.

P.S. If none of this conversation several of us are having makes sense to you, take a minute and read this thread here: http://www.3wheeler.org/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17849

It's clear what this guy's alterior motives are. :rolleyes:

01-26-2005, 08:33 AM

all the parts. im a bit shocked at this! few parts id like. but theres gonna be a bidding war so ill leave it :p

01-26-2005, 11:49 AM
He's not on .com and .org to learn more about trikes, make friends, and share in the maintenance and longevity of trikes... he's here to gather trike and parts resale info so he can profit off of raping our trike history. If you really love your three wheeling hobby, you'll shun this tool and his ebay ads altogether.

You said it best man....very very good.

01-26-2005, 12:53 PM
You said it best man....very very good.

But what does Orngecty250R have to do with this?

I think that he thinks Orngecty250R is also Christian ... from .org..
Thats what I was thinking when i read the first post of this thread too, but I dunno...

01-26-2005, 01:28 PM
Dude, Darius, yes it was a nice bike, but my god, settle down. It's not like hes taking his mother and parting her out. its a ATV If your so worried about it why dont you buy all the parts and put it back together. Its not like its yours in any way at all, stop your hissy fits over things that dont even concern you. I'm sure his auctions are gonna sell great, its not often that parts for a early R come up in that nice of shape. so anyone with that year R and some common sence is gonna buy what they need because usually its run down junk.

Some poeple take this sport way to seriously.

EDIT- Quick, I just read this "GET OVER IT! Now go sit in front of the tv to catch a glimse of a 3 wheeler in the back of a truck in some movie or news cast and bite your nails waiting for it" ---- lmfao, come on now, its not like they were produced for 10+ years, why would people all over the USA still have them? :D LOL

01-26-2005, 01:56 PM
the bid wars have began by the looks

01-26-2005, 02:01 PM
First of all I do not agree with the Idea of parting out this machine at all. Hell I try to fix junk that is jus that fairly often. But it sounded like the whole idea of any trike being parted out was wrong. I sell parts off of some of my trikes almost everyday, and I am doing something wrong??? They are not a commodity by any means, they are getting harder to find that are worth anything. If I am wrong for parting one out then your telling me that you would fix this???? Now I may have misunderstood what is being said here, it just sounded like you were attacking all people selling parts at one point and not just him...

01-26-2005, 02:15 PM
Some poeple take this sport way to seriously.

i couldnt have said that better myself.. this is a SPORT, a hobby, a thing to pass the time, its not a contact sport, its not a business where you can make a million dollars, it is just somthing some of us people do to pass the time.. because lets face it, if they didnt have these things, would we all just die off? doubtful.. think about the things that are more imporantant than material things...

btw, i hear at the local nail salon, you can get replacement nails to bite on


01-26-2005, 02:16 PM
I have nothing against parting out trikes, but this one reals ticks me off :mad: . Look at all the parts, they are mint, Imagine the machine it was, what a shame to part it out. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

01-26-2005, 02:22 PM
First of all I do not agree with the Idea of parting out this machine at all. Hell I try to fix junk that is jus that fairly often. But it sounded like the whole idea of any trike being parted out was wrong. I sell parts off of some of my trikes almost everyday, and I am doing something wrong??? They are not a commodity by any means, they are getting harder to find that are worth anything. If I am wrong for parting one out then your telling me that you would fix this???? Now I may have misunderstood what is being said here, it just sounded like you were attacking all people selling parts at one point and not just him...

I don't know about the others, but where "I" was coming from was that it was a complete trike, still stock, like they came from the factory, and the grandfather of performance ATC/V's. It's a shame it was parted out. Now, had it just been a frame, the swingarm, the lower end and the tripples left, I wouldn't see anything wrong with parting it out. They would serve someone better that way than as a picked over carcass just sitting in the corner of some dudes shed, rotting.

I guess there is a fine line there... like when is a trike too complete to part out or not? It's all up to the owner, I guess. Nobody here was trying mandate any laws stating that you can't part out trikes. All we were doing was pleading with him not to part that complete and cherry trike out. (this is evident in the original thread on .org)

I think it's the guys who didn't follow the conversation from the very begining who are the ones who don't understand why we are so upset with this dude for whoring out his cherry R.

01-26-2005, 02:36 PM
If I am wrong for parting one out then your telling me that you would fix this???? Now I may have misunderstood what is being said here, it just sounded like you were attacking all people selling parts at one point and not just him...

