View Full Version : 1985 200x rear shock, nitrogen??

01-11-2005, 10:22 PM
I have an 85 200x and the rear shock is pritty soft so i wana get it recharged, but what i am wondering do i have to put the correct chemical back into the reservoir or can i just use compressed air or sumthing else, I ask because around here i have found no place that will recharge it for me so I am stuck with doing it myself, and if any of you know any place that sells the nitrogen that i can put into the shock.

01-12-2005, 01:03 AM
I got the same problem with my 85' I donno if you can do it yourself, it says in the manuel that they are charged with nitrogen and that it has to be taken to a shop. what I can tell you is that once you remove the hose from either the shock or the resi its pretty much done for. they also say not to mess with it cause it can cause bodily harm. I remember reading that someone on this board had it sent out by mail somewhere and it cost them around $100 it was just a couple days ago.

01-12-2005, 01:07 AM
Mail it to me.

01-12-2005, 01:13 AM
Can you do this and how much? Gotta find a way to scrape up so cash, might take a couple weeks though.

01-12-2005, 01:29 AM
Yes We use large tanks for airing up are trucks. Let me call a bro in the a.m. I could also run it to the local shop for you .But lets try the free way first I have 3 friends with tanks . Do not try other gas. Nitrogen acts different that oxigen not sure how but I know my friends use it in the tanks caus you can get 1600 lbs in a tank and much less air in the same tank so mybe it compreses different.

01-12-2005, 09:36 AM
Air will not work in these shocks. I read in the manual once where there is around 298psi ( I think ) in the shocks. Even if air would work ( but it won't ) No regular air compressor pumps up that much pressure.

01-12-2005, 09:18 PM
thanks howdy for the responce that i wanted to hear, now i know that it wont work ith air I will just have to keep searchin for a place that i can bring my 200x in to get the shock recharged,I realy dont wana take the shock off i just wana bring the whole trike in and sorta show it off in a way.:D

01-12-2005, 10:42 PM
So if you dont want to take it off you will need to find a shop. Both cycle shops by me do it on the bike .SO.CAL Air gas ? I dont know whats neer you so cant help.Its so easy hear.Go to harbor frieght web site. Get a tank and reg.Run up to local welding supply and get (2,000.lbs. nitrogen.) over the counter and your good , can fill your shock and everybody you know. Like I said I have three friends who have them for airing down and up in the sand.(95% of new cars are useing it in their tires)
I called for you today Oh well you find it concrete co. use it in trucks or pumps I think.

01-12-2005, 11:05 PM
just take it to a paintball shop, they can fill it.. i had my shock filled with nitrogen 290 lbs of it, for 3.50ish..


84honda 200X
01-12-2005, 11:15 PM
Hotrod have you talked to a snowmobile place the fixes sleds they should have some sorta tank expecially up here i found a guy to do it for me but i havent gotten around to gettin it to him or calling.

01-13-2005, 12:54 AM
Air works fine but contamintes the oil. If it no longer has nitrogen in it, it got out somehow, which means air probably got in somehow. Once your shock has lost the nitrogen, it needs serviced, with oil and seals replaced. Air is 85% nitrogen. Nitrogen is air, minus those other elements that contaminate oil, mainly hydrogen and oxygen. To look for nitrogen to recharge a shock that most likely has contaminated oil is probably a waste of time, and offers no benefit over compressed air at this point.

01-13-2005, 01:15 AM
Hey Hotrod i dont mean to butt in on your post like this but is it expensive to rebuild a shock. meaning replacing the seals and whatever else. is it possible being 20 years old that the spring itself is just worn out

Mr. Sandman
01-13-2005, 12:09 PM
Nitrogen is used because it's dryer than air, does not hold moisture like air, and pressure-wise is more stable and will not fluctuate with temperature changes (that's why duners use it in their tires).

If the shock lost it's charge, it will need to be rebuilt. Call some of your local bike shops to see who they send their shocks out to. Shops that service race bikes would be the best bet. If they can't help, do a search on the net for shock rebuilding, there's a ton of places out there and the cost is not that high, it should only be $50-$100 max.

01-13-2005, 09:13 PM
well guys i found out when i was reading my manual on the 200x that there is 2 adjustments on the shock to get it softer and harder, so all i had to do is just loosen the lock nut and then tighten the big nut on the top of the shock till the desired riding comfort was acheived then i whent and adjusted the little plastic dial on the very bottom of the shock, until i got it just the way i like it.

01-13-2005, 11:49 PM
u were able to adjust the giant spanner nuts on top of the shock :eek: :eek: :eek: ??? out of 3 shocks, i was able to FINALLY loosen 1. The others were all frozen in place. i guess i'll try tightening mine down, but i think mine needs a re-charge i'm guessing since it's 20 years old. what seals and crap are you talking about need replacing?

01-14-2005, 08:53 AM
kilabreeze0 yes i just tightened the huge nut (spanner) on the very top of the shock, then when i got that adjusted to where i want it then i tightened down the lock nut for that nut, then i whent to the very bottom of the shock (its hiding inbetween the swinger where the shock mounted on at) and there was a small plastic dial with the numbers 1-4 on and 1 at the softest and 4 at the hardest so then i set it at the 4 mark, i got it just the way i like it now, and i am not replacing any seals at all on the shock either.