View Full Version : Tech question for the Guru's on site,please help

01-24-2005, 12:07 AM
I have recentley purchased a 1985 200s trike,I am having problems with it going in gear,The gears feel fine when I manually go threw w the shifter(not runnin),but it will not enguage to turn the piston over.I have no grinding or anything,when pushing it,Its acts as if its in neutral.The motor has good compression and seems to turnover fine
Another question I have is,Is there supposed to be 2 shifters on this?It seems like the shaft sticking out above my shifter should have something on it?
Any help would greatly be appreciated,we just got 10 inches of snow and I can't go tear it up.Thanks in advance and once again anyhelp would be very much appreciated,feel free to email or post any suggestions you may have.
thanks again
Great site also

01-24-2005, 12:18 AM
Welcome to 3 Wheeler World! :welcome:

Ok, for starters the second shifter shaft you see is really for a neutral indicator. It is a little plastic arrow that sticks one there to show what you are in neutral. You can get a new one from your Honda dealer for about $2; lots of trikes are missing them.

For starters on the shifting problem you should try adjusting the clutch. To do that, loosen up the 12mm lock nut that is on the right side engine cover. Then turn the screw that is inside the nut counterclockwise until you feel a little resistance then turn it clockwise 1/4 of a turn. Now tighten up the locknut but make sure the screw does not turn.

If the adjustment doesn't help let us know and we can do on from there.

01-24-2005, 12:20 AM
First we'll go with the easy one. That other shaft is nost likely where your neutral indicator goes. And as for the no gears part, mine did the same thing. On the right side of the motor there is a nut and sticking out of the case, you loosen the nut, and with a flat head screw drive your righten that shaft untill you feel resistance, once you feel resistance turn it the opposite way one quarter turn, hold the screwdriver there (to keep the shaft from turning) and with an open end wrench (try doin it with a socket your not gonna get the job done, lol :p ) and tighten the nut. Just sounds like your transmission is loosened up, doin this fixed mine and it works great, i believe this process is in your manual.

01-24-2005, 12:25 AM
Welcome to the site. and good luck w/ the 200s

The second shaft is prob the gear indecator, it should have a white circle thing w/ a little pointer, if I remember my 200s. The gear problem could be alot of things, First I would check the chain / sprocket. Make sure everything it in good working order. 2nd check the shifter splines and make sure it is really changing a gear. From there you need to get into the motor and clutch adjustment, check the easy stuff and get back to us, I am sure you will get the help you are looking for.

MIK6 / Mike

01-24-2005, 12:49 AM
thanks alot,I will try that tommorow,first thing.Thanks for the rapid responses from evryone,your input in very much appreciated.This site is wild.I just told a few of my freinds about this site and they are loggin onto it now.thanks in advance again guys