You did misunderstand. What people are pissed about is the fact that it was a MINT trike that got the axe. Parting bikes out is an unfortunate but necessary thing. I don't mind seeing the ragdolls parted out but it is a shame to see one that nice get parted out just so the owner can try to make a few extra bucks on it. If you read the other thread he had no real intention of selling it as a whole. If he did he would have put on ebay with a reserve to at least see if someone would buy it for what he wanted.

I think what *really* is putting people off with this person in particular is that he acts like an enthusiast and says things like "I'd really hate to have to part this out" when that was his sole intention. If you're gonna destroy something like that for a few extra bucks, fine. But don't act like you're an enthusiast and that it pains you to do it when it clearly doesn't. He scoffed at a couple of very reasonable offers on it that most of us here would have at least considered or used as a starting point to work something out.

I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it but I do think the guy is a prick after reading the other thread. It's his fakeness and attitude that bother me more than what he actually did. But, whatever. Life goes on. Hopefully those parts go to good use and the dude doesn't get anywhere near what he wanted for them.

I have nothing against parting out trikes, but this one reals ticks me off :mad: . Look at all the parts, they are mint, Imagine the machine it was, what a shame to part it out. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Have a look for yourself.

01-26-2005, 02:39 PM
Most ATVs are worth 2 to 3 times more in pieces than they are worth whole, especially nice ones. I dont like to see a nice piece disassembled either, but its really easy to sit here and criticize somebody who needs to liquidate something, and doesnt want to wait several months for the privilege of taking a huge hit on it. How many of you throwing stones are willing to lay down several hundred dollars of YOUR money to "save this trike"? From what I understand he was willing to bypass the parts profits and sell it whole, but that the people who criticize him for not tying up his money werent willing to back their condemnations with their own money.
The arguments get ridiculous. Compare it to disassembling human bodies? get real? For God's sake, its a machine!!! I feel sorry for the family mebers of any person who equates the value of a machine to human life, but if you really want to use that argument, have you ever heard of an organ donar card? Where you turn a tragedy into multiple triumphs? Yes, if he werent 79 years old, I would hope that harvested all useful body parts and sent them to people who needed them.
I had a an 86 200X that I tried for monthes to get $800 out of. I chose to put food on the table over preserving a machine. I got over $1600 out of the parts. Perhaps I should be banned from this site too. Tell that to all the 200X's that are now being driven because I did it. Especially the two that I know of that were dead projects that hadnt been run in years until they got parts from mine.
If you are willing to put up the money, and start your own rescue mission for trikes then you have a right to your opinions, and my respect of your opinions. There's an expression for anyone else that goes "Put up or Shut up".

01-26-2005, 02:44 PM
I had a an 86 200X that I tried for monthes to get $800 out of. I chose to put food on the table over preserving a machine. I got over $1600 out of the parts.

That's the difference between someone like you and someone like him though. You TRIED to preserve it.

Some people are definitely going over the top on the issue though. He has the right to do whatever he wants with his property. We have the right to think he's an ***hole. Next! :D

01-26-2005, 03:11 PM
Anyone complaining about this trike being parted SHOULD HAVE PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!! There are obviously a bunch of kids on here dreaming about crap they can't afford. Otherwise, one of you would have ponied up. He was offered $1200 for the complete trike and will make at LEAST double that on ebay. Who's the idiot?? PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!

01-26-2005, 03:16 PM
Dammit- Thank you for clearing that up, I read most all of the thread but I guess I missed a few spots.
TimSr- I also have to agree with you, I dont like the Idea that he parted out this machine, In fact I hate and despise the idea of it. However, I in no way tried to stop it so I really have no real right to be mad about it. When it comes to stuff like this you got to put food on the table above all else, and unfortunatlly in this case, it means destroying a peice of history......

01-26-2005, 03:21 PM
OK, I am the sentimental fool who made a few offers on that bike. First was $1200, then $1500, then I finally agreed to $1800 and what do you know?? No reply. So, the fact remains that this guy was dead set on parting it in the first place.


Maybe Im a sentimental old fool, but as it is dink wads right to destroy a piece of ATV history, it is my right to condemn the practice.

Exactly. And maybe I'm a sentimental old fool too but I was rooting for you when you were trying to buy it. :beer

And as for the "PUT UP OR SHUT UP" crew, pay attention. This guy was doing exactly that. :rolleyes:

01-26-2005, 03:35 PM
Boy this thread has alot of crying babys in it!! :cry:

01-26-2005, 05:30 PM
No one is a cry baby here. This issue is split between guys that have an emotional attachment to thier past versus guys who just like to ride and treat trikes like machinery.

