View Full Version : for anyone who cant get there trike started

01-14-2005, 01:50 AM
upon rebuilding and putting together my 85 200x motor for the 10th time :rolleyes: I discoverd why I couldnt get it to start well. first off let me specify the symptoms. very very hard starting if any, spark plug shows spark when held near cylinder. seems like timing is off and then on and then off again with partial spark in the cylinder. what it was is inside the cdi box theres a magneto that rotates on the cam shaft thats hollow with a slotted end. what happend was the little nipples that go in between the slotted ends where broken off and when there was no compression in the cyilinder(when the plug was oput and held against the cylinder head) it would spark but whehn there was compression it would just freely rotate without spreading the spring loaded lips. ...anyone follow what i mean? took me for ever to see the little things were broken off!!! :Bounce

01-14-2005, 09:39 AM
Make SURE you have all the pieces out of the motor.... !!!!!

that pin can cause a world of damage if it fell into the timing chain cavity and into the bottom of the cases !!!!

consider changing your oil afer running it a short while. and check the mesh filter for anymetal pieces !

01-15-2005, 01:52 PM
yes 185 did that 2ce!! definetly make sure u get that pin out of there!!