View Full Version : Who has a book on a Tri-Moto 200

01-17-2003, 04:59 PM
Just wondering what the valve gap is saposta be????? Thanks

01-17-2003, 07:18 PM
Intake: 0.002 to 0.004 in.
Exhaust: 0043 to 0.006 in.

Next question please. lol

01-17-2003, 08:43 PM
Thanks Howdy......... :Beerchug I owe you another one.....

My 9 year old Nephew bought my Tri-Moto200 (his mother finaly got over the 3wheel issue) and he wants to restore it. He wouldnt let his parents help pay for it he wanted to use his own money. The cam chain and top end gaskets are in, so Im going to show him how to do his first 4 stroke top end. He's pumped he allready started wet sanding. I allready showed him the 3ww pic page, thats as far as he got, dont think he'll be hitting the message board for a few years.

01-19-2003, 01:03 AM
That is totally cool little dude so pumped about trikes and riding. All my 4 year old talks about is riding, he even wants to go out when its cold as hell.

01-19-2003, 09:16 AM
your leting a 9 year old ride a tri-moto 200??? I wouldnt let most 9 year old's ride a TRX200 let alone a atc-200 and the last thing I'd let em ride would be a tri-moto 200, thay're about the easiest trike to flip over backwords(I know I had a tri-moto 200) one thing for someone with experince to ride, but a 9 year old?? man I hope you teach him well.

01-19-2003, 09:41 AM
9 years old with proper training is fine in my book. As long as he knows the machine and his limits he should be fine.


Tri-Z dude
01-19-2003, 11:34 AM
id let him
if he's tought correctly
but of course he will be
im glad he is pumped about doin the top end
makes me a little pumped too

01-19-2003, 01:35 PM
Guest...... I'm not just letting any inexperienced 9 year old hop on and go. He's got more experience than most 15 year olds (no offense to those that are yonger). He started out riding on a Rancher, then moved up to a Rubicon that his father used to own. Before that he rode an old Yamaha 60 Dirtbike and was getting a foot of air the first week with no encouragement. He even goes on long rides with us on a Polaris 500HO.

So, with that said...Yes an average 9 year old probably wouldn't be safe on the 200 but in this case, his parents and I feel he has more than enough experience...as well as the fact that he is always well supervised. I do, however appreciate the concern. :)

Tri-Z dude
01-19-2003, 02:32 PM
power to the trikes :twisted: :shock: :twisted:


01-19-2003, 03:49 PM
I guess for what its worth, Ill weigh in as parent of an 8 year old, with exceptional riding skills. Its not an issue of how good a rider he is or how much experience he has. When you are dealing with kids, its a matter of the weight of the ride vs the the size (not age) of the child. He WILL roll it sooner or later. Thats reality. What is the likely outcome? When my 70 lb kid roles his 185 lb or his 220 lb Yamaha over on himself, while wearing the proper gear, he gets back up and rides again, but it would be totally irresponsible of me to stick him on 450 lb utility and take him out on the trails. Not because he isnt skilled enough, or its too powerful, but for the obvious reason that if it roles on him, it could easily be deadly.
Some 9 year olds are 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh 125 lbs, and the 200 would be perfectly suitable. Others, like mine, are not so big. Its up to each adult to use good judgement in these situations, because any child thinks they are suited to ride any thing! My only advice is to imagine this thing tipping over on this particular kid, not necessarily at a high rate of speed, and evaluating what the outcome would be, because it WILL happen. Its not a matter of IF, but WHEN. If this child is big enough to handle this trike's weight going over him, then youre probably fine, but if not, PLEASE rethink putting them on an adult vehicle. Some of us may be trike fanatics, but a kid is just as happy on an 80 or 90cc quad that is much safer when its size appropriate.

01-19-2003, 05:17 PM
my uncle has a raptor and his son (1 1/2 years old) saw him push the start button. when they stopped, you know what he would do, push it again! it was pretty funny, we all ran over there and shut it off

01-19-2003, 08:08 PM
I was 11 when I got my arctic cat 440 puma, probaably wasent a good idea, I just didnt have the waight to control it, I'd say the same as Timsr, put him on a 90,110 or 125M, I notice that this kid hasnt had any experince on trikes(not from what freaks said anyway) I'd say the same as Tim, something a 125cc's or less would be a good start. Just my .02 cents.

01-19-2003, 10:21 PM
I started riding when I was 6, me and my two older brothers got a 185 Bayou for X-mas back in 1985.

Yes he is 5 foot tall and better than 100 pounds. No he dont have any experience on 3 wheels, but being his size he will beable to stand up a 90 just as easy as a 200, it boils down to him being a sensible rider, and supervision. Tim you are right about about the wheeler wieght. He has allready broke his arm flipping the Rancher, and cracked two ribs jumping the snowbanks with the Rubicon (he landed on the handle bars)

01-20-2003, 12:42 AM
Sounds like hes big enough for this 200, and probably the sooner the better to get him off the Rubicon and Rancher. Those are way too big and heavy for somebody his size, and have crunched more than a few full size men. Hes more likley to roll the 200, but a lot less likely to get injured when he does.