No one is better that the other...but you must understand some of the 'sentimental' folk's thought process. At least for me, seeing a mint trike reminds me of when I was a Kid and would walk into the Honda dealer with my folks. It brings back warm fuzzies.

Yes it does upset me when someone destroys something like that. In a way a part of my childhood and who I am today is wrapped up in these machines. Sure its silly, but its the truth. The fact that they are no longer produced has even intesified this connection.

Its almost as if time has stopped in terms of my 3 wheelers and we are all drooling over the same exact trikes that were made when we were kids and teens. I don't think we would be this concerned if trikes were still in production.

Are we over emotional? Yes, but its also the people who love trikes so much that went to the trouble to create a site like this, and to restore these things when few people even cared about them. I am proud to be overly emotional about this and I am just that way with everything. Being over emotional has allowed me to succeed in many areas of my life. Emotion drives the senses and creates an unstoppable will and desire.

I could not afford a new ATC250r when I was a kid. I can afford it now and thats why I am making the one I bought as clean as humanly possible. Because I love that feeling of seeing something so pristine. Somone else may not have that same connection or need. They may just love to see the trikes ridden and dirty. No one is better or worse...just different.

Realize that when something like that happens and someone like that does it...us emotional 30 something guys will cringe.

We remember and we miss it!

01-26-2005, 05:40 PM
I was there too. Scott and I were talking about the 80s last night. I had the same eye for trikes and dirtbikes that I have now. I could spot one from a mile away. There's just no use bitching about this guy. If someone has the money to buy a trike, they can and will do whatever they want with it. You can boycott the auction but we all know those parts will bring top dollar...like it or not

01-26-2005, 05:57 PM
Holic.... I wish I would have went and looked at it before he parted it.... I would have called Mike up from Vintage Motorsports. I bet he would have given that punk an offer he couldn't refuse to just save him the hours of a complete resto! As nice as that trike was, he probably could have called around to some museums... or past clients of his that would have saved her from the wrenches... I know Mike was/has done a US90 Resto for HONDA (read it somewhere)

After finally seeing the original pic.... I too am sickened.

01-26-2005, 06:57 PM
It's a shame that is was parted out. However i'd have to say, complete it's worth over $2000. Especially if he had the original rear tires. Most of us end up dumping more time and money then that into the trikes we have.

No offense Holic.
Most likely he wasn't offered enough money for it.

In order for someone like that not to part it, he would have to offer for more money than he would get in parts.

just my 2 cents.

01-26-2005, 07:27 PM
i have a close friend who asked me to get the most out of his 350x that i could for him.


i suggest we part it out on ebay.

gotta do a little homework but don't shun me if i go that route.

or another way of me saying it is "piss up a rope if you don't like it".
" bid if you like the parts "


01-26-2005, 09:05 PM
Do you really think he'll get over $1800 for the parts?

01-27-2005, 12:38 AM
Anyone complaining about this trike being parted SHOULD HAVE PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!! There are obviously a bunch of kids on here dreaming about crap they can't afford. Otherwise, one of you would have ponied up. He was offered $1200 for the complete trike and will make at LEAST double that on ebay. Who's the idiot?? PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!

There is NO WAY that thing will bring $2400 in pieces. It may bring $1k if he's lucky.

01-27-2005, 12:47 AM
he'll bring in more than 1 k.. i'm sure of it !

I have a friend with the same mentality.. it's an old machine.. ride it t'il it dies and to hell with it.

Personally, i think.. no i know i like working on my trike more than riding it, and having one of them would have been the ultimate.

Imagine paying 2000 for it and not having the heart to take it to the trails !

i'd run parades with it ! LOL..

01-27-2005, 10:10 AM
The parts total around $669 as of now. Still has 3 days left. I think he wil get over a thousand before it's all said and done.

01-27-2005, 10:25 AM
... another way of me saying it is "piss up a rope if you don't like it". " bid if you like the parts " john

:beer That's the way I see it too. It is kind of a shame to see a nice original machine parted but what other's do with their machines is their business.

If I had an 81/82 250R I'd be drooling to get a hold of some of those parts.

