View Full Version : Aircooled, Signs of problems and also 2nd passenger question

01-12-2005, 01:21 PM
As title states. what are signs of problems occuring. so i can fix the problem befpre its to late. ill use it as future reference and anyone else can to on the site.

Also is it ok to carry a 2nd passenger. will it cause problems. etc?

didnt want to make 2 threads so its all in one!

01-12-2005, 02:24 PM
aircooled as in a 250 R.. passangers ... hmmm i would'nt recommend it !

sings of trouble, .. slipping chains, worn bearings... rusted frames. etc...

01-12-2005, 02:40 PM
I wouldnt reccomend 2 people either, Enough power just to handle and leaning for 1 person let alone 2. But it is possible...

01-12-2005, 02:52 PM
but the 250r seems very powerful!
would it be ok to transport a friend on the back. if you take it easy. slow down on turns etc?

Also by problems i meant what sort of things should i listen or look out for?
as if the chain was going to snap or fall off. what do i listen for and look for. i knowto listen for rattles and bangs etc. but more advice can boost my knowlegde!

01-12-2005, 03:01 PM
i dont see whats wrong with takin 2 people, just take it easy, as for problems, i havent heard of many worth mentionin, get a case saver so if your chain snap's it wont take out the cases, you can put a bigger carb on them from an 85' 250r,

01-12-2005, 03:05 PM
will that go straght on. with no problems? will i have to mess with anything or do any tuning? and will it eat gas quicker?

01-12-2005, 03:21 PM
Riding double is much, MUCH, more difficult than riding alone. By the nature of your posts, Im going to guess you dont exactly have years of riding experience, and I think it would be foolish and irresponsible for anyone to suggest riding double is a good idea for you. Inexperience combined with passenger riding has a very high probability of disaster. Throw in a couple of beers, and its almost a certainty, and it becomes one more version of a very common story.

Mr. Sandman
01-12-2005, 03:48 PM
Riding double is much, MUCH, more difficult than riding alone. By the nature of your posts, Im going to guess you dont exactly have years of riding experience, and I think it would be foolish and irresponsible for anyone to suggest riding double is a good idea for you. Inexperience combined with passenger riding has a very high probability of disaster. Throw in a couple of beers, and its almost a certainty, and it becomes one more version of a very common story.

And the story continues to support the CPSC's claim that 3 wheelers are inherently dangerous in their design, etc., etc., etc. Now throw in the idiot factor and you've got the recipe for a trip to the hospital or worse yet the morgue.

01-12-2005, 04:09 PM
Thats right im a newbie. im a ex-quad rider. well ive owned 2 quads. and this is my first trike. ive been involved in both for a few months. since june aroundish.

i have had a partner on the back and yes steering is very heavy and tight. also brakes dont work half as good! EEK! i almost hit a light post!