View Full Version : Let my buddy ride BIGRED.....

01-17-2003, 12:21 AM
A couple of weeks ago my woman and I were hanging out with our friend havin' some beers and got this idea to have a big hollow log fire in the woods near our house. So he called up his lady friend and she came over, along with our friends who have an LTZ400. So, me and Marie are gonna ride on my 200x and our buddy and his girl will ride Marie's BIGRED. We all set out at around 9pm to go the fire spot. We ride some trails and then have to ride stretch of road to get there. On this stretch of road me and Marie are neck and neck with the LTZ400 and in the road there is a huge chunk of ice, we both go around it at about 50-60 mph then I look back and see our buddy (and his girl) who was about 100 yards behind us pretty much nail the ice chunk and get thrown off, BIGRED does about 4-5 flips end over end. I say HOLY $HITT turn around to check them out and there all banged up! We sent them to the hospital to get checked out. Turns out that they are O.K. Man, what a scare! Just want to let ya'll know that it's not a big deal for us who own these machines to RIP on them but people who just don't know shouldn't be riding them.... PERIOD! A few hunderd dollars later and everyone is alright. I guess we learned a lesson that night. Only we ride our machines anymore, it sucks but better safe than sorry!

200x Basket
01-17-2003, 05:45 AM
:rolleyes: you should have learned not to mix drinking and riding period. you should also learn that trikes are a one person ride. i have a feeling you have a lot to learn and i hope no one gets killed while you are "learning" :rolleyes:

01-17-2003, 10:48 AM
This is so typical of the 95% of the "3 wheelers are dangerous" stories. People without the skills riding beyond their ability. Trikes are more difficult to ride than quads, and unsuspended models are a lot harder to ride than suspended models. Its also much harder to ride double than alone. Some may be offended, but Im not crazy about sticking a new rider on a 3 wheeler to begin with. Yes I learned that way, but a few monthes on a quad first proabbly would have saved me a lot of skin.
Ive certainly taught my share of people to ride, including TimJr who does it quite well, and the first thing, and most important rule is to plan on them crashing. Not IF they crash, but WHEN they crash. It is inevitable and WILL happen. So you plan accordingly. Do they have the right gear? Do they know how to crash properly in different circumstances? Are they going at a speed they can handle, and if they crash at that speed, what are the likely results?
If new people want to learn, thats great, but they should definately ride alone, and wear protective gear and ride at a speed that is not likley to injure them WHEN they dump it.
Samster, Im very glad you posted this and achknowledged your mistakes so that hopefully others can prevent these scenerios. Thankfully this wasnt as tragic as it could have been.