View Full Version : I put a 200x carb on my 185s. Small problem.

01-24-2005, 08:02 PM
I just got around to putting a 24mm 200x carb on my 185s today. I put a rebuild kit in it and totally cleaned it out before I installed it.

I have a slight problem that I think is due to the way it's calibrated. It starts and runs fine, but, if you slam on the gas, it has a big hesitation (like it has a big off idle lean spot), then goes fine. If you ease into it, it's fine. Once you get rolling, it works fine too.

My jetting is: 110 main, 40 pilot, needle on 4th groove, pilot jet 2 turns out.

What do you guys think? Too lean? Do I need to richen up the pilot screw maybe? Turn it IN more to richen it, right? Maybe I need more jet because I have an aftermarket pipe and filter?

P.S. It definately feels faster (mid and top end) with the bigger carb, in case anyone was wondering.

01-24-2005, 08:23 PM
Its probably just cold. My SXs, and Xs did that too till they warmed up. Oh and is your choke off?

01-24-2005, 08:44 PM
Try starting it and if its a choke operated by a cable, then pull it a 1/3 of the way out and do exactly the same throttle applacation that makes it hesitate. If it seems better but not perfect pull it out a hair more. If you get it to run great with the choke out it definitly is running lean.

If it's just an on/off choke, well you have no choice then but with it all the way on.

Another trick is to take the air filter off and duct tape a 1/3 of the intake opening or so. All this is doing is making the fuel mixture richer by allowing less air. If the hesitation goes away and it's just off idle turn in the air screw a 1/4 to a 1/2 turn. You might need a bigger pilot jet also.

Any time you put a bigger mm carb on you will gain mid to top with most gains leaning more towards the top but you will lose a little low end grunt because there is too much velocity of air for the low RPM's. You probably will get it better but don't believe it will ever be as good that it was down low with the smaller carb on. Depending on what type of riding you do, when talking carbs, bigger is not always better.

Also, you can put (or try I should say) your needle jet in the 5th position which would be the richest setting.

01-24-2005, 08:54 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, I will try that tommorrow (already dark out).

I knew ahead of time I'd be giving up some down low performance by going bigger, but I'm OK with that. There aren't too many hills where I usually ride, just a BIG BIG flat field (old farm my wife's family owns), so it's mostly WOT running.

01-24-2005, 08:57 PM
250sx got me thinking too.................

It's 9 degrees outside. You read right..........9. Yes, I'm nuts for being outside rebuilding carbs and swapping carbs in this stuff. Maybe I should let it warm up a LOT longer? Or maybe it's never going to truly warm up in this weather?

01-24-2005, 09:24 PM
it will warm up, trust me. I had my SX out this weekend in single digit and below zero wind chill and it warmed up, to a point :)

01-24-2005, 09:38 PM
my 110 did the same thing. i had a uni filter with no lid, and a cobra exhaust. it only ran good with the choke fully on, clearly not getting enought gas.

01-29-2005, 07:58 PM

I went riding today for a longgggggggg time. The problem completely went away after the engine got good and warm. It actually runs pretty darn good with the 200x carb on there. Also, It was 33 degrees out today. Maybe that helped.

P.S. I went riding out on the ice on Lake St. Clair (It's a huge lake here in S.E. Michigan), what a blast that was!!!! I stayed out there about 4 hours. I saw a 200x, two 350x's, two 185s's or 200s's, a Big Red and 2 Kawasaki trike's out there today!!!! I also saw some EXTREMLY FAST home made drag snowmobiles.