01-27-2005, 10:37 AM
After reading the other thread (at .org) I see what y'all are saying. The guy had been talking to someone and was convinced parting out was the way to make a killing. I guess it's not working out for him? He should have taken the $1800 I guess

01-27-2005, 10:49 AM
I love how he is bragging about parting out an Immaculate ONE owner machine, Makes him sound like a fool

01-27-2005, 10:51 AM
Lomax, you're right around the corner. Where do you go to ride?

01-27-2005, 11:06 AM
Yater- There is a place that we call the Ozones thats good riding, and there is also up in a little place called dodridge ark. on the Red River sand bars that is pristine to get your ATC out on. I have never ridden an ATC out there (only raptors that I once had) but Thats the first place that I am going when my X is back together again. Other than that, I usually just haul the Bear down to like Funwheeler or Rabbit Creek.
Was wondering, Would the Headlight from that 81 250R fit an 85 200X??

01-27-2005, 11:17 AM
I'm new to town and don't know any of the riding areas. The ozones...is it legal? I'm all over that! I'll send a pm later today when I get a chance

01-27-2005, 11:24 AM
Yeah the Ozones is safe to ride, I think that International Paper owns the place, after deer season is up, we ride there often.

01-28-2005, 05:37 PM
looks like less than stellar results so far, wouldn't you guys say?? I guess not many people out there willing to pay more than a buck for an 81 frame! LOL What was this guy thinking??.Sure, he is gonna sell the motor, and the plastic, and the headlight, and a few misc items. but he still is going to be a long way from the straight loot I was willing to pay for the whole bike. Now he got less than half the money, and over half a pile of parts. We shall see how it ends. Im betting no more than $1500 total, and Im also betting that he will be ebaying parts off this for a loooooong time. So much for needing money quick! This guy is no rocket scientist, thats for sure.

its all up to a WHOPPING $802!!!!!

hes gonna be rich!!!

I hope I dont eat my words! :o

01-28-2005, 05:50 PM
Yeah, If i was him I would close all the auctions now and put that thing back together and sell it as a whole, if he as intelegent that would happen, But after what he did i doubt there is little intelligence involved with this guy...

01-28-2005, 06:35 PM
Do you really think he'll get over $1800 for the parts?

No I don't think so.

He does have the right to dream.

02-01-2005, 08:19 PM
looks like he made about $1675! plus whatever he makes off shipping.

02-01-2005, 08:30 PM
No I don't think so.

He does have the right to dream.You are wrong. His total was

02-01-2005, 08:50 PM
oops, i must have missed a few items.

02-01-2005, 10:05 PM
Minus ebay fees which I'm sure ate up about a hundred bucks of that so he still got less than the max offer on the whole.

02-01-2005, 10:12 PM
Minus ebay fees which I'm sure ate up about a hundred bucks of that so he still got less than the max offer on the whole.
It's still more than what everyone thought he would get.

02-01-2005, 10:29 PM
It's still more than what everyone thought he would get.

True. But he's still a dink. :p

02-01-2005, 10:33 PM
It's still more than what everyone thought he would get.

for the life of me, I dont see why YOU and some others defend this guy.

02-01-2005, 10:36 PM
for the life of me, I dont see why YOU and some others defend this guy.
I don't know why YOU keep crying about it. :wondering

02-01-2005, 11:12 PM
Don't forget the hassle of taking the whole thing apart, boxing up everything and having to ship 20 boxes...some really big. That time is worth $300 in my book.

Billy Golightly
02-02-2005, 09:18 AM
Don't forget the hassle of taking the whole thing apart, boxing up everything and having to ship 20 boxes...some really big. That time is worth $300 in my book.

Thats exactly what I was going to reply. And then the hassle of probably 2-3 items having deadbeat buyers, having to relist the items, ect ect ect. Thats why I hate parting stuff out, to much crap involved with doing it.

02-02-2005, 12:07 PM
Believe me the kid did not demonstrate common sense, business sense or even a bit of compassion.

He should not be defended and Trikeaholic is absolutely correct with his comments.

02-03-2005, 09:17 PM
He was offered 1800 for it and made a little over that in parting it out. Lets see here -20 per hour for taking it apart (my shop rate for restoration) and well say it took about 3 hours if he took his time. -2 hours in taking all the pics and loading them up on the computer. -1 hour in ebay listing time. - about 100 bucks in Ebay fees. + well say 100 bucks in overcharged shipping. Comes out to around 1700 bucks. Yeah I say that it would have been alot eaiser to just sell it for 1800 and be done with it.