View Full Version : need help on a 250es??????

01-13-2005, 11:05 AM
Hi all, just like to start off saying i love this site, it's so cool. Now here's my problem. My dad give me a 1985 honda big red 250es that he got from my step-brother , he said that the motor runs but its been sitting for over a year. This thing needs lots of work like brakes, cables swithes, fenders, and wheel bearings. my main thing is i want to hear the motor run before i spend the money on all these parts. the left hand handlebar switch is completely missing except the headlight hi/low switch is still there and connected. the other wires are just are bare wires. I've messed with it some and have got the start switch and headlight switch figured out. But my main problem is that i have no spark to the spark plug. could this be because something isn't connected at the run switch (kill switch)??? also if thats not it what else could i check??? I also checked and i'm not getting any fire to the coil. Any help would be helpful, this my first three wheeler in about 15 years, and havent' had any experience working on them. once i hear the engine run I am probly going to start a complete restroration on the thing Thank you in advance...

01-13-2005, 12:24 PM
is the keyed ignition still there ?

and if the battery is still in working shape does the neutral light come on ?

01-13-2005, 03:50 PM
Might just need to trace all the wires. Send me a pm with your email address and I will send you a copy of the wiring diagram.

01-16-2005, 03:02 AM
Sorry it took me so long to reply back to you guys, I've been working out of town alot. Yes (bigredhead) I still have the keyed ignition and i do have the neutral light on. (renotrikeguy)I printed out a wiring diagram the other day from the tech page , most of the wires are color coded as the diagram stated but 1 or 2 of them were different, I can't remember which at the moment. Its 2 am and i just come in from work or i would go check to see which was different. If your diagram is different than the one posted I would sure like to get a copy of it. My e-mail address is boogie5184@hotmail.com. If anyone else has any info and would like to e-mail it to mr feel free. I need all the help I can get.

01-16-2005, 01:49 PM
Thanks (jeswinehart) thats the wires i thought went to the kill switch. they are not touching anything. The black wire seems to be a hot wire by my tester. If i touch the black wire and the green wire together they ark and get hot as they are shorting out. Is this normal? I thought that when you turn the kill swith to off that the wired basically took through the switch to kill the engine and stay touched untill you switch it to the run position. Any Idea's?

01-16-2005, 02:23 PM
I don't have a red wire going to that switch a have a yellow w/ red stripe but not a red. the yellow w/red stripe goes to the start button. i know this because its the only one that if you connect it to a hot wire that the starter engages.

01-16-2005, 03:25 PM
the only one i see that goes to the 20 amp fuse goes directly to the keyde switch(ignition switch). then it seems to come outas the green wire on the diagram to the engin ekill switch. One more thing , when i got behind the ingnition switch last week i noticed that the small black wire had come loose from the switch at the connection. I took and spliced it into the bigger black wire (assuming that it didn't matter if a ground was open or closed on the circuit. You know that could very well be the problem, because the black wire at the kill switch is hot, maybe I should break down and go get me a soldering iron and try to put it back on like it is supposed to be .What do you think? And by the way you are a good help, I raelly like that diagram you send the other one i had was black and white and this is in color, thanks.

01-16-2005, 03:51 PM
Thanks alot john, as i was typing a while ago it just came to me about that wire i had spliced together. thanks for the info and the diagram that will help a lot. After a get the motor running i will start posting pics on how my project is going. Thanks again for all of the help!!!

01-16-2005, 05:45 PM
o.k. new question , When to get the ignition key switch off and now noticed that the green wire is also off of its post, now can anyone yell me how they are supposed to go back on . The big black wire and the red wire( on the same side of the switch) are still there. Could some one tell me where the others go. Ex: green on top beside the red wire and the black below across from the other black wire. I think that is how it goes but could someone look and let me know if thats right?